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Zusammenfassung Präventions- und Interventionsansätze in der frühen Kindheit messen der Beziehung zwischen Eltern und Kind entscheidende Bedeutung bei. Forschungsbefunde, insbesondere aus der Bindungstheorie, belegen einen Zusammenhang zwischen früher Bindungsunsicherheit oder Störungen in der Eltern-Kind-Interaktion und späteren Verhaltensproblemen beim Kind. Dabei gilt frühe (hoch-) unsichere Bindung dann als Risikofaktor, wenn sie in Kumulation und in Wechselwirkung mit anderen psychosozialen Risiken auftritt. Diese Befunde, ebenso wie jüngere Forschungsergebnisse über die Bedeutung sensibler Perioden in der Gehirnentwicklung, sprechen für die Notwendigkeit beziehungsorientierter und früher Intervention, besonders in Familien mit psychosozialen Risiken. Dabei wird frühe und präventive Intervention in Anlehnung an Stern als ein klinisches Feld mit qualitativ neuen Anforderungen diskutiert. Diese lassen sich aus den Besonderheiten der Entwicklungspsycho(patho)logie der frühen Kindheit ableiten. Es werden beispielhaft Interventionsansätze vorgestellt, die den Prinzipien von theoretischer Konzeptualisierung und Wirksamkeitsüberprüfung entsprechen, wie sie in Leitlinien für präventive Intervention gefordert werden. Aspekte der nachhaltigen Einbindung präventiver Interventionsansätze in bestehende Hilfesysteme werden abschließend diskutiert.  相似文献   
Kenneth W. Kemp 《Zygon》2019,54(4):932-953
Between 1924 and 1937, the Jesuit Curia in Rome repeatedly placed restrictions on what Jesuit priest‐paleontologist Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was allowed to write on those aspects of human origins that, in the view of the Curia, had theological as well as scientific aspects. In 2018, David Grumett and Paul Bentley published an account of the first of those restrictions, together with a previously undiscovered document associated with that restriction. This article corrects a relatively important error in their historical narrative, offers an alternative to their comments about the case, and concludes by embedding the events of 1924–1925 in a slightly larger history of Teilhard's relations with the Jesuit Curia and with the Holy Office. That larger narrative shows that, while Grumett and Bentley's account was mistaken about the involvement of the Holy Office in the case they discuss, it was not wrong about the concerns of that Congregation in questions of human origins.  相似文献   
Different intuitive theories constrain and guide inferences in different contexts. Formalizing simple intuitive theories as probabilistic processes operating over structured representations, we present a new computational model of category-based induction about causally transmitted properties. A first experiment demonstrates undergraduates’ context-sensitive use of taxonomic and food web knowledge to guide reasoning about causal transmission and shows good qualitative agreement between model predictions and human inferences. A second experiment demonstrates strong quantitative and qualitative fits to inferences about a more complex artificial food web. A third experiment investigates human reasoning about complex novel food webs where species have known taxonomic relations. Results demonstrate a double-dissociation between the predictions of our causal model and a related taxonomic model [Kemp, C., & Tenenbaum, J. B. (2003). Learning domain structures. In Proceedings of the 25th annual conference of the cognitive science society]: the causal model predicts human inferences about diseases but not genes, while the taxonomic model predicts human inferences about genes but not diseases. We contrast our framework with previous models of category-based induction and previous formal instantiations of intuitive theories, and outline challenges in developing a complete model of context-sensitive reasoning.  相似文献   
This study investigates the influence of stereotypical information and the grammatical masculine on the representation of gender in Norwegian by applying a sentence evaluation paradigm. In this study participants had to decide whether a second sentence containing explicit information about the gender of one of more of the characters (e.g. . . . one of the women . . . ) was a sensible continuation of a first sentence introducing a role name (e.g. The spies came out . . . ). Participants' representations were biased by the stereotypicality of the role names when reading female (e.g. nurses) and male (e.g. pilots) stereotyped role names (replicating findings from the English sample in a previous publication), but male biased when reading neutral role names (replicating findings from the French and the German samples in a previous publication).  相似文献   
