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目的:调查并探讨大学生自我同一性状态发展特点。方法:从湖南某大学随机抽取320名大学生,采用王树青等人修订的EOM-EIS-II量表作为测量青少年自我同一性的工具。结果:(1)大学生自我同一性的性别、独生和非独生、城乡的差异比较结果显示,不同性别、独生非独生大学生在自我同一性的一些维度上存在显著差异,而来自城市和来自农村的大学生之间不存在差异;(2)不同年级大学生的同一性状态得分的方差分析结果显示,不同年级大学生在总体获得、总体延缓、总体早闭、意识早闭、人际早闭、人际延缓和人际获得7个维度上差异显著。结论:大学生自我同一性的发展存在一定的不平衡性。  相似文献   
This study aimed to investigate associations among the parental personality dimensions of self‐criticism and dependency, parental relationship stress, and child development from a stress generation perspective. Data from 79 first‐time parents and their children aged 8–13 months, who were followed up in a two‐wave, 1‐year longitudinal study, were analysed within a multilevel structural equation modelling framework in order to account for within‐couple interdependence. Results revealed that, as hypothesised, both parental self‐criticism and dependency were associated with increased levels of relationship stress, which in turn were negatively related to child development. Hence, parental personality features in combination with relationship stress may be an important target in couple and family‐based interventions. Implications for further research on family dynamics and interventions are discussed. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The present study examined how negative feedback influenced implicit self‐evaluations and how individuals' level of relational self‐construal (RelSC) moderated these relationships. One hundred Chinese university students completed the relational‐interdependent self‐construal scale and were randomly assigned into one of three conditions (social exclusion, personal failure, or control). After receiving the manipulation, participants completed two Brief Implicit Association Tests (BIATs) that measured their implicit self‐liking and self‐competence. The results indicated that people with a highly RelSC typically had higher implicit self‐liking, but they decreased their implicit self‐liking more than those with a low RelSC after experiencing social exclusion. However, RelSC did not influence the effect of personal failure on implicit self‐liking. In addition, RelSC was not associated with implicit self‐competence in any situation.  相似文献   
唐雪峰  莫雷 《心理科学》2003,26(4):631-633
应用题表面内容分离为表面概貌和对象对应后,还可以进行再分解。本实验将表面概貌分解为具体属性和问题形式,将对象对应分解表述顺序对应和具体对象对应,研究结果表明,表面内容不同方面的相似性对原理运用有不同的影响。  相似文献   
杜林致  乐国安 《心理科学》2003,26(5):915-916
1 引言  金钱不仅仅是一种商品交换的手段 ,还是人们生活的“参照框架”和进行个人价值评定的标准 ;人们的金钱观念会影响到其工作态度和行为、生活、收入满意度、消费行为、经济冒险行为等。由此 ,分析人们的金钱心理和行为具有非常重要的意义。有一些心理学家对金钱心理的成分进行了分析 ,如Goldberg和Lewis (1978)区分了四种主要的金钱成分 :安全 ,权力 ,爱 ,自由 ;Forman (1987)描绘了五种经典的(与金钱有关的 )神经病类型 :守财奴 ,挥霍者 ,大亨 ,讨价还价者 ,赌徒 ;Doyle (1992 )提出了四种金钱人格类型 :驱动者 ,慈悲者 ,分析者…  相似文献   
康有为揭橥孔子和经学的旗帜 ,并借用西学对其进行改铸 ,从而把孔子塑造成君主立宪政体的缔造者 ,把经典改造成君主立宪政体理论的载体。康有为之所以能这样做 ,与经学与时俱进的特征、自身学贯中西的知识储备以及现实社会的需要有很大关系。康氏所为 ,开援西入儒之先河 ,拓展了儒家的外王学与内圣学 ,促进了思想的解放 ,对构建当代新文化也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
吴明霞  张大均  汤万文 《心理科学》2005,28(3):652-653,649
自上世纪初逻辑实证主义影响下量的评估就一直在生涯咨询中占主导地位。近年来建构主义对生涯咨询的影响逐渐增加.质的评估越来越突出。文章立足于两种不同的世界观基础,比较了量和质的生涯评估模式及其特征,并探讨如何发展质的生涯评估过程。  相似文献   
王亚同  赵国祥  唐耿新 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1086-1088
本研究利用Gentner的理论,参考Robins的研究方法自己编制材料,以故事呈现的方式研究了5岁、6岁和7岁三个年龄组儿童的类比系统性效应。结果表明,5岁年龄组的儿童不容易进行结构映射,而6岁和7岁两个年龄组的儿童表现出比较明显的类比系统性效应。这表明在合适的年龄阶段,儿童可以理解故事中的因果关系。  相似文献   
The present study examines the efficacy of expressive writing among Chinese undergraduates. The sample comprised of 74 undergraduates enrolled in a 9‐week intervention (35 in experimental class vs. 39 in control class). The writing exercises were well‐embedded in an elective course for the two classes. The 46‐item simplified Chinese Self‐Rated Health Measurement Scale, which assesses psychological, physical and social health, was adopted to measure the outcome of this study. Baseline (second week) and post‐test (ninth week) scores were obtained during the classes. After the intervention on the eighth week, the self‐reported psychological, social and physical health of the experimental class improved. Psychological health obtained the maximum degree of improvement, followed by social and physical health. Furthermore, female participants gained more psychological improvement than males. These results demonstrated that the expressive writing approach could improve the physical, social and psychological health of Chinese undergraduates, and the method can be applied in university psychological consulting settings in Mainland China.  相似文献   
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