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This paper presents two approximate methods for multiattribute utility measurement, SMARTS and SMARTER, each based on an elicitation procedure for weights. Both correct an error in SMART, originally proposed by Edwards in 1977, and in addition SMARTER is simpler to use. SMARTS uses linear approximations to single-dimension utility functions, an additive aggregation model, and swing weights. The paper proposes tests for the usability of these approximations. SMARTER, based on a formally justifiable weighting procedure developed by Barron and Barrett, uses the same procedures as SMARTS except that it omits the second of two elicitation steps in swing weights, substituting calculations based on ranks. It can be shown to perform about 98% as well as SMARTS does, without requiring any difficult judgments from elicitees.  相似文献   
Movement recall was investigated in relation to the sensory processes involved in a triangle drawing task.Forty subjects in two groups, one with and one without visual feedback, performed a recall task involving movements of their index finger. All subjects attended different experimental sessions in which (1) all proprioceptive feedback was eliminated by the ischaemic block technique, (2) muscle spindle feedback was distorted by vibration of the muscles and tendons involved in the movement, and (3) proprioceptive feedback was normal.Within each session subjects were required firstly to recall triangular movements made for them passively by the experimenter, and secondly, to recall movements they had made actively. Results indicated comparable accuracy in recall of active movements in all conditions, and a decrement in passive recall dependent on the availability of the alternative sources of feedback. The results indicated a process of integrated contribution of all inputs to the perception of movement; redundancy in information when all channels are available; and a role of corollary discharge in recall of movements.  相似文献   
The development of a peer counselling programme by students at the University of Birmingham and by counsellors in training at the nearby University of Aston is described. The growth and development of the programme in terms of content, structure and rationale over the past two years are outlined, as are the results and implications of the development of new communication channels that it has facilitated on campus. The project's emphasis has shifted from providing services for others to concern for self development, and the implications both of this and of the programme's contribution to community development within the campus are discussed.  相似文献   
Four experiments were conducted in which lever pressing by squirrel monkeys was maintained under multiple, mixed, or chained schedules of electric-shock presentation. In the first two experiments, a multiple schedule was employed in which a fixed-interval schedule of shock presentation alternated with a signaled two-minute component. Initially, no events were scheduled during the two-minute component (a safety period). In the first experiment, the safety period was “degraded” by introducing and systematically increasing the frequency of periodic shocks presented during that component. In the second experiment, the proportion of overall safe time to unsafe time was decreased by decreasing the value of the fixed-interval schedule while holding constant shock frequency during the two-minute component. In the third experiment, the overall arrangement was changed from a multiple to a mixed schedule in an attempt to determine whether fixed-interval responding would be maintained when a single exteroceptive stimulus was associated with both components. In the fourth experiment, the overall arrangement was changed from a multiple to a chained schedule in an effort to determine whether fixed-interval responding would be maintained when its consequence was presentation of a signaled “unsafe” period. Fixed-interval responding was well maintained under all experimental conditions; the varied relationships obtained lend more support to conceptualizations of shock-maintained behavior as exemplifying schedule-controlled behavior than to suggestions that such behavior may be readily accounted for by “safety theory.”  相似文献   
The study further explores the distinction of psychological and socio-cultural adjustment during cross-cultural transitions. One hundred and seventy-eight New Zealand American Field Service (AFS) students residing in 23 different countries completed questionnaires which contained assessments of the following: Personality (extraversion and locus of control); life changes (Social Readjustment Rating Questionnaire); homesickness, cultural distance, acculturation (cultural identity and cultural integration—separation); attitudes toward host country; language ability; amount of contact with host and co-nationals; relationship satisfaction with co-nationals, host nationals and host family; and outcome measures of socio-cultural (social difficulty) and psychological adjustment (Profile of Mood States). Stepwise regressions revealed that homesickness, external locus of control, life changes, and social difficulty accounted for 55% of the variance in psychological adjustment. In contrast, cultural distance, language ability, satisfaction with host national contact, cultural separation and mood disturbance explained 52% of the variance in socio-cultural adaptation. In the second part of the research, psychological and socio-cultural adjustment of AFS students was compared with a sample of 142 home-based New Zealand secondary school students. Although there were no significant differences in psychological adjustment between the two groups, the students who were resident abroad experienced greater socio-cultural difficulties than the students resident in New Zealand (P < 0.0005), and, as hypothesized, the correlation between psychological and socio-cultural adjustment was significantly greater in the home-based students compared to the AFS group (P < 0.0001).  相似文献   
