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This study explored associations of life satisfaction with personality traits, life events, and social support among 187 Chinese gay men in Hong Kong. In general, participants were modestly satisfied with various aspects of their lives. Findings from a hierarchical regression analysis indicated that a high level of life satisfaction of Chinese gay men was related to weak borderline personality traits, disclosure of homosexual sexual orientation, and gay peer support. Results also showed that there was no interaction effect between personality and psychosocial variables in affecting life satisfaction. Limitations and implications of this study were also discussed.  相似文献   
This paper considers the difference between the values attached to love of country in early China and in today’s world, through exploration of a series of concept clusters centered on “loyalty,” “glory,” “honor,” and “identity.” Using a wide array of sources, including legends about exemplary figures in antiquity, it assesses the extent to which patriotism or something like patriotism was a normative value in the distant past. It also outlines the appropriate limits of patriotism which the early thinkers insisted upon, thinking them useful guidelines for today.  相似文献   
Drawing on the proactive motivation model and theories of motivation, the current study examined customer-initiated support as an antecedent of employees’ proactive customer service performance (PCSP) and investigated the mediating role of proactive motivations and the moderating role of serving culture. We conducted two multilevel studies to test the proposed hypotheses. In study 1, we collected diary data from 158 nurses across 10 working days, and results showed that the relationship between nurses’ daily experience of customer-initiated support and their PCSP was mediated by self-efficacy, work meaning, and positive affect. In study 2, we collected multilevel multi-source data from 373 nurses nested within 80 units and found that nurses’ experience of customer-initiated support was positively related to their supervisor-rated PCSP via role-breadth self-efficacy and work meaning, but not through positive affect. Further, team-level serving culture strengthened the positive relationship between customer-initiated support and role-breadth self-efficacy. These findings shed light on understanding the effect of customer-initiated support as an external factor on prompting service employees’ proactive behaviors, potential motivational mediators to explain the underlying mechanisms, and potential boundary conditions inside of service organizations to strengthen the positive effects of customer-initiated support.  相似文献   
近年来,我国出现了严重的官场迷信现象,这与我们党的宗旨是格格不入的,对于社会主义事业有着严重的危害,很多文章对此做出了谴责,并提出了种种解决方法。然而,其中一个重要的解决方法并没有被提及,这就是理论发展。我们知道,马克思主义既是严整的科学理论, 又是崇高的价值追求,这两者是内在统一的。作为  相似文献   
张居正是明朝伟大的政治家,同时也是成功的马基雅弗利主义者,堪称"东方马基雅弗利"。"附保逐拱"、"王大臣案"、"刘台案"和"夺情本谋"均是张居正马基雅弗利主义人格的例证,从中可以剖析出"外儒内法"和两面性的特点。张居正的马基雅弗利主义人格是专制皇权对人性的扭曲,而马基雅弗利主义人格也直接导致了张居正的悲剧结局。  相似文献   
本文通过对西苏、克里斯托娃和依里格瑞的分析,展现20世纪70年代以后法国女性主义特点。西苏提出用身体来表达女性的存在与需要,克里斯托娃揭示了西方文化对于女性的文化和心理暴力,依利格瑞试图在思想和生活方面重建女性主体性。  相似文献   
新中国成立60年来,围绕着如何把一个贫穷落后的农业国迅速改变为一个强大的社会主义现代化国家这个主题,先后提出了工业化、四个现代化和富强民主文明和谐等这样几个既相联系又有区别的奋斗目标,反映了中国共产党人对实现现代化不懈追求,也表明了我们党对什么是中国特色社会主义的认识越来越全面深入,越来越符合当代中国的具体实际。  相似文献   
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