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Emotional situations are typically better remembered than neutral situations, but the psychological conditions and brain mechanisms underlying this effect remain debated. Stimulus valence and affective arousal have been suggested to explain the major role of emotional stimuli in memory facilitation. However, neither valence nor arousal are sufficient affective dimensions to explain the effect of memory facilitation. Several studies showed that negative and positive details are better remembered than neutral details. However, other studies showed that neutral information encoded and coupled with arousal did not result in a memory advantage compared with neutral information not coupled with arousal. Therefore, we suggest that the fundamental affective dimension responsible for memory facilitation is goal relevance. To test this hypothesis at behavioral and neural levels, we conducted a functional magnetic resonance imaging study and used neutral faces embedded in goal-relevant or goal-irrelevant daily life situations. At the behavioral level, we found that neutral faces encountered in goal-relevant situations were better remembered than those encountered in goal-irrelevant situations. To explain this effect, we studied neural activations involved in goal-relevant processing at encoding and in subsequent neutral face recognition. At encoding, activation of emotional brain regions (anterior cingulate, ventral striatum, ventral tegmental area, and substantia nigra) was greater for processing of goal-relevant situations than for processing of goal-irrelevant situations. At the recognition phase, despite the presentation of neutral faces, brain activation involved in social processing (superior temporal sulcus) to successfully remember identities was greater for previously encountered faces in goal-relevant than in goal-irrelevant situations.  相似文献   
In the debate about the nature of social cognition we see a shift towards theories that explain social understanding through interaction. This paper discusses autopoietic enactivism and the we-mode approach in the light of such developments. We argue that a problem seems to arise for these theories: an interactionist account of social cognition makes the capacity of shared intentionality a presupposition of social understanding, while the capacity of engaging in scenes of shared intentionality in turn presupposes exactly the kind of social understanding that it is intended to explain. The social capacity in question that is presupposed by these accounts is then analyzed in the second section via a discussion and further development of Searle’s ‘sense of us’ and ‘sense of the other’ as a precondition for social cognition and joint action. After a critical discussion of Schmid’s recent proposal to analyze this in terms of plural pre-reflective selfawareness, we develop an alternative account. Starting from the idea that infants distinguish in perception between physical objects and other agents we distinguish between affordances and social affordances and cash out the notion of a social affordance in terms of “interaction-oriented representations”, parallel to the analysis of object affordances in terms of “action-oriented representations”. By characterizing their respective features we demonstrate how this approach can solve the problem formulated in the first part.  相似文献   
Goodale and Milner's two visual system hypothesis is an influential model for the understanding of the primate visual system. Lesions of either the ventral (occipito‐temporal) or the dorsal (occipito‐parietal) stream produce distinct and dissociated syndromes in humans: visual agnosia is typical for ventral damage, whereas optic ataxia (OA) for dorsal damage. We studied the case of a 59‐year‐old left‐handed woman with a circumscribed lesion around the left posterior occipital sulcus, extending to the underlying white matter. Initially, she presented with a central visual field OA, which regressed to an OA to the right visual hemifield during the 3 months observation period. In addition, tachistoscopic experiments showed visual hemiagnosia to the right visual hemifield. In line with the findings of the neuropsychological experiments, the analysis of the structural MR data by means of a trackwise hodologic probabilistic approach revealed damage to the left superior longitudinal fasciculus and to the left inferior longitudinal fasciculus, indicating an impairment of both the dorsal and the ventral stream. The combination of OA and visual hemiagnosia in the same patient has never been previously described. The present case study thus provides further insights for the understanding of visual processing.  相似文献   
Protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) maintains long-term potentiation (LTP) and long-term memory through persistent increases in kinase expression. Early-life adversity is a precursor to adult mood and anxiety disorders, in part, through persistent disruption of emotional memory throughout life. Here we subjected 10- to 16-wk-old male bonnet macaques to adversity by a maternal variable-foraging demand paradigm. We then examined PKMζ expression in their ventral hippocampi as 7- to 12-yr-old adults. Quantitative immunohistochemistry reveals decreased PKMζ in dentate gyrus, CA1, and subiculum of subjects who had experienced early-life adversity due to the unpredictability of maternal care. Adult animals with persistent decrements of PKMζ in ventral hippocampus express timid rather than confrontational responses to a human intruder. Persistent down-regulation of PKMζ in the ventral hippocampus might reduce the capacity for emotional memory maintenance and contribute to the long-lasting emotional effects of early-life adversity.

