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The present study investigated the effects of presbyopia on the reading ability of middle-aged adults in a Japanese reading context, using the rapid serial visual presentation paradigm. Japanese words, each consisting of three characters, were sequentially presented at the same location on a display screen. Participants were instructed to read the words aloud as accurately as possible, irrespective of their order within the sequence. Experiment 1 showed that the reading performance for the presbyopes was far worse for the near-viewing (35?cm) than for the far-viewing (70?cm) conditions when the words were presented at 0.4° in character size. Experiment 2 investigated in detail the effect of luminance contrast on reading at a viewing distance of 35?cm. The minimums of the exposure durations within which the participants could read the words above 89.9?% correct (minimum exposure duration) were 498?ms/word for the presbyopes and 134?ms/word for the nonpresbyopes, both of which values were obtained at 100?% contrast. The critical contrast??that is, the contrast that doubled the minimum exposure duration that had been obtained at 100?% contrast??was considerably higher for the presbyopes (39.2?%) than for the nonpresbyopes (16.4?%). However, the reading performance for the presbyopes was improved more than threefold when the contrast was increased to 100?% in both experiments. Thus, our results provide psychophysical evidence for the dependency of presbyopes?? reading on viewing distance and luminance contrast.  相似文献   
Context affects multiple cognitive and perceptual processes. In the present study, we asked how the context of a set of faces would affect the perception of a target face??s race in two distinct tasks. In Experiments 1 and 2, participants categorized target faces according to perceived racial category (Black or White). In Experiment 1, the target face was presented alone or with Black or White flanker faces. The orientation of flanker faces was also manipulated to investigate how face inversion effect would interact with the influences of flanker faces on the target face. The results showed that participants were more likely to categorize the target face as White when it was surrounded by inverted White faces (an assimilation effect). Experiment 2 further examined how different aspects of the visual context would affect the perception of the target face by manipulating flanker faces?? shape and pigmentation, as well as their orientation. The results showed that flanker faces?? shape and pigmentation affected the perception of the target face differently. While shape elicited a contrast effect, pigmentation appeared to be assimilative. These novel findings suggest that the perceived race of a face is modulated by the appearance of other faces and their distinct shape and pigmentation properties. However, the contrast and assimilation effects elicited by flanker faces?? shape and pigmentation may be specific to race categorization, since the same stimuli used in a delayed matching task (Experiment 3) revealed that flanker pigmentation induced a contrast effect on the perception of target pigmentation.  相似文献   
本文以唐末五代“道门领袖”杜光庭的《道德真经广圣义》为例,来说明在道教宇宙论中始终存在着两条不同的线索:一是从神学上提出带有神喻启示特点的宇宙神创说,以彰显“道”的主宰性、神圣性与超越性;二是从哲学上建构了以“道气”为本的宇宙生成论,力图对宇宙世界以及人的生存作出一个根本性的解释,从而为人的修道实践提供依据。只有厘清这两条线索相互交涉的复杂关系,才能更好地把握道教宇宙论思想的基本特点。  相似文献   
通过测定维持性透析患者血管通路血流量、Kt/V及尿素清除率(URR),利用自然辨证法中因果关系的复杂性探讨血流量与透析充分性之间的因果关系。选择维持性血液透析患者80例。设定血液透析开始后在线血流量,根据血流量不同分为三组,I组血流量300ml/min,Ⅱ组血流量250ml/min,Ⅲ组血流量200ml/min,计算各组Kt/V值与尿素减少率,观察血流量与Kt/V及尿素减少率之间的相关关系。三组之间Kt/V、URR比较P<0.001,差异均具有显著性;血流量与Kt/V、URR之间呈正相关(r1=0.448,P<0.001;r2=0.413,P<0.001;)随着血流量从300ml/min降到200ml/min,Kt/V、URR分别从1.33±0.33、(68.19±8.86)%降到0.99±0.31、(58.59±13.19)%。血液透析患者的血流量与Kt/V、URR密切相关,两者之间存在因果关系,较高的在线血流量是保证透析充分性的一项重要指标。  相似文献   
评价和控制药物不良反应的认识与思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用科学的世界观和方法论指导药物不良反应的评价和控制。从药物不良反应的发生机制、临床表现、因果关系的判定原则出发,与马克思主义哲学的基本观点相结合,提出了几点认识和思考。药物治疗作用与副作用既对立又统一;药物治疗效应向毒性反应的转变是量变到质变的过程;药物过敏反应的发生是内因外因相互作用的结果;药物与不良反应联系强度的判定必须符合前因后果性;药物与不良反应联系强度的判定必须排除混杂因素的干扰,找到内在的、本质的联系。  相似文献   
国外心理咨询师职业耗竭研究现状   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
职业耗竭是学术界关注的一个新热点,国外心理咨询师的职业耗竭问题也得到了比较系统的研究。通过回顾国外相关研究,从心理咨询师职业耗竭的发生率、影响因素、症状特点、职业易感性等几个方面进行总结,尝试提出干预意见,并对未来研究趋势进行展望。  相似文献   
晚期非小细胞肺癌提倡以化疗为主综合治疗,可以延长生存期,提高生存率.但目前化疗取得的疗效虽然较既往有提高,但提高生存期有限,且在药效经济学方面存在争议,缓解症状的作用也有限,联合靶向治疗的疗效也在观望中.临床肿瘤学工作者应正确认识,以循证医学为指导,开展规范化化疗,同时也注重个体化化疗,并期待晚期非小细胞肺癌化疗的新突破.  相似文献   
唐末五代时期著名的“道门领袖”杜光庭一生撰写并整理了十多种、近二百卷有关道教斋醮科仪著作,被后人誉为道教斋醮科仪的集大成者。本文认为,杜光庭在整理各种斋醮科仪的基础上,对“自然朝”的提倡、对道场戒律的重视、对谢恩醮的设立、对“斋”的意义的阐发、对斋官职司的具体规定、对表奏上章的文饰等,为推动道教斋醮科仪的发展做出了重要的贡献。  相似文献   
选自《Science and Religion:Are They Compatible?》,保罗·库尔兹(PaulKurtz)主编,2003年由普罗米修斯出版社(Prometheus Books)出版,导言第一部分。为使读者更易理解文章内容编译者自加了小标题。“上帝创造了独立的灵魂”这一神学教条,成了宗教反对堕胎、出生控制和人工受精等医学科学的基本理由科学与宗教是协调的吗?或者说,他们有必要冲突吗?他们的关系长期被争论着;而且,从科学与宗教两大阵营利益的历史来看,它们之间的冲突程度也一直发生着不同程度的变化。1.科学带来社会巨变,却被指称占了宗教的领地虽然,古代希腊与罗马培育了…  相似文献   
大学生迷信心理的形成及其影响因素   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在全面总结近三十年来国内外相关研究成果的基础上,对大学生迷信心理的形成及其影响因素做了深入探讨。文章首先梳理了迷信的概念;其次从观察学习、归因和自我认同三个方面反思了大学生迷信心理形成的心理机制;并从性别、人格控制点、自尊和自我效能、认知风格和受暗示性、不确定性情境、压力情境等方面分析了大学生迷信心理的影响因素;最后指出了以往研究中存在的局限,并对未来的相关研究做出了展望  相似文献   
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