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中国管理者隐性知识的结构及相关研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究以Sternberg的隐性知识理论为基础,目的在于探讨中国背景下管理者隐性知识的结构,探讨隐性知识与经验、认知能力的关系以及隐性知识对绩效的预测作用。经修订研究所采用的Sternberg等人开发的管理者隐性知识量表有较好的信效度,验证性因素分析得出中国背景下的管理者隐性知识是一个二阶三因素结构。相关分析表明,管理者隐性知识与管理经验显著相关,而与工作年限以及逻辑推理能力无显著相关。分别以管理者自评绩效和其参加的评价中心测评结果作为效标,分层回归分析发现管理他人的隐性知识在一般认知能力之外对管理潜力、任务和周边绩效均有递增预测效度,管理自我的隐性知识在一般认知能力之外对周边绩效也有递增预测效度。  相似文献   
田海华 《宗教学研究》2007,4(4):172-177
明末天主教与中国文化之间的互动,同时表现在"文化植根"与"文化渗入"两方面,即中国本土文化对天主教来华的参与和贡献,同时,天主教对中国传统文化产生的影响。本文以耶稣会士反对纳妾为例,呈现一些中国天主教徒如何因为委身于天主教而改变自己的生活方式。于耶稣会士而言,纳妾直接违背了"十诫"之"毋行邪淫"的诫命,而作为耶稣会士主要传教对象的士大夫阶层,纳妾是较为普遍的现象,而且,它符合儒家注重孝悌的道德价值。二者之间的冲突与紧张,导致了诸多的论争,而且,象王徵这样的天主教徒,一生都在围绕纳妾的问题而历经痛苦的挣扎与考验,并以悲剧告终。这样的事例表明了天主教曾经对中国传统的道德观念发生重要影响,就是促使人们采纳一夫一妻制,并对中国传统的婚姻道德实践构成改变。  相似文献   
在我国大力发展社会主义市场经济的现阶段,道德与法律具有相互协调的可能性:一方面,社会主义基本制度是道德与法律相协调的现实基础;另一方面,自身功能具有互补性是社会主义道德和法律相协调的内在依据.社会主义道德规范体系建设要坚持从宏观、中现、微观三个层面全面贯彻与法律规范体系相协调的指导思想,从立法、执法、司法、法律评价和完善四个环节确保道德规范体系与法律规范体系相协调.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present paper is to explore the conceptual compatibility between cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) and the common values of Chinese Culture. In order to address such a question, the distinctive processes attributed to CBT (e.g., teaching of skills, emphasis on homework, cognitive processes, present/future focus), as summarized in the meta-analysis by Blagys and Hilsenroth [(2002). Distinctive activities of cognitive-behavioral therapy: A review of the comparative psychotherapy process literature. Clinical Psychology Review, 22, 671-706], and the core values of Chinese Culture, determined through an integration of The Hofstede Project, [Hofstede, G.H. (1980). Culture's consequences: International differences in work related values. Beverly Hills: Sage]. The Chinese Value Survey [Chinese Culture Connection (1987). Chinese values and the search for culture-free dimensions of culture. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 18, 143-164]. The Schwartz Value Survey [Schwartz, S.H. (1994). Cultural dimensions of values: Towards an understanding of national differences. In Kim, U., Trandis, H.C., Katiticibasi, C., Choi, S.C., & Yoon, G. (eds.), Individualism and collectivism: Theory, method and application (pp. 85-119). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage] were used. A strong degree of compatibility between the two was found and it is argued that rather than developing new indigenized therapies, with some structural changes to the processes of CBT, this therapy can be effective for Chinese clients. It is further proposed that Chinese clients may benefit from challenging their irrational cognitions that are bound up in their strict adherence to social norms. Future recommendations for increasing the compatibility of CBT to Chinese culture are discussed.  相似文献   
中国共产党是马克思主义政党。它根据马克思辩证唯物主义、历史唯物主义以及我们党的性质一再重申,共产党员必须树立科学世界观,不信宗教、不信迷信、不信任何伪科学的东西,要成为马克思主义唯物论者和彻底的无神论者。可近些年来,有些地方,特别是农村,有神论、愚昧迷信沉渣泛起,反科学、伪科学的东西频频出现,非法宗教活动屡禁不止。这不仅严重败坏  相似文献   
解放后以政府行为破除封建迷信,收效甚大,风水术士消声匿迹,虽存遗老,残喘不死,亦蜇伏待毙,不敢蠢动。“文化大革命”期间,世态混乱,真伪颠倒,封建迷信喜得邪风,死灰复燃。风水之术沉渣泛起。近十几年风水迷信,实得贪官青睐,闹腾得很风光,其为害很大,必须严加惩治,不应姑息。现在需要分析哪些人相信风水,为什么这些人相信风水,找出原因方可下虎狼药。  相似文献   
题组作为众多测验中的一种常见题型,由于项目间存在一定程度的依赖性而违背了局部独立性假设,若用项目反应模型进行参数估计将会出现较大的偏差.题组反应理论将被试与题组的交互作用纳入到模型中,解决了项目间相依性的问题.笔者对题组反应理论的发展、基本原理及其相关研究进行了综述,并将其应用在中学英语考试中.与项目反应理论相对比,结果发现:(1)题组反应模型与项目反应模型在各参数估计值的相关系数较强,尤其是能力参数和难度参数;(2)在置信区间宽度的比较上,题组反应模型在各个参数上均窄于项目反应模型,即题组反应模型的估计精度优于项目反应模型.  相似文献   
Five studies investigated the relationship between individual-based relative deprivation (IRD) and prosocial behaviors. Study 1 found that income satisfaction, a concept closely related to IRD, was negatively associated with prosocial values across cultures. Study 2 found a negative association between IRD and prosocial aspirations among a sample of Chinese university students. Study 3 revealed a negative association between IRD and volunteer behaviors. In Studies 4 and 5, we found that laboratory-induced IRD decreased undergraduate students’ prosocial values and behaviors. Moreover, Study 5 also found that the tendency to prioritize self-interest over others’ mediated the effect of IRD on prosocial behaviors. Implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
Applied Research in Quality of Life - We examined the multiple mediating effects of the satisfaction of relatedness needs at school and self-esteem in the relation between prosocial behavior and...  相似文献   
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