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关于汉语合成词的表征方式历来存在争论:是分解式表征还是整词式表征?文章阐述了整词式表征存在的心理可能性和实验证据,并指出该表征由语音、语义和字形三种不可分割的表征形式构成.前人研究表明,合成词在语音和语义层面可能拥有整词表征,但目前鲜有研究探讨整词词形表征存在的合理性.据此,文章试图寻找考察整词词形表征的研究范式及可能影响汉语合成词词形表征特点的语言因素.  相似文献   
Improvements in the fatigue resistance of a nickel-based alloy have been achieved via a surface nanocrystallization and hardening (SNH) process. The enhanced fatigue resistance is related to the surface nanocrystallization, work hardening, and compressive residual stresses induced by the SNH process.  相似文献   
GIRM(Generalizability in Item Response Modeling)是一种将概化理论GT和项目反应理论IRT相结合后计算概化理论中方差分量的一种方法.当GIRM方法下θp和βi的抽样分布与GIRM方法中的MCMC先验分布一致时,GIRM方法对方差分量估计具有较高的准确性.为了进一步检验GIRM方法对IRT参数分布形态的敏感性,研究在将MCMC先验分布固定的情况下,探讨不同IRT参数分布形态下GIRM方法的适用性,并将所得结果与传统GT方法相比较.结果表明:(1)在各种参数分布形态下,采用GIRM方法估计IRT模型的参数是可行的;(2)GIRM方法在被试能力参数为标准正态分布时对σ2(p)估计的准确性高于传统GT方法,但在均匀分布和偏态分布下略差于传统GT方法;(3) GIRM方法在题目难度参数为偏态分布情况下对σ2(i)的估计准确性显著差于传统GT方法;(4)两种方法对于σ2(pie)估计的准确性在任何参数分布形态下都大致相当,优劣并无统一规律.  相似文献   
在扩充样本的基础上进一步探讨集体主义概念内涵,挖掘“集体”的具体指向,明确“集体”构成.研究一通过40个被试的内隐观访谈和质性分析,得到集体主义概念五个方面内容(集体认同、集体优先、联结信念、责任与义务、发生的条件),指出“集体”的具体指向为泛集体和关系集体,集体主义程度与冲突情境有关.研究二通过102份问卷调查和聚类分析,得到三类集体,即关系比较亲密集体(由母亲、亲兄弟/姐妹、配偶、好友构成)、关系一般集体(由认识的人、亲戚、同事、邻居构成)和关系疏远集体(由本地陌生人、国外陌生人构成),并进一步明确了“集体”的具体构成.结论认为:集体主义概念内涵包括集体认同、集体优先、联结信念、责任与义务、发生的条件五个部分;集体主义中的“集体”由泛集体和关系集体构成,其中关系集体又分为关系比较亲密集体和关系一般集体.  相似文献   
The household registration system (Hukou) implemented by the Chinese government divides the Chinese society into two groups: urban residents and rural residents. Since the 1980s, millions of rural residents have migrated to cities without official permission. In this paper, we investigate urban residents' subtle prejudice towards rural‐to‐urban migrants. Specifically, the impacts of urban residents' socioeconomic status (SES) and their perception of migrants' adaptation styles are examined. A sample including 457 Chinese urban residents is taken from four cities in China. Educational and occupational levels are used to indicate urban residents' SES. Four adaptation styles (integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization) are manipulated by using vignettes. The results show that SES has a negative impact on urban residents' subtle prejudice. This link is further moderated by urban residents' perceptions of migrants' adaptations: the negative effect of SES on subtle prejudice holds only under a perception of integration or assimilation and disappears under a perception of separation or marginalization. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
欧美国家中音乐治疗在老年痴呆症领域中的应用已经有半个世纪的历史,可以说已经比较成熟.美国的联邦法律甚至规定老年病医疗机构必须设有音乐治疗,可见音乐治疗在这一领域中的疗效已经为政府和社会所承认.本文简略地介绍了一些欧美国家音乐治疗在老年痴呆症治疗中的研究成果.这些研究主要在音乐治疗对于改善病人记忆功能、认知功能、行为功能、语言功能和情绪功能等方面的效果方面.  相似文献   
社会退缩行为是指在社会情境中,儿童不参与社会互动并频繁表现出独自消遣的行为。社会退缩有多种亚类型,其中社交淡漠指儿童仅仅喜欢一个人独处,对社会互动没有兴趣。有趣的是,社交淡漠的适应功能存在一定的文化差异,主要表现为:社交淡漠行为在个人主义文化中较少产生适应困难,在心理与情绪适应方面尤为明显;但其在集体主义文化里却会引起多方面的适应困难。这种差异可能与文化价值观的内涵有关,也可能与特定国情有关。未来的研究亟需提高研究方法的多面性,关注年龄与文化的交互作用,进行直接的跨文化比较,探索与文化相关的风险与保护因子,以及关注互联网环境的影响。  相似文献   
Empirical studies from the fields of psychology and behavioural economics indicate that people do not like being treated unfairly and may punish those who violate the norm, even at a cost to themselves. Recent research has emphasized the relationship effect on fairness‐related behaviour but has shown conflicting results and has not focused much on the characteristics of culture. This study used the cultural priming paradigm and the Ultimatum Game (UG) to explore whether cultural primes could moderate the relationship effect on fairness‐related decision making. We primed Chinese participants with either Chinese cultural symbols or American cultural symbols and asked them to play as responders with friends or strangers in the two‐party UG (experiment 1) or in the three‐party UG (experiment 2). Results from the two experiments confirm that Chinese participants accepted unfair offers more often when the offers were made by friends than when the offers were made by strangers. However, the relationship effect was diminished after American cultural priming. These results suggest that American primes can moderate the relationship effect on fairness‐related behaviour in Chinese people. This finding may shed new light on the likelihood of exiting from the heavy reliance on social relationships in Chinese society.  相似文献   


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