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记忆监测是有赖于状态的.还是有赖于特质的?实验针对两种预见性监测任务——任务难度的预见(EOL)和学习程度的判断(JOL),选用三种实验材料,对记忆监测的准确性进行了跨任务、跨情境的一致性考察。发现在任务难度的预见与学习程度的判断的准确性之间,存在着跨任务的高度一致性;在不同的三项材料之间.存在着跨情境的高度相关。本研究结果从一个侧面支持了记忆监测的特质说。  相似文献   
意识的四个要素理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于实验事实 ,提出了意识内部结构的观念。按照本文提出的意识的四个要素理论 ,意识由意识的四个要素及它们之间的相互作用组成。意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。讨论了意识四个要素的脑机制  相似文献   
春风送暖,大地披绿,我们又一次迎来了一个阳光明媚的春天。一年一度的全国人民代表大会和全国政协会议在世界各国人民的关注下胜利闭幕了,我们和全国各族人民一样满怀喜悦的心情,热烈祝贺两会的圆满成功。刚刚闭幕的十届全国人大三次会议是在我国改革发展的关键时期召开的一次重要会议,是一次团结奋进、昂扬向上、开拓创新、求真务实的会议。会议听取并审议了温家宝总理做的《政府工作报告》和其他几个重要报告;表决同意江泽民同志辞去国家军委主席职务的请求,对江泽民同志为国家、为人民、为国防事业所作的杰出贡献给予了高度评价,同时一致…  相似文献   
编号俄A20V的黑水城出土的全真教佚词,杂汇了释、道、禅三家经义的内容;本卷所存的内容,不少是释、道、儒家经义的糅合;佚词的语言词汇高度因袭、逼似重阳及七子的作品;词中还有一些可以联系全真七子的线索;同卷的《亡牛偈》,也是十一首佚词为全真七子作品的有利旁证。故而,它们既非西夏人的作品,亦非宋人的作品,更非13世纪中期元人的作品,它们是秦渡镇分手之后,马钰较为早期的作品。词作对于全真教在西夏、马钰、金元词的研究,均有重要的文献价值。  相似文献   
提出制约新农合制度发展的瓶颈有:筹资方式及筹资成本问题、筹资水平、补偿内容的设计问题、过多照搬了城镇职工基本医疗保险的资金管理方式、管理能力与管理手段、位于卫生局内的合管办、无法实现“解决因病致贫、因病返贫”的政策目标。  相似文献   
在生理水平的血管壁切应力属于优性因子,能促进血管重建,抑制内皮细胞凋亡,调节内皮细胞分泌功能,使内皮细胞形态产生适应性变化;而显著升高或降低的血管壁切应力则属于非优因子,导致高血压恶性循环发生、促进动脉粥样硬化及动脉血栓形成。实现切应力非优向优转化的重要途径是降低高血压和选择性阻断切应力对基因表达的调节  相似文献   
浅析肿瘤疫苗   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
肿瘤疫苗作为肿瘤特异性主动免疫治疗的方式,目的是激发启动,调节增强机体固有的免疫功能和抗癌能力以维护机体生理平衡。具有使机体由被动抗癌向主动抗癌转变的特点。  相似文献   
In two experiments on choice the durations of attention to the alternatives were measured. In experiment 1 each subject chose one from two pictures; in experiment 2 the choice was one from three pictures. In both experiments the subjects understood that they would acquire the picture that they selected. In each experiment higher and lower conflict conditions were induced by offering subjects a choice between alternatives that had been evaluated either equally or disparately. In both experiments a significant relationship appeared between duration of attention and preference order with most subjects looking longest at the alternative that was preferred. In the comparison between conditions this effect was found to be stronger under lower conflict than under higher conflict; this difference reached a significant level in experiment 2. These results are contrary to findings by Gerard (1967), and this matter is discussed. The relevance of the results to other theories is examined. Inferences were drawn from dissonance theory about re-evaluation effects after decision, and evaluation changes were measured in the experiments. After adjustment for measurement regression, the data failed to reveal a significant chronic re-evaluation effect. Contrary to dissonance theory, the re-evaluation effect was weaker in the three-alternative choice experiment than in the two-alternative choice experiment.  相似文献   
Cognitive Continuum Theory (CCT) is an adaptive theory of human judgement and posits a continuum of cognitive modes anchored by intuition and analysis. The theory specifies surface and depth task characteristics that are likely to induce cognitive modes at different points along the cognitive continuum. The current study manipulated both the surface (information representation) and depth (task structure) characteristics of a multiple‐cue integration threat assessment task. The surface manipulation influenced cognitive mode in the predicted direction with an iconic information display inducing a more intuitive mode than a numeric information display. The depth manipulation influenced cognitive mode in a pattern not predicted by CCT. Results indicate this difference was due to a combination of task complexity and participant satisfacing. As predicted, analysis produced a more leptokurtic error distribution than intuition. Task achievement was a function of the extent to which participants demonstrated an analytic cognitive mode index, and not a function of correspondence, as predicted. This difference was likely due to the quantitative nature of the task manipulations. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
关于我国高等师范院校公共课心理学教材整体改革的构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卢家楣 《心理学报》1992,25(3):106-113
本文在作者实践基础上,从建设新时期具有我国特色的高师公共课心理学教材的高度,提出四点改革构想:1.在教材体系上,围绕师范生今后“教书”和“育人”工作组织心理学基本内容,形成有机联系的“双主线’结构;2.在教材内容上,突出“三个性”——以强调心理学内容对中学教育实践指导意义的实用性,带动理论阐述上的针对性和实践运用上的可操作性;3.在教材论述上,兼顾师范生的认识规律,采用现象—规律—运用的“三段法”程式;4.在教材编写上,提倡专家、高师公共课心理学教师和中学优秀教师“三结合”原则。  相似文献   
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