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Teng  Fei  Gao  Wenyang  Huang  Xishan  Poon  Kai-Tak 《Sex roles》2019,81(1-2):97-108

Previous research on self-objectification mainly focuses on its influences on intrapersonal psychological distress whereas our study examined whether self-objectification would influence interpersonal distress (i.e., loneliness) and its corresponding mechanisms in a sample of American women and men recruited with MTurk. Participants’ self-objectification was indexed by their level of body surveillance, and we proposed that body surveillance would increase women’s and men’s tendency to experience shame about their body and decrease their general self-esteem, which would in turn predict their level of loneliness. A total of 373 Americans (235 women; Mdnage?=?33 years-old, range?=?18–77) participated in the present study, and the results provided support for the proposed theoretical model. Specifically, we found that body surveillance positively predicted people’s body shame, and body shame negatively predicted self-esteem, which in turn predicted people’s loneliness. Moreover, this mediational model was not different between men and women. These results expand the scope of investigation by incorporating male samples, and they suggest that in addition to intrapersonal consequences, self-objectification can also influence people’s interpersonal well-being. Implications were discussed.

在我国族际背景中, 检验两种效价族际接触的效应及其机制。研究1从内地和新疆抽取有过族际互动经验的维吾尔族和汉族大学生(内地、新疆的汉族、维吾尔族样本量分别为448、791, 375、901), 研究2从宁夏抽取回族和汉族中学生(回族565, 汉族957)。两个研究共在6个样本上检验积极和消极族际接触对族际接触意愿的效应, 并检验族际自我效能的中介作用。结果表明, 积极族际接触明显多于消极族际接触; 积极族际接触越多族际接触意愿越高, 消极族际接触越多族际接触意愿越低, 积极族际接触的促进效应大于消极族际接触的阻碍效应; 族际自我效能部分中介积极族际接触对族际接触意愿的效应, 能更有效的中介消极族际接触的效应; 两种效价族际接触的效应在多数群体和少数群体间总体上没有预期的差异。研究结果对于了解我国族际接触的现状和效应、丰富群际接触研究证据有理论意义, 对于加强各民族交往交流交融具有实践意义。  相似文献   
认知研究的现象学趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
费多益 《哲学动态》2007,18(6):55-62
关于认知的研究,从心理学进展来看,20世纪70年代占主导性地位的是认知主义(cogni-tivism),或称为符号的研究定向;80年代兴起了联结主义(connectionnism),或称为网络的研究定向,它是以神经的网络加工系统为理论基础的,或者说是通过脑的生物活动来类比人的认知活动。认知心理学以其丰富的实验成果迅速改变着心理学的面貌,但与此同时也遭到诸多批判。这些批判主要反映在对其方法论的否定。美国心理学家汤普森认为,认知心理学的个体主义方法论把一切都还原为个人的认知活动,现实的行为被看成是个体的认知操作,而不是社会和历史构造的产物。[1]这…  相似文献   
汉族儿童亲属词概念结构发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用自然分类和多维标度法,考察汉语儿童亲属词概念结构的发展。结果表明:(1)随着年龄增长,儿童亲属词概念结构的维度在变化。小学低年级学生出现性别和辈分维度,小学高年级学生出现辈分和成人/儿童维度,初中生出现亲属亲密程度维度,高二学生出现姻亲/非姻亲维度。(2)亲属词概念结构受儿童性别和生活经验影响。(3)个体概念结构发展和人类概念结构进化有类似之处。  相似文献   
Rhemtulla M  Xu F 《Psychological review》2007,114(4):1087-94; discussion 1096-104
L. J. Rips, S. Blok, and G. Newman (2006) proposed that singular concepts, which support the tracing of individual objects across their existence, are governed by a principle of causal continuity. They purported to show that causal continuity is better than existing theories at explaining judgments of the persistence of individual objects. This article makes 3 points. First, the construct of causal connectedness entails a wide variety of different explanatory factors; calling them all causal has questionable explanatory value. There is little evidence that the ultimate basis for identity judgments in many cases is causal. Second, the authors suggest that causal knowledge is indeed important to identity, but that it is important in the context of sortal concepts; different causal information matters for different kinds of things. Finally, the authors consider whether causal knowledge or sortal concepts are more fundamental to tracing individual identity, that is, whether causal knowledge is necessary for identity judgments. The authors appeal to research in developmental psychology that has begun to address this debate, supporting the primacy of sortal concepts. Although there continues to be shortcomings of all theories of object persistence, it is not clear that the causal continuer theory brings new clarity to the puzzle.  相似文献   
Word learning as Bayesian inference   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors present a Bayesian framework for understanding how adults and children learn the meanings of words. The theory explains how learners can generalize meaningfully from just one or a few positive examples of a novel word's referents, by making rational inductive inferences that integrate prior knowledge about plausible word meanings with the statistical structure of the observed examples. The theory addresses shortcomings of the two best known approaches to modeling word learning, based on deductive hypothesis elimination and associative learning. Three experiments with adults and children test the Bayesian account's predictions in the context of learning words for object categories at multiple levels of a taxonomic hierarchy. Results provide strong support for the Bayesian account over competing accounts, in terms of both quantitative model fits and the ability to explain important qualitative phenomena. Several extensions of the basic theory are discussed, illustrating the broader potential for Bayesian models of word learning.  相似文献   
应用题结构分析训练对提高小学生解题能力的实验研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
实验以小学四年级学生为被试,采用完全随机化等组设计。实验组采用应用题结构分析训练教学模式,控制组在同等时间内,采用常规教学模式作相同的习题练习。实验结果表明:(1)应用题结构分析训练可显著提高小学生解应用题的能力,中等生受益最大;(2)该模式训练效果与学生的智力水平呈中等程度正相关;(3)学生对该训练模式持肯定态度,反应积极。  相似文献   
We examined whether social protests will shake people's justice belief, and its potential mechanisms. Participants were reminded of an occurrence of a social protest (vs. an ordinary event) and their justice belief toward social system as well as attitudes toward the protest was measured. Moreover, participants’ perceived group identification with the protesters was measured in Experiment 1 and manipulated in Experiment 2. The results revealed that participants with greater group identification perceived the social system as more just, and were less supportive of the protest than those with low group identification. The implications of these findings were discussed.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT— What is the nature of early words? Specifically, do infants expect words for objects to refer to kinds or to distinct shapes? The current study investigated this question by testing whether 10-month-olds expect internal object properties to be predicted by linguistic labels. A looking-time method was employed. Infants were familiarized with pairs of identical or different objects that made identical or different sounds. During test, before the sounds were demonstrated, paired objects were labeled with one repeated count-noun label or two distinct labels. Results showed that infants expected objects labeled with distinct labels to make different sounds and objects labeled with repeated labels to make identical sounds, regardless of the objects' appearance. These findings indicate that the 10-month-olds' expectations about internal properties of objects were driven by labeling and provide evidence that even at the beginning of word learning, infants expect distinct labels to refer to different kinds.  相似文献   
Xu F 《Cognition》2003,89(1):B15-B25
Two experiments investigated numerosity discrimination in 6-month-old infants, comparing their performance on both large numbers (4 vs. 8 elements) and small numbers (2 vs. 4 elements) with both total filled area and total contour length controlled for. These studies provide the first direct comparison between discrimination of small and large numbers in infants with the same methodology, the same type of stimuli, and the same continuous variable controls. Results showed that infants succeeded in discriminating 4 from 8 elements but failed to discriminate 2 from 4 elements, providing evidence for the existence of two systems of number representations in infancy.  相似文献   
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