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东正教在驯鹿鄂温克人中的传播和新教在拉祜族中的传播有着截然不同的方式,代表着两种不同的文化传播类型,其传播的结果和基督教在这两个族群中所发挥的作用也是十分不同的。  相似文献   
调查分析了广东省卫生人力及医学高等教育的现状和存在的问题,并以此为依据,用以指导医学高等院校适度调整医学高等教育的培养规划,旨在探索如何更好地促进医学高等教育及卫生人力资源的优化配置的健康发展,科学规划医学招生规模,确保高等医学院校人才培养与就业岗位有机结合。  相似文献   
由于认识到卫生系统的大部分资源主要花费在疾病的治疗上,这种资源配置不当不仅导致巨额医疗费用负担和低效率,并没有获得好的健康结果;因此,近年许多发达国家的健康目标与卫生改革出现了一个新的导向,日益重视预防保健的作用;并采取优先选择的方式,确保资源优先配置给对人群健康最需要、资源投入最具有成本效果的保健服务。这种改革已取得了一些成效。这一改革导向对我国正在进行的医药卫生体制改革的制度设计与政策开发提供了启示。  相似文献   
在道德哲学视域中,"自我"是基于"自然"的同一性与整体性的生命存在。而现代生命科学技术对"自然自我"的干预和颠覆导致了纯粹"自然自我"的消逝和"精神自我"的绝望,并由此引发"自我"的分裂。对生命伦理而言,重新弘扬"自我"的主体性,致力于"自我"向伦理实体的回归,乃是重拾"自我"生命尊严的内在要求。  相似文献   
<正>各级道教协会、各道教宫观:今年5月1日,举世瞩目的"世博会"将在上海市隆重开幕,这是我国继2008年奥运会之后承办的又一世界级盛会。世博会是世界上最高级别的展览活动,是展示人类文明进步的大舞台。通过举办世博会,可以充分展示现代世界的文明成果,进一步增强中国同各国人民之间的友谊和友好合作,从而让中国走向世界,也让世界了解中国。世博会在中  相似文献   
Refeng Tang 《Synthese》2010,175(1):101-122
The motivation for McDowell’s conceptualism is an epistemological consideration. McDowell believes conceptualism would guarantee experience a justificatory role in our belief system and we can then avoid the Myth of the Given without falling into coherentism. Conceptualism thus claims an epistemological advantage over nonconceptualism. The epistemological advantage of conceptualism is not to be denied. But both Sellars and McDowell insist experience is not belief. This makes it impossible for experience to justify empirical knowledge, for the simple reason that what is not a belief cannot justify a belief. Nondoxastic experience, though conceptual, is still a Given. And what conceptualism gives us can only be a New Myth of the Given.  相似文献   
Buttle H  East J 《Perception》2010,39(12):1672-1674
Factors that are important to successful face recognition, such as features, configuration, and pigmentation/reflectance, are all subject to change when a face has been engraved with ink markings. Here we show that the application of facial tattoos, in the form of spiral patterns (typically associated with the Maori tradition of a Moko), disrupts face recognition to a similar extent as face inversion, with recognition accuracy little better than chance performance (2AFC). These results indicate that facial tattoos can severely disrupt our ability to recognise a face that previously did not have the pattern.  相似文献   
Two-hundred-and-twenty-five Chinese human service professional trainees (80 police trainees, 45 medical students, and 100 nursing students) participated in a study on responsibility attribution to violence against women (VAW). Results showed that compared to medical students and police trainees, nursing students had broader definitions of VAW, endorsed more liberal attitudes toward women, and perceived VAW as more prevalent and having more negative effects on the victims and society. Compared to police trainees, medical and nursing students assigned greater responsibility to VAW perpetrators. However, there was no group difference in the attribution of responsibility to VAW victims. Among the predictor variables for a low level of responsibility attribution to the victims, liberal attitude toward women was the only significant predictor. For a low level of responsibility attribution to the perpetrators, the most salient predictors were being police trainees and perceiving VAW as having little negative effects on the victims. Limitations and implications of the study will also be discussed.  相似文献   
自我概念的多层结构模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自我概念是个体对其自身的生理自我特征、心理自我特征、社会自我特征以及关联自我特征的态度,它是社会认知的重要内容。该研究仅围绕构成个体自我概念内涵的个人信息对145名大学生进行了调查,同时使用因素分析的方法进行分析。研究结果表明,在自我认知的信息构成中,自我概念从信息安全的角度呈现出层次性,具体可分为浅层自我、深层自我与中层自我等。  相似文献   
最近公布的《中央及北京市报纸科技报道科普宣传情况统计》结果,引起了业内人士的忧虑。黄天祥、王学锋在《科技报道及科普宣传的现状不容乐观》这篇文章中,列举了该项目对《人民日报》、《北京日报》、《北京晚报》、《京华时报》、《新京报》等十几家中央和北京市报纸,进行调查的一些发人深思的数据和信息。一、无论是北京地区的都市报,还是中央级报纸,其科技新闻在全部新闻总量中的比例都明显偏低,平均值为3%~4%。其中比例最低的都市报,如《新京报》仅占2.05%;中央级报纸,如《工人日报》仅为1.6%。而同期监测的美国《纽约时报》、《今日…  相似文献   
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