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7~11岁儿童图形辨认的发展研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究选取 7岁、9岁、1 1岁的 81名儿童作为被试 ,采用图形辨认任务 ,探查图形熟悉度、感觉道对小学儿童图形认知的影响 ,结果表明 :感觉通道主效应不显著。年龄主效应显著 ,1 1岁组得分显著高于 9岁组和 7岁组 ,9岁组成绩好于 7岁组 ,差异达到边沿显著。熟悉度主效应显著 ,熟悉材料的辨认成绩显著好于不熟悉成绩。年龄×图形熟悉度交互作用显著 ,年龄×感觉道交互作用不显著 ,感觉道×熟悉度主效应不显著 ,年龄×图形熟悉度×感觉道交互作用显著 ,在触觉辨认条件下 ,年龄×图形熟悉度交互作用显著 ,在视觉辨认条件下 ,年龄×图形熟悉度交互作用不显著  相似文献   
王晓田 《心理学报》2019,51(4):407-414
本文提出了决策中不确定性的五种类型及其行为学和心理学的应对机制:用简捷启发式替代加权求和应对信息不确定性, 用直觉应对认知不确定性, 用价值观预测选择偏好应对行为不确定性, 用决策参照点的权重替代概率应对结果不确定性, 用时间换时间以降低延迟折扣应对未来不确定性。新行为经济学应当通过“为什么”的功能性分析, 找到行为助推的心理杠杆。化解不确定性本身就是一种有效的行为助推; 化繁为简是行为助推的关键所在。  相似文献   
Evidence from a range of fields shows that representation-connection (RC) is the key step towards the solution of a real-world insight problem. However, no study has focused on the inter-individual variability in RC, and little is known about whether structural and resting-state functional signals can account for inter-individual differences in RC. Combining structural (regional grey matter density, rGMD) and functional (fractional amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations (fALFF) and resting-state functional connectivity (RSFC)) analysis approaches was used to examine the neural substrates of RC. The results showed that the RC score was positively correlated with rGMD and fALFF values in the bilateral lingual gyrus (LG), which might be related to relevant visual imagery during the correct matching of a specific prototype with an unsolved technical problem and the retrieval and application of key information from prototypes. In addition, the RC score was negatively correlated with the rGMD in the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), and functional connectivity analysis revealed that a higher RC score was inversely correlated with the strength of the RSFC between the right LG and the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL), which indicated that RC might be supported by decreased response inhibition and the automatic association of semantics.  相似文献   
Using the Global Trust Inventory, an integrated measure of trust toward 21 relationships and institutions, the structure of trust was explored in four East Asian societies (Mainland China, Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan). The Western model, in which trust is distributed among seven factors representing different branches of society, did not generalize to these East Asian societies, perhaps due to differences in culture and institutional power structures. Instead, two unique structures of trust were identified. Mainland China had a top‐down structure of trust (the China model), in which trust is hierarchically separated between the central government and subordinate implementing bodies. The other three democratic East Asian societies shared a hybrid structure of trust (the Democratic East Asian model) that has a degree of similarity to both the China model and the Western model. Having established two similar, but still distinct models, a cross‐cultural comparison was made on the proportions of trust profiles generated by latent profile analysis. Mainland China had the largest proportion of people with a high propensity to trust, followed by Japan and South Korea, and Taiwan was the least trusting. Implications of the structure of trust and this alternative approach to conducting cross‐cultural comparisons are discussed.  相似文献   
我国妇幼保健机构公共卫生属性淡化的机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
妇幼卫生是公共卫生体系的重要组成部分,妇幼保健机构是妇幼卫生工作的实现主体,为了促进我国妇幼保健机构的健康和可持续发展,提高妇女、儿童健康水平,通过对妇幼保健机构的社会功能、行为动因和行为特征的系统分析,构建出妇幼保健机构公共卫生属性淡化的作用机制模型.公共卫生的实质是公共政策,建议政府要实现市场机制与政府宏观调控的有机结合,促进妇幼保健事业健康发展.  相似文献   
田晓明  傅珏生 《心理科学》2005,28(1):164-165,163
对总体均值差异的显著性检验是心理学研究经常涉及到的问题,在一些研究中,我们发现,研究者往往不加分析地假定∑=σ^2I,即样本呈正态分布、指标之间相互独立,且方差相等,因而分别使用方差分析和Scheffe方法来进行检验。但这一假定在实际中往往并不符合,因此说,这其实是统计方法的误用。本文通过理论推导和例证对多元Hotelling T^2统计量在心理学研究中的应用进行了探索。  相似文献   
静坐修炼的关键在于一个“静”字。在行功中能入真静就能在静极而动中产出肾中真阳,自动运转周天。然后由动极而静,入于杳冥之境而产出心中真阴。真阴真阳相交,在定中结丹。由定而空,入于虚无之境,则进入更高阶段的修炼了。这个过程是静坐行功的一般进展情况,在具体操作上还有其一定的步骤与方法,大致讲来有这么几点:一、一心清静“昔日遇师亲口诀,只要凝神入气穴。”所谓凝神,即一心清静之法。张三丰在《道言浅近说》中讲:“凝神者,收已清之心而入于其内也。心未清时,眼勿乱闭。先要自劝自勉,劝得回来,清凉恬淡,始行收入气穴,乃曰凝神。”…  相似文献   
以儒家为主流的名分论,在为宗法等级制度和统治秩序服务的外壳下,蕴涵着角色责任论、以名定责的方法论、礼制规范论、和谐目的论等合理内涵.在当代社会,只有用以名定责的方法确证角色伦理责任,用自由与责任相统一的思想强化角色伦理责任意识,用责权对应的制度激励和保障角色伦理责任的实现,才能使每个人自觉地担当起自己应负的角色责任和道德义务.从而实现"全体人民各尽其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的社会".  相似文献   
Rosenberg(1965)自尊量表中文版的美中不足   总被引:33,自引:1,他引:33  
罗森伯格(1965)自尊量表(中文版)是目前我国心理学界使用最多的自尊测量工具,这源于它的两大优点:信效度高、简明方便。但是,该量表也存在一个突出的与文化差异有关的问题,即题目8的含义表达与西方有所不同。经统计分析发现,题目8只有按正向题记分或直接删除才能达到良好的鉴别度、提升量表的信效度。这对于当前的自尊研究和量表法都有一定启示意义。  相似文献   
关注现代技术展现的生命伦理意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代技术的生命伦理论域中,基于"人对技术的控制"并着眼于"人"的环节而设想的生命技术伦理是荒谬的.海德格尔关于现代技术之为"展现"的论题,切近于思及普遍的人之"命运".由于现代技术将自己的座架化统治建立为"一切存在者之真理的命运",它便在一种极度危险的生存境遇中开放出与人类文明生死攸关的生命伦理空间.对当代思想而言,关注现代技术展现的生命伦理之维,乃是进入时代之自我意识的内在要求.  相似文献   
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