Early-life adversity is associated with an increased vulnerability to stress-related disorders that is maintained into adulthood, suggesting a very long-lived effect on emotional memory by the early-life event (Coplan et al. 1996). Although several structural and neurochemical sequelae of early-life adversity have been reported (Teicher et al. 2003; Jackowski et al. 2011), the direct effects of early-life adversity on the molecular substrates maintaining long-term memory storage have not been explored.Accumulating evidence supports a crucial role for the autonomously active, atypical protein kinase C (PKC) isoform protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) in maintaining synaptic long-term potentiation (LTP), a putative physical substrate for memory, and long-term memory storage (Ling et al. 2002; Pastalkova et al. 2006; Glanzman 2013; Sacktor and Fenton 2018). The autonomous activity of PKMζ is due to its unusual structure that differs from other PKC isoforms (Sacktor et al. 1993). Most PKCs consist of two domains: a catalytic domain and an autoinhibitory regulatory domain that suppresses the catalytic domain. Therefore, most PKCs are inactive until second messengers bind to the regulatory domain and induce a conformational change that releases the autoinhibition. Because second messengers that activate PKCs such as Ca2+ or diacylglycerol have short half-lives, most PKCs are only transiently activated.PKMζ, in contrast, consists of an independent PKCζ catalytic domain, and the absence of an autoinhibitory regulatory domain results in autonomous and thus persistent activity once the kinase is synthesized. PKMζ mRNA is transcribed from an internal promoter within the PKCζ/PKMζ gene that is active only in neural tissue (Hernandez et al. 2003). The mRNA is translationally repressed and transported to dendrites of neurons (Muslimov et al. 2004). High-frequency afferent synaptic activity during LTP induction or learning derepresses PKMζ mRNA translation, triggering new synthesis of PKMζ protein (Osten et al. 1996; Hernandez et al. 2003; Tsokas et al. 2016; Hsieh et al. 2017).Once increased, the steady-state amount of PKMζ remains elevated during LTP or long-term memory maintenance. Recent work with quantitative immunohistochemistry (IHC) shows that spatial conditioning induces persistent increases of PKMζ in somatic and selective dendritic compartments of dorsal hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells that can last at least 1 mo (Hsieh et al. 2021). The persistent increases are preferentially expressed in CA1 pyramidal cells that were activated during the formation of the memory, specifically at the termination zone of the Schaffer collateral/commissural inputs from subfield CA3. In contrast, persistent PKMζ increases are not evident in stratum lacunosum-moleculare, the termination zone that originates in entorhinal cortex that nonetheless is capable of expressing PKMζ. Postsynaptic domain-specific PKMζ expression patterns hint at distinct circuit-specific modifications of cortical–hippocampal synaptic function by maturational and experiential factors.Persistent changes in PKMζ expression are also associated with changes in the capacity for learning and memory across the life span of animals. Decreased memory ability in aged rats is associated with decreased training-induced, persistent PKMζ expression in prelimbic cortex, and increases in PKMζ are crucial for the cognition-enhancing effects of environmental enrichment in the aged animals (Chen et al. 2016). Hara et al. extended the connection between PKMζ and cognitive function to nonhuman primates (NHPs), showing that levels of PKMζ expression in dentate gyrus (DG) axospinous synapses correlate with successful performance on cognitive tasks in young and aged monkeys (Hara et al. 2012). These studies suggest that persistent down-regulation of PKMζ may comprise an important pathophysiological mechanism for cognitive impairment.Here we used a validated NHP model of early-life adversity, maternal variable-foraging demand (VFD), to explore the links between adversity in infancy and PKMζ expression in adulthood (Coplan et al. 1996; Jackowski et al. 2011). Previous studies of the VFD paradigm have revealed that both infants and their mothers exposed to VFD show significant cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) elevations of the stress neuropeptide, corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF). Moreover, the magnitude of CRF change in mothers and infants are positively correlated, suggesting synchronization of maternal–infant stress responses to the VFD stressor (Coplan et al. 2005). From a behavioral standpoint, maternal social rank plays a negligible role in determining an aggregate score of maternal–infant proximity, suggesting preferential attention of mothers to their infants. During