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Prior research has found that (a) intercollegiate athletes are especially “at-risk” for excessive alcohol consumption (e.g., Nelson & Wechsler, 2001 Nelson, T. F. and Wechsler, H. 2001. Alcohol and college athletes. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 33: 4347. [INFOTRIEVE][CSA][CROSSREF][Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), and (b) sport-type differences exist among college athletes in terms of yearly drinking prevalence rates (National Collegiate Athletic Association, 2001 National Collegiate Athletic Association. 2001. NCAA study of substance use habits of college student-athletes, Indianapolis, IN: Author.  [Google Scholar]). No studies, however, have examined sport-type differences on more specific measures of alcohol consumption (e.g., drinks per week), or examined potential mediators of the relationship between sport type and alcohol consumption. In the present study, data were analyzed on 298 intercollegiate athletes from two different universities. Resuls indicated significant sport type differences on alcohol consumption variables, with athletes from the sports of swimming and diving reporting the highest levels of alcohol consumption. Results provided partial support for the role of positively reinforcing drinking motives in mediating the sport type–alcohol consumption relationship. Findings are discussed in light of prior research in the area of college student–athlete alcohol consumption.  相似文献   
Noncontingent reinforcement (NCR) can be described as time-based or response-independent delivery of stimuli with known reinforcing properties. Previous research has shown NCR to reduce problem behavior in individuals with developmental disabilities and to interfere with the acquisition of more desired alternative behavior. To date, however, little research has examined the effects of NCR on children’s academic performance. The present study examined the effects of NCR on the completion of math computation worksheets by 3 students in an elementary school setting. An ABCB reversal design was used to compare an NCR schedule in combination with contingent reinforcement to contingent reinforcement alone. Results showed that digits correct per session decreased to baseline levels for all 3 students during implementation of the NCR plus contingent reinforcement condition. Implications of these results for the reductive effects of NCR are discussed.  相似文献   
We examined the generalized effects of training children to fluently blend phonemes of words containing target vowel teams on their reading of trained and untrained words in lists and passages. Three second-grade students participated. A subset of words containing each of 3 target vowel teams (aw, oi, and au) was trained in lists, and generalization was assessed to untrained words in lists, trained and untrained words in target passages, and novel words in generalization passages. A multiple probe design across vowel teams revealed generalized increases in oral reading accuracy for target words presented in both lists and passages for all 3 students on 2 vowel teams and for 1 student on all 3 vowel teams. Generalized increases in oral reading fluency in both lists and passages were found for all 3 students on the vowel team that was trained to a fluency criterion, with two students showing increases prior to training on the other two vowel teams. Implications of these results for building fluency in prerequisite phonemic awareness skills as an intervention for promoting generalized oral reading fluency are discussed.  相似文献   

This note introduces papers presented at a 2007 conference in memory of Peter Strawson and published in this issue.  相似文献   
Veterans from the conflicts in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom; OEF) and Iraq (Operation Iraqi Freedom; OIF) have reported elevated rates of alcohol consumption, and greater depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms are associated with increased alcohol use. Presence of a spouse/partner, which has been associated with reduced drinking, may buffer the relationship between mental health symptoms and alcohol consumption. To examine this hypothesis, the current study utilized baseline survey data from OEF/OIF veterans (N = 325) enrolled in a brief alcohol intervention. Spouse/partner presence moderated the relationship between depression symptoms and alcohol consumption such that depression was positively associated with drinking for veterans without a spouse/partner. Exploratory analyses indicated that the relationship between depression and alcohol use may be particularly salient for veterans without a spouse/partner and a lower number of deployments. Spouse/partner presence did not moderate the relationship between PTSD symptoms and alcohol consumption. Implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   
