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脑损害时的视知觉和视觉记忆障碍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用复杂图形对82例脑瘤或脑血管畸形患者进行了测查,发现脑损害患者临摹复杂图形时易于发生一些在正常人中没有或极少见的错误,如片断性感知、空间相对位置错误和空间位置估计错误等。片断性感知以左脑中后部病变时较多见,空间相对位置错误以右脑中后部病变时较多见。空间位置估计错误与定侧关系不大,但以大脑中后部病变时较多见。 在回忆复杂图形时脑损害患者在细节遗漏和移位等方面在程度上比正常人更严重,有部分患者还表现为只回忆出部分细节而无图形轮廓的现象。这种现象在正常人中未曾出现。  相似文献   
Human-animal work represents a collaboration between humans and animals to achieve work goals, and is common in the domains of healthcare, therapy, entertainment, and education. Although the scope and types of human-animal work is diversifying and increasing, organizational scholars have yet to explore its impacts on employees. Drawing from the models of compassion and mind perception theories, we first develop a theoretical model pertaining to the development of compassion as a result of human-animal work. In a study with zookeepers (Study 1), we find that human-animal work evokes the emotion of compassion, which in turn is positively associated with employee prosocial behavior and task performance. These mediated effects are moderated by how employees perceive animals—employees are more likely to experience compassion, and in turn, become more prosocial and work better when they generally perceive animals to be able to experience emotions and bodily sensations. Furthermore, two follow-up studies (i.e., Studies 2 and 3) with employees who engage in human-animal work in Hong Kong and the United States reveal that working with animals evokes awe in addition to compassion, and provides insight into their resultant impact on prosocial behavior and task performance. We end by discussing the theoretical and practical implications of this work.  相似文献   
Consumers often need to schedule different activities. While consumers who adopt a clock-time scheduling style decide when to transition from one activity to the next according to external temporal cues (e.g., clock), those who adopt an event-time scheduling style tend to perform each activity until they feel internally that it is completed. This research showed that consumers' scheduling style (clock-time vs. event-time) could influence their satiation with repeated consumption. Four studies involving actual consumption across various domains (e.g., music, artwork, food) demonstrated that an event-time scheduling style leads to more rapid satiation with repeated consumption than a clock-time scheduling style because event-timers (vs. clock-timers) have higher private self-focus. The results further revealed that the satiation effect of scheduling style is mitigated when consumers are distracted from their private self or informed of additional sensitization cues in the consumption stimuli.  相似文献   
采用2(公正世界信念状态:公正vs不公正)×2(中奖者的个性品质:正向vs负向)被试间实验设计,以在校大学生为被试,考察公正世界信念是否具有跨情境动机效应。结果发现:预先激活的公正世界信念状态迁移到了回忆不同个性品质中奖者奖金数额这个不同情境中,影响了人们的记忆。表明公正世界信念存在跨情境动机效应。  相似文献   
顾客参与内容创造是顾客创造媒体(consumer-generated media, CGM)发展的基石, 对互联网企业和传统企业的发展影响巨大而深远。CGM研究刚刚起步, 顾客参与创造的研究有限, 而为数不多的群体创造多针对组织、团队, 针对顾客群体的甚少。针对蓬勃发展的CGM中顾客参与内容创造的个体研究和群体研究都很缺乏。研究试图在相关研究基础上, 从顾客视角, 使用动机理论、情绪理论、个体创造力和群体创造理论, 科学采用实验、社会网络分析和调查等多种方法, 并尝试采用心理学仪器(如近红外等)采集客观数据, 对CGM中顾客参与内容创造的个体心理反应、群体创造过程、群体创造方式和环境机制进行深入探索。预期成果将有助于互联网企业建立科学的用户参与网络机制以提高竞争力, 有助于传统企业更有效的利用顾客参与进行营销推广、促进销售并建立持久的顾客关系。  相似文献   
将“自我欺骗”作为一种干预工具,导入信任、爱与优良文化等,对一名躁狂症患者进行了历时6年的追踪治疗。结果表明,患者BRMS分数显著降低,行为问题逐渐消失,因此,“自我欺骗”对躁狂症的矫正与治疗有着积极的效应。  相似文献   
采用学习坚持性问卷、自我效能感问卷、内在价值问卷和学习投入量表,对407名四、五年级小学生施测,并收集学生期中考试成绩作为客观指标,建立结构方程模型以考察学习坚持性和学习投入在自我效能感、内在价值与学业成就关系中的中介作用。结果发现:(1)学习坚持性与自我效能感、内在价值、学习投入、学业成就均显著正相关;(2)学习坚持性可以部分中介自我效能感与学习投入、内在价值与学习投入之间的相关;(3)学习坚持性通过学习投入的中介作用影响学业成就。  相似文献   
明清之际,道教内丹学相当兴盛,不仅传统丹道派别活跃,而且还出现了具有不同特点的丹道新派,内丹学成为这一时期道教理论的主流,林林总总的较为通俗化的内丹著述流传于社会.而且,其时的内丹著述融摄道儒释思想特别突出,从一个方面反映了长久以来道教"三教合一"思想的影响.陆西星、李西月的思想颇具代表性,他们分别提出了"仙佛圣凡同具同证","性命双修,此本成仙作佛为圣之大旨",竭力将三教思想相融合.  相似文献   
《文子》是黄老道家的重要典籍,它在继承战国黄老学思路和资料的基础上,改造了老庄道家的宇宙观。将“道”与“气”相整合,笋以“自然论”贯之,对黄老学的发展做出了贡献,并为两汉哲学战线上目的论与反目的论的斗争奏响了序曲。  相似文献   
管仲是中国先秦哲学思想史上第一位思想家,他的王霸学思想既是对前先秦文化思想精神的时代性因革,又是对后来哲学思想的开启。管仲的政治思想是以民为本的刑赏主义法治思想和功利主义治政思想,其赖以支撑的伦理精神是自然主义人性论,思想基础是水本原论哲学。从历史源流看,管仲开辟了中国哲学思想“因人事而自然”的思维道路,是自然人性论功利主义伦理学和政治学的始祖,并以此开辟了“以刑入礼”的刑赏主义实践道路。管仲的思想之源,是夏商周三代所形成的以王道为目标、以天道为根据、以人道为途径的“王官之学”;管仲的思想之流,不仅涌动出法家思潮,而且激励并贯穿了先秦诸子各家学说。  相似文献   
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