the VFD condition, maternal social rank predicts >80% of the variance of maternal–infant proximity, suggesting mothering patterns are interrupted by preferential orientations to social rank; the latter determines food accessibility (Coplan et al. 2015). Dominant females show relative increases in maternal–infant proximity, whereas subordinate females show relative reductions in maternal–infant proximity. Neither pattern of attachment ameliorates an abnormal association between CSF oxytocin concentrations and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity (Coplan et al. 2015). Offspring exposed to VFD rearing assessed both as juveniles and as full adults demonstrate persistent increases in CSF CRF concentrations in comparison with controls reared under non-VFD conditions (Coplan et al. 1996, 2001).Our prior neurohistological studies pointed to the DG as a region particularly vulnerable to VFD exposure, as shown by reduced trophic signaling and neurogenesis (Jackowski et al. 2011; Perera et al. 2011; Schoenfeld et al. 2021). We therefore hypothesized that early-life adversity due to unpredictable maternal care (for brevity, subsequently referred to as “early-life adversity”) reduces the persistent expression of PKMζ within the DG of ventral intrahippocampal neurocircuitry that mediates affective memory processing (Fanselow and Dong 2010). We used PKMζ antisera validated by the lack of immunostaining in PKMζ-null mice (Hsieh et al. 2021) to examine PKMζ expression in ventral hippocampus (NHP anterior hippocampus) in both DG granule cell layer and the stratum moleculare of the suprapyramidal blade that receives direct input from entorhinal cortex, as well as other regions encompassing the hippocampal formation, including the hilus, CA3, CA1, and subiculum.To assess behavioral correlates of hippocampal PKMζ expression, we used a stress-inducing paradigm designed specifically for singly housed bonnet macaque male NHPs, which we refer to as the “human exposure response” (Jackowski et al. 2011; Hamel et al. 2017), which is a variation of the paradigm used in human exposure studies by Kalin et al. in rhesus macaques (Kalin and Shelton 1989). On exposure to a direct human presence, singly housed adult male bonnet macaques react with a dichotomy of responses—confrontational versus timid (see the Materials and Methods) (Jackowski et al. 2011). In our macaque colony, groups of fully adult males are necessarily housed individually to prevent injury sustained during male agonistic encounters, whereas adult females and/or juveniles are safely housed in social groups. Because group housing of nursing females and/or juveniles of both sexes elicits a range of behaviors intrinsic to the species’ social repertoire (Rosenblum et al. 2001; Coplan et al. 2015) that complicates behavioral analyses to human exposure, we restricted our current study to male macaques.  相似文献   
Poverty remains a pressing problem, with social support playing a crucial role in its reduction. Drawing on previous research on health-related mindsets, we propose that a growth mindset of poverty – that is, believing poverty can be changed – can have both positive and negative effects on helping intentions through increased outcome expectancy and blame, respectively. In three experiments, we found that a growth mindset of poverty is associated with increased outcome expectancy and blame, which, in parallel, mediate the relationship between mindsets and helping intentions. However, these contrary indirect effects negate each other, yielding a total null effect. Further, manipulating the relationship between mindset and outcome expectancy (but not blame) alters the relationship between mindset and helping intentions (Studies 2 and 3). By shedding light on the circumstances under which mindsets of poverty can diminish or amplify helping intentions, our research offers valuable insights for practitioners and charities dedicated to combating poverty.  相似文献   
Congruency effects in selective attention tasks are subject to sequential modulation: They are smaller following an incongruent stimulus than following a congruent one. This congruency sequence effect has been interpreted as reflecting conflict-driven adjustments in cognitive control (conflict adaptation) or, alternatively, episodic memory effects of stimulus—response association (feature integration). The present article critically reviews support for these rival accounts in the experimental literature and discusses the implications thereof for assessing behavioral and neural signatures of cognitive control processes. It is argued that both conflict adaptation and feature integration contribute to the congruency sequence effect but that their respective contributions can be isolated experimentally. Studies that have pursued this isolation strategy have gained important insights into cognitive control processes. Finally, other factors, such as expectancies, may also contribute to the congruency sequence effect, and thus their potential role needs to be carefully examined and, if found significant, integrated into current models of cognitive control.  相似文献   
Sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity at the time of acquisition is associated with human memory. However, rather than SNS activity per se, it may be afferent baroreflex feedback that is responsible for this effect. A pharmacological design was employed to unload (SNP, sodium nitro-prusside) and load (norepinephrine) baroreceptors. In addition to two placebo periods, epinephrine and esmolol (a peripherally acting beta1-blocker) served as control conditions for altered cardiac perception. During drug infusion blood pressure, heart rate, and perception of heartbeat were tested. Twenty-four healthy men were participated. The participants viewed emotional slides while their electromyographic eye blink responses to random noise bursts were measured (affective startle modulation paradigm) to determine potential drug impact on emotional processing. Subjects were not informed that memory testing would take place after 4 weeks. Drugs did not impact startle, thus indicating unbiased emotional processing at the time of acquisition. Norepinephrine had no effect on heartbeat perception, but improved (p = .002) recognition memory. SNP (p = .0001) increased heartbeat perception but impaired (p = .038) recognition memory. Epinephrine, on the other hand, increased heartbeat perception (p = .0001) yet did not impair but partially improve memory (effect on high arousing pictures only: p = .05). Heartbeat perception in the placebo condition did not correlate with recognition memory (p's > .5). We suggest that baroreflex unloading, with subsequent feedback activation of the SNS, impairs long-term incidental visual recognition memory in humans while baroreflex loading enhances it. Further, we propose that these memory effects are neither secondary to cardiac sensations that accompany SNS activation nor to altered emotional picture processing at the time of acquisition.  相似文献   
In humans, changes in brain structure and function can be measured non-invasively during postnatal development. In animals, advanced optical imaging measures can track the formation of synapses during learning and behavior. With the recent progress in these technologies, it is appropriate to begin to assess how the physiological processes of synapse, circuit, and neural network formation relate to the process of cognitive development. Of particular interest is the development of executive function, which develops more gradually in humans. One approach that has shown promise is molecular genetics. The completion of the human genome project and the human genome diversity project make it straightforward to ask whether variation in a particular gene correlates with variation in behavior, brain structure, brain activity, or all of the above. Strategies that unify the wealth of biochemical knowledge pertaining to synapse formation with the functional measures of brain structure and activity may lead to new insights in developmental cognitive psychology.  相似文献   
When 2 persons--an acquaintance who could not have avoided a problem and a close relative who is responsible for her own plight--ask for help, attribution theory and sociobiology conflict about who will receive help. Attribution theorists assume that the nonresponsible acquaintance will be supported, but sociobiologists argue that the responsible sibling will receive help. The authors tested the hypothesis that characteristics of the situation affect which theory better predicts help giving. The results confirmed that in situations that do not affect life and death, a nonresponsible acquaintance would receive more help than a responsible sibling. But in life-or-death situations, inasmuch as the reproductive fitness of the person in need is in danger, a responsible sibling would be supported more than a nonresponsible acquaintance.  相似文献   
The COVID-19 pandemic affected daily life worldwide. We examined how individuals perceived these changes. We expected the propensity to morally disengage (MD) to predict a less negative view of the pandemic via lower perspective-taking and compassion. As predicted, the results of a cross-sectional study (N = 717) show that alongside dispositional optimism, MD was associated with perceiving the pandemic in a less negative manner. Unexpectedly, the proposed mediating effects were not found. Exploratory results showed that MD predicted existential security directly and quality of life indirectly via lower compassion. Altogether, MD may provide some benefits in terms of pandemic perceptions.  相似文献   
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