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对于女性盆腔脏器脱垂的手术治疗,传统的手术方式包括阴道封闭术、曼氏手术和阴式全子宫切除术.阴道封闭术操作相对简单,适用于无性生活要求的、合并症较多的年老体弱者,但术后可能存在新发压力性尿失禁,并且导致性功能障碍,术中是否切除子宫尚有争议.曼氏手术保留子宫、操作简单,但术后脱垂复发及妊娠后宫颈机能不全问题仍有待研究.阴式全子宫切除术对于POP-Q评分II期及以内的脱垂患者,治疗效果最佳,期别高的患者术后复发仍可使用保守或再次手术治疗补救,本手术方式术后较少出现性交痛.总而言之,选择适当的适应证并积极与患者沟通后,女性盆腔脏器脱垂的传统手术治疗仍为不错的治疗方式.  相似文献   
《医学与语言》是邱鸿钟教授集20余年心血完成的一部对“医学的历史、主体文本和临床的语言观”进行系统研究的学术专著,是一部具有一定理论深度和强烈实践精神的原创性论著.《医学与语言》开辟了医学人文研究的新领域;拓展了医学人文研究的新视野;提升了理论服务社会的新境界.  相似文献   
Although there is a great need for substance abuse services among the homeless, many homeless individuals do not use those services. This study examined barriers and supports related to service use. Participants recognized a need for treatment and significant barriers to accessing care.  相似文献   

El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión y reflexión en la investigación y teorías que se basan en informes verbales. Reflexionar sobre el valor introspectivo de los informes verbales con respecto a las funciones del procesamiento. Todo esto desde la actual psicología cognitiva. Para ello se revisan todas aquellas investigaciones que se plantean el papel de la conciencia en el proceso y como producto del pensamiento humano, a través de una comunicación externa.  相似文献   

Sierra y Froufe cuestionan un trabajo anterior sobre la utilidad de representaciones gráficas en la solución de problemas mediante razonamiento analógico y presentan un análisis detallado de algunos procesos fundamentales en esta clase de pensamiento. Empiezan por describir los experimentos llevados a cabo por Gick y Holyoak (1983) y discutir algunas de sus conclusiones, ofreciendo interpretaciones alternativas. A continuación exponen cómo se explica la inducción de un esquema a partir del establecimiento de una analogía y, en segundo lugar, comparan los diagramas utilizados por Gick y Holyoak con los obtenidos en un trabajo de uno de los autores (Sierra, 1985) tomando como marco de referencia la exposición acerca de la inducción de esquemas. Finalmente se concluye que, en parte, los sujetos del experimento anterior no recurrían al diagrama porque, al ser incompleto, no les permitía solucionar el problema, sugiriendo que un sistema representacional basado enteramente en las proposiciones resulta insuficiente y que la imagen mental del dibujo juega una función cognitiva en la solución.  相似文献   
Emotion scientists often distinguish those emotions that are encountered universally, even among animals ( “primary emotions”), from those experienced by human beings ( “secondary emotions”). No attempt, however, has ever been made to capture the lay conception about this distinction and to find the criteria on which the distinction is based. The first study presented in this paper was conducted in three countries involving four languages, so as to allow for cross‐cultural comparisons. Results showed a remarkable convergence. People from all samples not only differentiated between “uniquely human” and “non‐uniquely human” emotions on a continuum, but they did so on the same basis as the one used by emotion scientists to distinguish between “primary” and “secondary” emotions. Study 2 focused on the implicit use of such a distinction. When confronted with a human (animal) context, participants reacted faster to secondary (vs primary) emotions. The implications of the human uniqueness of some emotions within the social and interpersonal contexts are discussed.  相似文献   
内隐理论是外行人对社会世界中人与事的朴素解释。人们对社会分类(种族、宗教、性别、职业等)属性的理解, 影响着个体对群体信息的加工、判断和反应, 能显著地预测群体过程(如刻板印象、偏见、歧视等), 并调节着社会认同的心理效应, 这弥补了社会认同过程中对个体差异的考虑, 对社会认同理论的发展具有重要贡献。实证研究表明:在改善和促进群体关系的实践中, 可以将外行人的内隐理论作为一个中介, 以此减少刻板印象和偏见, 培育良好的群体关系。未来研究中, 需要进一步整合内隐理论的概念, 采取一些纵向的研究为实践提供科学的指导。  相似文献   
This study analyzed the relationship between terrorist threat and discrimination, operationalized by support for retributive justice against Islamic groups suspect of terrorist crimes. Two experimental studies were performed. Study 1 (N = 215) showed that the terrorist threat against the ingroup raises the support for the retributive procedures through the dehumanization of the outgroup. Study 2 (N = 304) analyzed how the mediating role of dehumanization in the relationship between terrorist threat and support for retributive justice is moderated by right‐wing authoritarianism (RWA). In addition, the study aimed to verify if the dehumanization of outgroup and RWA could explain the relationship between terrorist threat and discrimination of Muslim immigrants. The results indicated that adherence to RWA favors dehumanization of the outgroup and, consecutively, the discrimination, operationalized as support for the use of retributive justice. The adherence to RWA has been identified as the mechanism that explains the discrimination against Muslim immigrants.  相似文献   
We aimed to extend research on dispositions toward ridicule and being laughed at by testing the localization of the fear of (gelotophobia) and the joy in (gelotophilia) being laughed at, and the joy in laughing at others (katagelasticism) in the HEXACO model and the Dark Triad traits (both have not been examined so far). Study 1 (HEXACO model: = 216) showed that gelotophobia was related to low extraversion, high emotionality, and low honesty‐humility; gelotophilia to high extraversion and high openness to experience; and katagelasticism to low agreeableness and low honesty‐humility. These results were similar to prior findings based on the Five‐Factor model, and supported the notion that the honesty‐humility trait contributes to the prediction of individual differences in gelotophobia and katagelasticism. Study 2 (Dark Triad: = 204) showed that gelotophobia was related to high Machiavellianism and low narcissism; gelotophilia to high narcissism; and katagelasticism to high psychopathy and high Machiavellianism. These data helped to clarify our findings on the honesty‐humility trait, showing that gelotophobes and katagelasticists differ in their socially aversive characteristics. Overall, this research provides empirical evidence that dark (but subclinical) traits can be seen as relevant personality predictors of how people deal with laughter and ridicule.  相似文献   
This study investigates the relationship between political consumerism and core political values (CPVs) among university students in Brazil (N = 414) and Germany (N = 222). Despite the prerequisite to endorse values that are compatible with political consumerism, contextual features of one's immediate environment might affect overall levels of political consumerism. Our results show that political consumerism is significantly associated with higher income in Brazil (but not in Germany). After controlling for income, political consumerism was practised more frequently in Germany than in Brazil, in urban compared with rural areas, and was not dependent on gender. The urban–rural split was stronger in Brazil than in Germany. These results confirm our hypothesis that contextual features are associated with political consumerism. Furthermore, the political value Equality positively predicted political consumerism in both countries. In contrast, Traditional Morality and support of Free Enterprise negatively predicted political consumerism, although the effect sizes of these relationships were only small. These results suggest that political consumerism among university students is widespread in Germany but not in Brazil. Interestingly, regardless of its low prevalence in Brazil, political consumerism is positively associated with the CPV of Equality among university students in both countries.  相似文献   
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