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Little is known regarding how attention to emotional stimuli is affected during simultaneously performed exercise. Attentional biases to emotional face stimuli were assessed in 34 college students (17 women) using the dot-probe task during counterbalanced conditions of moderate- (heart rate at 45% peak oxygen consumption) and high-intensity exercise (heart rate at 80% peak oxygen consumption) compared with seated rest. The dot-probe task consisted of 1 emotional face (pleasant or unpleasant) paired with a neutral face for 1,000 ms; 256 trials (128 trials for each valence) were presented during each condition. Each condition lasted approximately 10 min. Participants were instructed to perform each trial of the dot-probe task as quickly and accurately as possible during the exercise and rest conditions. During moderate-intensity exercise, participants exhibited significantly greater attentional bias scores to pleasant compared with unpleasant faces (p < .01), whereas attentional bias scores to emotional faces did not differ at rest or during high-intensity exercise (p > .05). In addition, the attentional bias to unpleasant faces was significantly reduced during moderate-intensity exercise compared with that during rest (p < .05). These results provide behavioral evidence that during exercise at a moderate intensity, there is a shift in attention allocation toward pleasant emotional stimuli and away from unpleasant emotional stimuli. Future work is needed to determine whether acute exercise may be an effective treatment approach to reduce negative bias or enhance positive bias in individuals diagnosed with mood or anxiety disorders, or whether attentional bias during exercise predicts adherence to exercise.  相似文献   
眼跳任务中的偏心距效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用完全被试内设计,控制了眼跳任务类型(朝向眼跳、反向眼跳)和目标偏心距水平,考察了大学生在两种眼跳任务中的偏心距效应,即目标刺激相对于屏幕中心的距离对于眼跳过程的影响.研究结果发现:(1)反向眼跳任务中的首次眼跳方向错误率显著高于朝向眼跳,眼跳潜伏期也显著较长.(2)在朝向和反向眼跳过程中,都出现了目标的偏心距效应,即随着目标偏心距的增大,眼跳潜伏期缩短,眼跳落点视角增大.  相似文献   
Under a noisy “cocktail-party” listening condition with multiple people talking, listeners can use various perceptual/cognitive unmasking cues to improve recognition of the target speech against informational speech-on-speech masking. One potential unmasking cue is the emotion expressed in a speech voice, by means of certain acoustical features. However, it was unclear whether emotionally conditioning a target-speech voice that has none of the typical acoustical features of emotions (i.e., an emotionally neutral voice) can be used by listeners for enhancing target-speech recognition under speech-on-speech masking conditions. In this study we examined the recognition of target speech against a two-talker speech masker both before and after the emotionally neutral target voice was paired with a loud female screaming sound that has a marked negative emotional valence. The results showed that recognition of the target speech (especially the first keyword in a target sentence) was significantly improved by emotionally conditioning the target speaker’s voice. Moreover, the emotional unmasking effect was independent of the unmasking effect of the perceived spatial separation between the target speech and the masker. Also, (skin conductance) electrodermal responses became stronger after emotional learning when the target speech and masker were perceptually co-located, suggesting an increase of listening efforts when the target speech was informationally masked. These results indicate that emotionally conditioning the target speaker’s voice does not change the acoustical parameters of the target-speech stimuli, but the emotionally conditioned vocal features can be used as cues for unmasking target speech.  相似文献   
学校组织气氛对教师工作倦怠的影响   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
田宝  李灵 《心理科学》2006,29(1):189-193
问卷调查了410名北京市中学教师,探讨了学校组织气氛对教师工作倦怠的影响。结果发现:教师的工作倦怠没有性别、是否班主任、年龄、任课班级数量、学生人数、周任课时数上的差别。在职称和婚姻因素上有明显的差别,玩世不恭维度上,高级职称的教师工作倦怠明显高于中教一级和中教二级教师,中教一级和中教二级教师之间的工作倦怠没有显著差异,单身教师的情绪衰竭和成就感低落比己婚教师明显偏高。在控制了人口统计学变量之后,分层回归和优势分析发现:支持行为和限制行为能显著预测情绪衰竭,限制行为的贡献更大;支持行为、监督行为、限制行为和同事行为能显著预测玩世不恭,支持行为的贡献更大;支持行为、同事行为和疏远行为能显著预测成就感低落,同事行为的贡献更大;亲密行为对情绪衰竭、玩世不恭和成就感低落没有预测作用。  相似文献   
与任务相关的长时记忆表征在引导视觉注意选择的过程中扮演着重要的角色,它可以使人们在熟悉的视觉情境中快速搜索目标刺激,并偏离干扰刺激。但当长时记忆表征与任务无关时,还能否引导视觉注意选择?目前还不清楚。实验1采用眼动追踪技术直接比较无关工作记忆表征与无关长时记忆表征在视觉搜索阶段对视觉注意的捕获效应,行为反应时与首次注视点百分率的结果都发现,当无关工作记忆表征在视觉搜索中再次出现时能引导视觉注意偏向到与之匹配的干扰刺激,但无关长时记忆表征并没有表现出类似的注意引导效应;实验2探讨记忆表征由工作记忆系统转移到长时记忆系统的过程中对视觉注意的引导效应,结果发现,随着记忆表征的转移,注意引导效应消失了,实验3排除工作记忆表征的干扰后,依然没有发现无关长时记忆表征对注意的引导效应。以上结果表明,无关长时记忆表征并不能像工作记忆表征一样引导视觉注意选择,工作记忆表征和长时记忆表征对视觉注意的引导属于两个不同的认知过程。  相似文献   
本研究比较了以普通话与以方言为口语的儿童在根据拼音来学习生词或再认熟词时的成绩。研究结果发现 ,与普通话组相比 ,拼音对方言组儿童学习字词的积极作用在帮助他们再认已学过的词时最大。由于方言的影响 ,除了再认已学过的词汇外 ,拼音对方言儿童的积极作用明显不如学普通话的儿童。而对于普通话组来说 ,拼音更能够帮助儿童学习口语中熟悉的生词 ,而且对由一个生字组成的概念熟悉的词的积极影响大于由两个生字组成的概念熟悉的词。  相似文献   
张向葵  郭娟  田录梅 《心理科学》2005,28(3):602-605
采用2×4两因素组间设计,以168名大学生为被试,考察了自尊对死亡提醒条件下死亡焦虑的影响.结果发现(1)死亡提醒操作确实唤醒了大学生的死亡焦虑,焦虑平均值为2.28±0.49;(2)支持了西方文化背景下提出的自尊缓冲死亡焦虑的假设,即死亡提醒条件下,自尊越高,死亡焦虑越低,说明自尊对死亡焦虑的缓冲作用是一种普遍心理现象.  相似文献   
组织中的社会交换:由直接到间接   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
周明建  宝贡敏 《心理学报》2005,37(4):535-541
社会交换理论被引用来研究组织中的两种交换:员工与所在组织之间的交换——“感受组织支持”(POS)和员工与直接上司之间的交换——“领导—成员交换”(LMX)。以往的研究侧重于“直接交换”,即:从POS和LMX到员工工作产出的直接回归。该文以员工的组织情感承诺和工作满意感为中介变量,考察POS和LMX对员工工作产出的间接影响。在919份有效问卷的基础上,通过结构方程模型的比较,结果发现:组织情感承诺和工作满意感的确可以在POS和LMX与员工工作产出之间承担全部或部分中介的角色。这说明,员工与组织之间、上司与下属之间的交换只有小部分是“直接交换”,大部分则属于“间接交换”。最后,作者讨论了这些新发现的理论意义和实践意义,并指出了该研究的不足之处。  相似文献   
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