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A within-person diary research design with 39 full-time workers was used to examine the effects of daily cross-domain usage of information and communication technologies (ICTs) on job-related performance and stress in both workplace and home domains. Segmentation preference effects on links between cross-domain ICT usage and both job performance and job stress were also analyzed. A positive association was found for the first relationship in mixed home-workplace contexts, and a negative association for the second in home contexts only. A stronger segmentation preference effect on the negative relationship between cross-domain ICT usage and job stress was found for integrators (employees who integrate work and home domains) compared to separators (employees who separate work/non-work activities). Our findings suggest that daily cross-domain ICT usage can enhance job performance and reduce job stress, with a moderating effect of segmentation preference on the link between cross-domain ICT usage and job stress.  相似文献   
潘慧莉 《学海》2006,4(3):167-171
池莉倡导“原生态写作”,主要表现在文本的实录感上。池莉从不将人物变成政治道德价值的符号,她的作品中毫无概念化的痕迹,她反对按理论教条营造情节,将生活理性化,也不愿片面地去搜寻自然界、社会中的温馨的美好,将生活“诗意化”,而是要“写和我们生活一样真实的小说”。因此,她以实证的方式考察生活,以实录的方式再现生活,给人以真人真事的实录感。在其写作中,非常集中而深刻地表现了女性的情怀,表现在有意模糊性别、突出欲望主体、逃离爱情的意义几方面。  相似文献   

Sequential modulations in symbolic cueing tasks have been attributed to complete versus partial repetition/alternation of stimulus features between consecutive trials. This feature-integration hypothesis is questioned by recent findings and further investigated in the present study. In the first two experiments, when the cueing axes switched between trials, only complete alternation of cue directions and target locations existed. Nevertheless, significant sequence effects were still found in this condition, which did not support the feature-integration hypothesis. Furthermore, although sequence effects were still significant when stimulus identities were manipulated in Experiment 3, it was abolished when different cue categories (gaze and arrow) were presented as cues in Experiment 4. The findings suggest that the integration of stimulus features is not the only source of the sequential effect and some higher level cognitive mechanisms, possibly as described in the task-file or task organization hypotheses, are involved in the sequential modulations of symbolic cueing.  相似文献   
使用追踪设计,以68对母婴为被试,探讨母亲养育质量、陪伴时间影响儿童共情发展的机制。在婴儿期(9、14个月)评估母亲将心比心并调查母亲每周陪伴婴儿的总时间与母亲参与的互动时间;在儿童5岁时,采用“陌生人假装受伤情境”范式测查儿童共情。结果发现:(1)婴儿期母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够正向预测5岁时儿童的行为共情,而对情绪共情与认知共情的预测则受到婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间的调节:母亲恰当的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测陪伴总时间短的儿童的情绪共情与母亲陪伴总时间长的儿童的认知共情;(2)婴儿期母亲不协同的心理相关评论能够显著正向预测儿童5岁时的认知共情;(3)婴儿期母亲陪伴总时间能够显著正向预测5岁时儿童的情绪共情。  相似文献   
视角采择是个体表征他人或自己所看到世界的能力。个体在判断他人的视角时总是会自动激活自己的视角,但是当个体采取自己的视角时,并不总是会自动激活他人的视角。研究表明,当采取自己的视角时,成人和儿童可以自动做一级视觉视角采择,二级视觉视角采择的过程是非自动的,且成人可以自动做空间视角采择。未来研究需要继续探讨一级视觉视角采择自动性的影响因素,实验设置和个体因素是否会影响二级视觉视角采择的自动性,空间视角采择自动性的发展趋势和影响因素,视角采择的自动性是否与被试完成任务时所使用的策略有关,以及视角采择自动性的发展机制和脑神经机制。  相似文献   
Drug poisoning is the leading method of suicide‐related deaths among females and third among males in the United States. Alcohol can increase the severity of drug poisonings, yet the prevalence of alcohol overdoses in suicide‐related drug poisonings (SRDP) remains unclear. Data from the Nationwide Inpatient Sample was examined to determine rates of inpatient hospital stays for SRDP and co‐occurring alcohol overdoses in adolescents (ages 12–17) and young adults (ages 18–24) between 1999 and 2008. Among adolescents, there were 14,615 hospitalizations for drug poisonings in 2008, of which 72% (10,462) were suicide‐related at a cost of $43 million. Rates of SRDP in this age group decreased between 1999 and 2008. The prevalence of co‐occurring alcohol overdoses increased from 5% in 1999 to 7% in 2008. Among young adults, there were 32,471 hospitalizations for drug poisonings in 2008, of which 64% (20,746) were suicide‐related at a cost of $110 million. Rates of SRDP did not change significantly between 1999 and 2008. The prevalence of co‐occurring alcohol overdoses increased from 14% in 1999 to 20% in 2008. Thus, while rates of SRDP decreased for adolescents and remained unchanged for young adults, the prevalence of co‐occurring alcohol overdoses increased for both age groups. Such hospitalizations provide important opportunities to employ intervention techniques to prevent further suicide attempts.  相似文献   
In this reply to the commentaries by Xinyin Chen, Charissa Cheah, Yiyuan Xu, and Dawn Watling, we further discuss the conceptual and methodological challenges that arise when attempting to study beliefs about social withdrawal (1) in the unique cultural context of China and (2) in the unique developmental age period of early childhood.  相似文献   
先秦道家美学人格论转变为魏晋道教“神仙”美学思想,其间最具代表性的文献是《老子河上公章句》和《老子想尔注》,它们在人(仙)格美的内在与外在、凡人仙人人格对比、神仙审美心理、道家道教人格修炼与艺术美之关系等四个方面,展示了道教美学人格思想的嬗变过程,再次证明了先秦道家美学思想与后世道教美学思想之间的亲缘关系,也证明道教美学思想丰富的民族文化底蕴。  相似文献   
价值规范既是社会生活意义与秩序的表现形式,又是社会资源控制和利益分配的约束条件。当它从古代习俗走向现代国家意识形态时,它自身不仅成为了公共利益的抽象符号,而且还成为了个体自我认识的知识形式。作为一种社会化的公共实践话语,它日益同国家权力和技术系统相结合,并渗透在系统整合的诸多方面,由此便引出值得思考的问题。  相似文献   
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