Changes in coronary risk factors, health behaviours, and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) were examined by tertiles of social support group attendance in 440 patients (21% females) with coronary artery disease. All patients participated in the Multicenter Lifestyle Demonstration Project (MLDP; eight hospital sites in the USA), an insurance-covered multi-component cardiac prevention program including dietary changes, stress management, exercise and group support for 1 year. Significant improvements in coronary risk factors, health behaviours, and HRQOL were noted at 1 year. Several of these improvements (i.e. systolic blood pressure, health behaviours, HRQOL) were related to social support group attendance, favoring those who attended more sessions. The associations between support group attendance to systolic blood pressure and to four HRQOL subscales (bodily pain, social functioning, mental health, and the mental health summary score) remained significant when controlling for changes in health behaviours, but dropped to a non-significant level for the HRQOL subscales 'physical functioning', 'general health' and 'role-emotional'. These results suggest an independent relationship of social support group attendance to systolic blood pressure while improvements in quality of life may be in part due to improved health behaviours facilitated by increased social support group attendance.  相似文献   
Eine ursprünglich aus Freundschaft und kultureller N?he begonnene Zusammenarbeit endete in einer j?hen Eskalation mit lebensgef?hrlichen Verletzungen. Drei unmittelbar als Opfer und T?ter in die Tat verwickelte Beteiligte zeigten - neben ihrer Zugeh?rigkeit zur gleichen Volksgruppe - auch ?hnlichkeiten in ihren Biografien. Famili?rer Zusammenhalt und ein damit einhergehender enger Familienbund sowie typische Repressalien w?hrend des Aufwachsens werden in der Anamnese dieses spannenden Falles berücksichtig. Wie die Gutachten erstellt und das Gericht entschieden hat, lesen Sie hier.  相似文献   
A list of role names for future use in research on gender stereotyping was created and evaluated. In two studies, 126 role names were rated with reference to their gender stereotypicality by English-, French-, and German-speaking students of universities in Switzerland (French and German) and in the U.K. (English). Role names were either presented in specific feminine and masculine forms (Study 1) or in the masculine form (generic masculine) only (Study 2). The rankings of the stereotypicality ratings were highly reliable across languages and questionnaire versions, but the overall mean of the ratings was less strongly male if participants were also presented with the female versions of the role names and if the latter were presented on the left side of the questionnaires.  相似文献   
Studies of collective memory have traditionally been the domain of philosophers and sociologists, while cognitive psychologists have largely investigated memory at the level of the individual. However, within cognitive psychology there is a variety of psychological theories and experimental paradigms that have been used to study the process and outcomes of remembering in groups. In this paper we review the research on group remembering and draw together findings from different traditions. In doing so, we aim to answer a series of questions about the outcomes and consequences of recalling in groups, and the particular features of groups and of memories that may be conducive to the formation of a collective memory. In clarifying what we know and what is yet to be studied about group memory, we point the way forward for a cognitive psychological study of collective memory.  相似文献   
A meta‐analysis into the operational validity of general mental ability (GMA) measures in Germany is presented. The meta‐analysis addresses the question whether findings of US and European meta‐analyses are generalizable to Germany given the differences in the education systems of these countries. The high level of differentiation in the German educational system is expected to enhance the homogeneity of applicant pools resulting in a low level of variability in predictor scores which reduces the observed GMA–performance relationships. Our analysis is based on 54 independent German articles and unpublished reports. Results indicated an operational validity of ρ=.467 for training success (k=90; N=11,969) and ρ=.534 for job performance (k=9; N=746). Moderator analyses showed that job complexity and the year of publication are relevant moderator variables, with lower job complexity levels and older studies being associated with higher operational validities. Findings suggest that overall German operational validities are comparable with findings in the United States or other European countries. However, for training success operational GMA validities are slightly lower in Germany compared with US or European meta‐analyses.  相似文献   
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