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Adult humans (Homo sapiens) and pigeons (Columba livia) were trained to discriminate artificial categories that the authors created by mimicking 2 properties of natural categories. One was a family resemblance relationship: The highly variable exemplars, including those that did not have features in common, were structured by a similarity network with the features correlating to one another in each category. The other was a polymorphous rule: No single feature was essential for distinguishing the categories, and all the features overlapped between the categories. Pigeons learned the categories with ease and then showed a prototype effect in accord with the degrees of family resemblance for novel stimuli. Some evidence was also observed for interactive effects of learning of individual exemplars and feature frequencies. Humans had difficulty in learning the categories. The participants who learned the categories generally responded to novel stimuli in an all-or-none fashion on the basis of their acquired classification decision rules. The processes that underlie the classification performances of the 2 species are discussed.  相似文献   
The present study described development of a Japanese version of the Emotional Skills and Competence Questionnaire and examined the relations of scores with those on Big Five scales of personality and self-esteem scales. The participants were 615 undergraduates. Factor analysis led to the shortened version of 24 items in three subscales. Although Cronbach alphas were low for the subscale, Manage and Regulate Emotion, values were satisfactory for the other two subscales, Express and Label Emotion and Perceive and Understand Emotion. Total scores of this version were positively correlated with score for self-esteem, Extraversion, and Openness but negatively correlated with scores on Neuroticism. This shorter Japanese versions shows suitable internal consistency and content validity, but other reliabilities and validities must be examined precisely.  相似文献   
This study compared Japanese and Thai younger adults' intra‐ and intergenerational communication. Both groups linearly increased communicative respect and avoidance, beliefs about politeness, and deference norms as interlocutors got older (from young to middle‐aged to older adult). Cross‐culturally, the Thais reported more respectful communication to younger adults than did the Japanese, while the Japanese were more likely to be avoidant of communication with middle‐aged adults. Both politeness and deference norms were more strongly endorsed by the Thais than Japanese. Via regression analysis, the deference norm positively predicted respectful communication to middle‐aged and older adults in Japan, and for young and middle‐aged targets in Thailand. Avoidant communication was found to negatively predict conversational enjoyment and satisfaction in both countries.  相似文献   
The perception of local orientation from shaded images was examined. In Experiment 1, subjects viewed a boundaryless Gaussian hill and judged local orientation using both a gauge figure and a pointing method. One subject reported an internally consistent surface which was incompatible with the judged light-source direction and model used to generate the image. The remaining subjects reported a surface similar to the generating one, and analysis of their results indicated a contour of zero difference between response and generating slants. This contour of zero slant difference was explored in three subsequent experiments using the pointing technique. These experiments investigated possible influences of luminance artifact (Experiment 2), perception of global orientation (Experiment 3), and self-occluding contours (Experiment 4). All three of these experiments yielded results similar to those of Experiment 1, with distinct contours of zero slant difference. This contour was explored for relationships with the simulated slant of the generating surface and the differential structure of image intensity. This analysis indicated that the contour of zero slant difference was approximately a line of constant slant which shared large regions of adjacency to the zero crossings of the second directional derivative of image intensity.  相似文献   
We examined the influence of the temporal phase of flickering stimuli on perceptual organization. When two regions of a uniform random-dot field are flickered in temporal alternation with the same flicker rate, one of the regions appears to lie in front of the other. Within the range of temporal frequencies used in the present experiments, depth perception was maximal between 5 and 31.3 Hz. Which region of the two is perceived as lying in front is different from person to person and sometimes fluctuates within the same subject, but when two regions are of different sizes, the smaller region tends to be perceived in front for longer than the larger region. The depth segregation was not due to a luminance difference, because the average temporal luminance of the regions was kept equal. Strikingly, the illusory depth segregation is perceived even between two adjacent regions whose densities of dots, sizes, shapes, and flicker rates are identical. This result suggests that a difference of temporal phase between two flickering regions is crucial for this new depth perception.  相似文献   
This research investigated how a minority member sacrificing his/her personal benefits to protect the environment might influence the attitudes and behavior of others. The experiment, using a sea pollution game, employed a 2(minority factor)×2(cost factor) factorial design. Under the high-cost condition, in which an ecological minority bears the substantial cost it was hypothesized that the rate of subjects' pro-environmental behavior would be higher in the one-minority case than in the no-minority case. In contrast, under the low-cost condition, the differences between these two cases would decrease. The results supported this assumption. In prompting pro-environmental behavior, a self-sacrification minority member is more influential than one whose behavior is not self-sacrificing. Moreover, under the one-minority condition, path analyses indicated that the subjects' cost evaluation did not affect their behavior. It was concluded that when the subjects saw an ecological minority, the inhibiting effects of cost on their pro-environmental behavior would decrease.  相似文献   
Most psychological phenomena are intrinsically culture bound. Psychological theories developed in one culture may not automatically be generalizable to the behavior of the people of another culture. The psychology as a science primarily developed in Europe and America, based on the behavioral data of Western people studied by the psychologists grew in the Western culture. This obviously limits the applicability of psychology as it is to developing countries. This does not mean, however, that there should be as many psychologies as there are cultures. More generally valid psychology will emerge by identifying what is culturally specific in the main stream psychology and adopting new concepts of general applicability from other cultures. In the article below, stages of interaction between Western psychology and indigenous thought are described based on the history of psychology in Japan.  相似文献   
Using an artificial linguistic system an attempt was made: (1) to estimate the relative opacity between a meaning-form correspondence which would not interfere with the acquisition of a linguistic system and (2) to determine the relative effectiveness of word order and grammatical markers as syntactic indicators of semantic relations in less transparent input conditions. The results showed that syntax was induced even under 25% opaque conditions and that word order exhibited a slight tendency to be more effective than grammatical markers. Discussion emphasized the minimum amount of structural invariance necessary for a meaning-form mapping under opaque input conditions.  相似文献   
In order to identify the role of language in extracting a particular referential property which was involved in a reference situation but which was not expressed as relevant, in the linguistic structure of the subjects' native language, three experiments were performed. Forty subjects were exposed to the same referential situations but to different linguistic structures, each encoding a particular referential property that was, relevant. Miniature artificial languages were used. The referential properties examined were prototypical transitivity as defined by Slobin (1980) and plurality. The results showed that prototypical transitivity was extracted more readily than plurality, even though the subjects were more familiar with the latter property. The discussion emphasized how language serves to promote, the extraction and encoding of linguistically relevant properties that underlie referential situations.Deep gratitude is due to Prof. D. D. Steinberg for his cogent and critical reading of the earlier version of the paper.  相似文献   
Two outlined geometric figures, an equilateral triangle and a circle, of equal contour length, were randomly presented at a fixed position in the lower or upper part of the visual field (LVF and UVF). Transient visual evoked potentials (VEPs) were recorded monopolarly from the inion (I), 5, 10, 15 cm above it (I5, I10, I15) and Fz, for 12 subjects. Grand-averaged VEPs were computed. A negative (N) wave (averaged peak latency 155 ms) was identified in the LVF and a positive (P) wave (130 ms) in the UVF. In the LVF, the N amplitude of the triangle was significantly larger than that of the circle at I5 and I. Regarding the P wave in the UVF, the triangle was of a significantly longer latency than the circle at I15, I10 and I5. The enhancement of the N amplitude for the triangle in the LVF is not attributable to the arousal caused by the preparatory state for the figure, since the subject could not predict the figure to be presented next or its position.  相似文献   
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