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智能平衡评估系统是美国目前使用最为广泛的教育评估系统之一。该系统的三大部分——总结性评估系统、中期评估系统和数字图书馆构成一个畅通的教学、反馈、助教与助学的教育循环系统。我国可借鉴智能平衡评估系统的思想和所采用的技术,将相对独立的教育督导、教育研究、考试命题、学校等事业机构在功能上联合起来形成完整的教育链,建构日常教学评估系统,从而提高国内教育的效益,减轻教与学的负担。  相似文献   
Attentional difficulties are a core axis in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, establishing a consistent and detailed pattern of these neurocognitive alterations has not been an easy endeavour. Based on a dimensional approach to ADHD, the present study aims at comprehensively characterizing three key attentional domains: the three attentional networks (alerting, orienting, and executive attention), two components of vigilance (executive and arousal vigilance), and distraction. To do so, we modified a single, fine-grained task (the ANTI-Vea) by adding irrelevant distractors. One hundred and twenty undergraduates completed three self-reports of ADHD symptoms in childhood and adulthood and performed the ANTI-Vea. Despite the low reliability of some ANTI-Vea indexes, the task worked successfully. While ADHD symptoms in childhood were related to alerting network and arousal vigilance, symptoms in adulthood were linked to executive vigilance. No association between ADHD symptom severity and executive attention and distraction was found. In general, our hypotheses about the relationships between ADHD symptoms and attentional processes were partially supported. We discuss our findings according to ADHD theories and attention measurement.  相似文献   
The episodic effect suggests that episodic prospection (imagining future events) can effectively reduce time discounting, the propensity to discount the value of delayed rewards relative to immediate ones. However, less clear is how episodic prospection modulates time preference. As engagement in episodic prospection usually evokes prospective emotions, it was proposed that episodic prospection might work by inducing prospective emotions. Although one previous study has attempted to provide evidence to the emotional account of the episodic effect, shortcomings in its experimental design make its conclusion questionable. In this study, we replicated previous experimental design with improvements to further test the effects of prospective emotion on time preference. By manipulating the emotional valency associated with episodic prospection in a delay discounting task, we found that positive episodic prospection attenuated time discounting; negative episodic prospection exacerbated time discounting; and episodic prospection did not shift time preference when prospective emotion is removed. These results were essentially identical to the result of the previous study. Together, these studies suggested that the effects of episodic prospection depended on prospective emotion. Thus, one cannot ignore prospective emotion if counting on episodic prospection to combat humans’ impulsive behaviours.  相似文献   
数字创业浪潮方兴未艾, 机会属性变化引起的数字创业机会形成与变化规律尚未被揭示。本研究以数字生态系统作为研究情境, 分析创业者利用数字生态系统可供性积累的社会资本, 如何影响创业机会形成与发展。从机会的合意性维度和内容维度两方面解释创业机会的变化规律, 考察创业者认知监控与新创企业数字化程度对这一路径的调节作用。本研究拓展社会资本理论在数字创业背景下的应用, 深化数字生态系统中的创业机会研究, 有助于指导创业者利用数字平台开展“破坏性创造”, 提升机会识别质量和效率, 促进创业生态系统建设。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the frequency, clinical characteristics, and comorbidity of borderline personality disorder (BPD) among psychiatric outpatients in two clinics at Shanghai Mental Health Center. A cross-sectional investigation was conducted. From 3,075 outpatients screened using the Personality Diagnostic Questionnaire-IV+, 2,284 patients positive for a personality disorder were assessed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Personality Disorders. The frequency of BPD among the psychiatric outpatients was 5.8%, with a frequency of 3.5% among males and 7.5% among females (p < .01). BPD was found to have extensive comorbidity with Axis I and II disorders. This study proves that BPD does occur in China. The detected frequency among outpatients is lower than that reported in North America.  相似文献   
“亲亲相隐”与“隐而任之”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁涛 《哲学研究》2012,(10):35-42,128
<正>最近学术界围绕"亲亲相隐"的问题,引发了一场如何认识、评价儒家伦理的讨论,涉及到如何看待血缘亲情,以及孔孟等儒者是如何处理血缘亲情与仁义普遍原则的关系等一系列问题。(参见郭齐勇主编,2004年;2011年)对此,学者已发表了不少高见,澄清了一些问题。但总体上看,该次讨论更多的是一场"立场之争"而非"学术之争"。其实对于"亲亲相隐"这一复杂的学术问题,  相似文献   
强化人文医学教育已成为医学教育发展的根本要求.宁夏医科大学致力于强化人文医学教育.改革人文医学教育教学模式,强化临床教学阶段人文医学技能培养,建立人文医学专业技能培训基地,统筹校园文化建设和第二课堂,构建人文医学教育体系.强调专业课教学中的人文教育功能,提高教师的人文素质和人文教育能力.  相似文献   
PET/CT将PET(正电子发射计算机断层显像)和CT(计算机X线断层显像)整合在一台机器上,组成一个完整的显像系统,两种图像优势互补,在肺癌的早期诊断、鉴别、分期和分级上体现了巨大优势.本文就应用PET/CT诊断肺癌中所体现的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   
分析巴曲酶治疗平坦型突发性耳聋联合应用甲泼尼龙的疗效.巴曲酶+激素组,共38例,平均听阈75.1dB.巴曲酶组,共16例,平均听阈74.7dB.两组治疗前后平均听阈差无统计学差异(t=0.063,P>0.05).提示联合应用甲泼尼龙(24mg,5天)对巴曲酶治疗平坦型突发性耳聋不能降低患者治疗后听阈.  相似文献   
题库优化设计的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
题库优化设计是指在题库建立前确定一份最佳的题库开发蓝图,使题库更好地服务于组卷。目前,在线性计算机化测验的情景下,题库优化设计方法主要包括:线性规划法、成本函数法;在计算机适应性测验(CAT)情境下,题库设计方法主要包括:影子测验设计法、p-优化设计法。文中首先介绍这些优化设计法的基本思路、具体步骤与相关的应用研究,然后评述当前题库设计研究的局限,指出未来的可能研究方向。  相似文献   
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