Working memory and conditional reasoning   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Little is known about the role of working memory in conditional reasoning. This paper reports three experiments that examine the contributions of the visuo-spatial scratch pad (VSSP), the articulatory loop, and the central executive components of Baddeley and Hitch's (1974) model of working memory to conditional reasoning. The first experiment employs a spatial memory task that is presented concurrently with two putative spatial interference tasks (tapping and tracking), articulatory suppression, and a verbal memory load. Only the tracking and memory load impaired performance, suggesting that these tap the VSSP and central executive, respectively. Having established the potency of these interference tasks two further experiments examined the effects of tapping and tracking (Experiment 2) and articulation and memory load (Experiment 3) on a conditional reasoning task. Neither tracking nor tapping affected the number of inferences accepted or response latency. Articulation also failed to affect conditional reasoning but memory load selectively reduced acceptance of modus tollens inferences. These results are discussed in terms of both rule-based and mental models theories of reasoning. While these data cannot discriminate between the two perspectives they provide support for one of the central assumptions in each: that some errors in reasoning are attributable directly to working memory demands. Taken together these experiments suggest that conditional reasoning requires an abstract working memory medium for representation; it does not require either the VSSP or the articulatory loop. It is concluded that the central executive provides the necessary substrate.  相似文献   
Norwich's entropy theory of perception (plus a few additional assumptions) suggests the existence of an "infromational adaptation curves" (change in stimulus equivocation with stimulus duration) for suprathreshold prothetic stimuli that is synchronous with the "neural adaptation curve" (change in firing rate with stimulus duration) observed for sensory neurons. Five experiments are reported in which informational adaptation curves were measured for auditory and visual stimuli by having subjects make absolute identifications of suprathreshold sound or light intenstiies of various durations. Information transmissions for the shortest duration stimuli (1 and 5 msec, respectively, for light and sound) were surprisingly large (small equivocations), indicating that intensity information is acquired very rapidly by the whole organism. The equations of entropy theory were fitted to adaptation data for peripheral sensory neurons (spiral ganglion cells and retinal ganglion cells) and were compared to the informational adaptation curves. It was found that informational adaptation occurred more rapidly than neural adaptation. That is, the two types of adaptation process are asynchronous. However, for both audition and vision, the total amount of information mediated by the adaptation process (channel capacity) was about the same for both types of processes (2.03 bits vs. 2.1 bits per stimulus for sound intensity; 1.3 vs. 2.0 bits per stimulus for light intensity). Faster acquisition could be accomplished in the whole organism through convergent neural circuits that increase sampling rate by pooling the samples taken by individual receptor systems.  相似文献   
The present study examines the effects of employment status (full time, part time), job sex type, and job applicant sex upon judgments of occupational suitability. Sixty-three male and 176 female undergraduate students (ranging in age between 17 and 32 years) read a brief vignette describing either a man or a woman. Subjects then rated the occupational suitability of the person for three male sex-typed jobs (plumber, bus driver, cabinetmaker) and three female sex-typed jobs (secretary, telephone operator, hairdresser). In one condition subjects were explicitly told that these jobs were full time. In a second condition subjects were explicitly told that these jobs were part time. Results indicated a sex-congruency bias for both full time and part time employment. However, there was evidence that sex congruency bias is reduced for part-time employment.The author is grateful to Dr. Julian Barling, Dr. Rudolf Kalin, and Kevin Kelloway for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. The comments provided by the anonymous reviews were also appreciated.  相似文献   
Feeding related lateralization was examined in a population of 23 small-eared bushbabies (Otolemur garnettii). The three measures used to determine lateralization were food reaching, holding, and manipulation. Sex and age differences were found, with adult females showing a strong right bias and adult males a left bias. Juvenile males were weakly lateralized and less consistent across measures than adult animals. The use of standard scores to assess lateralization allowed species comparisons to be made. The results of this study were compared with results from a previous study on lateralization in the ring-tailed lemur (Lemur catta). Species comparisons found sex differences to be a stronger factor in lateralization than species differences.  相似文献   
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