While hemispheric differences in global/local processing have been reported by various studies, it is still under dispute at which processing stage they occur. Primarily, it was assumed that these asymmetries originate from an early perceptual stage. Instead, the content-level binding theory (Hübner & Volberg, 2005) suggests that the hemispheres differ at a later stage at which the stimulus information is bound to its respective level. The present study tested this assumption by means of steady-state evoked potentials (SSVEPs). In particular, we presented hierarchical letters flickering at 12 Hz while participants categorised the letters at a pre- cued level (global or local). The information at the two levels could be congruent or incongruent with respect to the required response. Since content-binding is only necessary if there is a response conflict, asymmetric hemispheric processing should be observed only for incongruent stimuli. Indeed, our results show that the cue and congruent stimuli elicited equal SSVEP global/local effects in both hemispheres. In contrast, incongruent stimuli elicited lower SSVEP amplitudes for a local than for a global target level at left posterior electrodes, whereas a reversed pattern was seen at right hemispheric electrodes. These findings provide further evidence for a level-specific hemispheric advantage with respect to content-level binding. Moreover, the fact that the SSVEP is sensitive to these processes offers the possibility to separately track global and local processing by presenting both level contents with different frequencies.  相似文献   
The Semantic Procedural Interface Model of the Self (SPI) suggests that, depending on the strength of the situational accessibility of independent or interdependent self-knowledge, people will tend to process stimuli either unaffected by context (context-independency) or cognizant of context (context-dependency). In this paper we describe the cognitive processes underlying context-independent or context-dependent information processing. We suggest that degree of context-dependency depends on cognitive control processes (attentional focus on focal or task-relevant information; inhibition of contextual or task-irrelevant information; task-management). Second, we predict motivational effects of the self's independence/interdependence by including assumptions about possible selves.  相似文献   
This research examines adult age differences in source monitoring for literary texts. Source monitoring refers to processes that lead to attributions regarding the source or origin of information (Johnson, Hashtroudi, & Lindsay, 1993). Young and older adults read a literary play (Experiment 1) or short story (Experiment 2). In a later source-monitoring test, participants decided whether statements originated from Character A, Character B, Character C, or none of them. Recognition memory for statements was lower for older adults. Age differences in source monitoring were also consistently observed in both experiments, suggesting that older adults are impaired in everyday source-monitoring tasks that involve written discourse.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Transaktionsanalyse (Berne 1958) sollte vom ursprünglichen Konzept her dazu dienen, personale Strukturen und psychodynamische Prozesse auch dem Laien verstehbar und nutzbar zu machen. Obwohl dieser Anspruch bei manchen Autoren zu Oberfl?chlichkeit und „happy-go-lucky” Sicht verw?sserte, zeigt die vor allem unter europ?ischen Transaktionsanalytikern übliche Rückbesinnung auf die ursprünglichen Inhalte den Umfang klinischer Relevanz der Konzepte für Verst?ndnis und Behandlung der verschiedensten St?rungen. Dies anhand einer sog. frühen St?rung, dem Borderlinesyndrom, aufzuzeigen, ist Anliegen des vorliegenden Beitrags. Das Strukturmodell der Ich-Zust?nde dient dabei als Beschreibungsansatz für die Borderlinestruktur, Bezugsrahmen und Skript als Muster für die Entstehung und Aufrechterhaltung der Pathologie, Transaktionen, Spiele, Symbiosen und Passivit?t als Merkmale stabiler Instabilit?t der Beziehungen und Abwertungen und Grandiosit?ten als Beispiele für Abwehrmuster. Es folgen praxisorientierte überlegungen und Hinweise zum therapeutischen Vertrag als Grundlage des Arbeitsbündnisses, zu Methoden der Ent?ngstigung im Therapieproze?, zu Begegnung und Beziehung als Substrat für korrigierende Erfahrungen, heilendes Klima und Entdramatisierung des realen Geschehens. Die Ausführungen enden mit transaktionsanalytischen überlegungen zu übertragung, Gegenübertragung und dem Umgang mit Regressionsprozessen.   相似文献   
Hypotheses about the preference for opponents in competitive situations, about performance under various win-loss ratios, and about task and opponent satisfaction under various win-loss ratios were tested. A 5 × 5 latin square with four replications and a repeated measure factor of trials was the design used with 20 female college students as subjects. The five different win percents were W10, W30, W50, W70, and W90. A manipulative maze task was used with subjects receiving 20 trials against each of five confederate opponents. Results indicated that (a) when a person knows little or nothing about her ability level she initially prefers to compete with opponents of low ability but with each subsequent contest opponents of higher ability levels are preferred; (b) subjects performed better in the W50 condition; (c) task satisfaction is higher when the percent of wins is equal to or greater than the percent of losses; and (d) opponent satisfaction is greater for opponents who perform equal to or better than the subject.  相似文献   
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