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In a previous paper we had reported on the examination of comparisons of 18 metaanalyses of active treatments with each other (Luborsky, Rosenthal, Diguer, et al., 2001). These metaanalyses gave a small and nonsignificant mean level of difference between types of treatments. The smallness of this correlation confirms Rosenzweig's (1936) expectation that because of the large overlap in effective ingredients of different psychotherapies, comparative studies of psychotherapies would show little difference. Such a comparison that includes psychoanalyses seems a long way off, but if outcomes of psychoanalyses are defined similarly to those in the other psychotherapies, the expected differences in outcomes may also be small.  相似文献   
In list-method directed forgetting, people's ability to forget one of the sets of learned material is examined. Research shows that memory for to-be-forgotten items is impaired when assessed by a recall test and by recognition tests reliant on recollective processes. Retrieval inhibition and context-change mechanisms have been proposed to account for the directed forgetting effects and both of them account for the results obtained with recognition tests. However, the context change account makes a specific prediction that recollection is impaired by directed forgetting only if it makes use of contextual associations. In the present study, directed forgetting was examined with two types of recollection-based tasks making use of different types of associations, namely a list discrimination task utilising contextual associations and an associative recognition task utilising interitem associations. Consistent with the context change account, the costs of directed forgetting were observed in a list discrimination task and were not observed in an associative recognition task. The results indicate that impairment in recollection due to directed forgetting is not general and provide converging evidence to support the context-change account.  相似文献   
Understanding the function of the distinct amygdaloid nuclei in learning comprises a major challenge. In the two studies described herein, we used c-Fos immunolabeling to compare the engagement of various nuclei of the amygdala in appetitive and aversive instrumental training procedures. In the first experiment, rats that had already acquired a bar-pressing response to a partial food reinforcement were further trained to learn that an acoustic stimulus signaled either continuous food reinforcement (appetitive training) or a footshock (aversive training). The first training session of the presentation of the acoustic stimulus resulted in significant increases of c-Fos immunolabeling throughout the amygdala; however, the pattern of activation of the nuclei of the amygdala differed according to the valence of motivation. The medial part of the central amygdala (CE) responded, surprisingly, to the appetitive conditioning selectively. The second experiment was designed to extend the aversive versus appetitive conditioning to mice, trained either for place preference or place avoidance in an automated learning system (INTELLICAGE). Again, much more intense c-Fos expression was observed in the medial part of the CE after the appetitive training as compared to the aversive training. These data, obtained in two species and by means of novel experimental approaches balancing appetitive versus aversive conditioning, support the hypothesis that the central nucleus of the amygdala is particularly involved in appetitively motivated learning processes.  相似文献   
This study aimed to evaluate the preliminary psychometric properties of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) in a community sample of adults living with a spinal cord injury (SCI). A cross-sectional design was used with 963 people living in the community with an SCI. Participants were recruited via three spinal centres in the United Kingdom. They completed the HADS and the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire. Psychometric analyses were conducted for the whole sample, by gender and level of injury. The HADS demonstrated good internal consistency, with promising content validity. Two factors, approximating to anxiety and depression were extracted via factor analysis for the whole sample, by gender and level of injury. In line with existing literature, females scored significantly higher than males on the anxiety subscale. Item 7 ("I can sit at ease and feel relaxed") was found to be a complex item, with a potentially different meaning within this population. This study presents preliminary findings, which support the psychometric integrity of the HADS within an outpatient population with SCI. Items that included potential somatic components revealed a more complex factor loading profile. Recommendations are made to further investigate this measure with amendments to such items, incorporating inpatients and independent measures of anxiety and depression to address validity directly.  相似文献   
The Dutch Bermond–Vorst Alexithymia Questionnaire (BVAQ) is translated into various languages. The aim of this research was to establish the factor structure of subscales on seven cultural groups. The BVAQ consists of five subscales of eight items each: Emotionalising, Fantasising, Analysing, Identifying, and Verbalising emotions. The BVAQ was administered to a group of Dutch students (n=375), a group of English students (n=175), a group of Australian students, university employees and visitors (n=216), a group of French speaking Belgian students (n=175), a group of Italian people (n=791; a mix of various clinical groups), a group of Polish people (n=427; also a mix of various clinical groups) and a group of Russian people (n=141; general population). The hypothesised two-factor structure of an affective alexithymia dimension (Emotionalising, Fantasising) and a cognitive alexithymia dimension (Insight and Verbalising), with “Analysing emotions” loading on both factors, was clearly supported by confirmatory factor analyses (CFA). Both orthogonal and oblique principal components analyses (PCA), without restriction concerning the number of factors, provided the same two-factor solution in all groups explaining between 55% and 64% of the variance. Oblique rotation further demonstrated that the correlations between these two factors were low in all populations. The combined CFA and PCA results, therefore, indicated that a model with two independent factors has to be preferred over the model assuming two correlated factors.  相似文献   
Tomasz Kąkol 《Philosophia》2013,41(3):649-660
In this article I consider whether Aquinas’ arguments for the claim that God is His essence are conclusive, and what was his purpose of upholding this thesis. I show his proofs from Summa Theologiae and Summa Contra Gentiles to be problematic and argue that the defense of Aquinas’ views on that matter suggested by certain remarks of P. T. Geach is flawed.  相似文献   
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