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知识总是必然地比单纯真信念更好吗?我们可以通过思考知识与行动的规范关系,特别是与断定的关系,来解释这种知识-价值直觉。首先,从表现规范性的角度来看,知识是行动的一个特例;其次,知识是断定的规范,即为了一个真诚的断定p是适切的,那么这个行动者必须知道p;最后,知识的断定规范与知识的价值直觉具有等价关系:断言p在认知上似乎是恰当和有价值的,当且仅当这个断言倾向在认知上是恰当和有价值的。总之,知识的价值最终源于认知主体的偏好及其对个人生活和共同体生活的繁荣的增进作用。  相似文献   
Six studies investigated the extent to which American ethnic groups (African, Asian, and White) are associated with the category "American." Although strong explicit commitments to egalitarian principles were expressed in Study 1, Studies 2-6 consistently revealed that both African and Asian Americans as groups are less associated with the national category "American" than are White Americans. Under some circumstances, a dissociation between mean levels of explicit beliefs and implicit responses emerged such that an ethnic minority was explicitly regarded to be more American than were White Americans, but implicit measures showed the reverse pattern (Studies 3 and 4). In addition, Asian American participants themselves showed the American = White effect, although African Americans did not (Study 5). The American = White association was positively correlated with the strength of national identity in White Americans. Together, these studies provide evidence that to be American is implicitly synonymous with being White.  相似文献   
Taxometric coherent cut kinetic analyses were used to test the latent structure of anxiety sensitivity (AS) among 371 youth. Anxiety sensitivity was indexed by the 18-item Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI; Silverman et al., J. Clin. Child Psychol. (1991), 20, 162-168). Two sets of manifest indicators of AS were constructed using the CASI: (1) three item-parcel manifest indicators: disease concerns, unsteady concerns, and mental illness concerns; and (2) nine single-item indicators representing each of these three facets of AS. Results from standard and short-scale MAXCOV procedures, internal consistency tests, analyses of simulated Monte Carlo data, and MAMBAC external consistency tests indicated that the latent structure of anxiety sensitivity among youth was taxonic. Estimated base rate of the observed AS taxon ranged between 13.6 and 16.5%. The present findings are discussed in terms of theoretical implications for the study of AS and vulnerability for anxiety psychopathology.  相似文献   
The present study investigated the receptiveness of speakers toward conversational partners in dialogues by comparing duration of response latencies in both Compromise and Debate conditions. 12 dyads of speakers holding opposing opinions participated in a 15-min. dialogue. Six dyads in the Compromise condition reached a conclusion through discussion and consideration of the partner's opinion. The six dyads in the Debate condition imposed their opinion on the conversational partner. Analysis indicated that in compromise dialogues, the response latencies of the conversational partners become similar over the time course, while in debate diaogues, the response latency does not become similar, suggesting that speakers having a receptive attitude adjust their response latencies to match the partner's. The role of congruence of response latencies in dyadic communication was discussed.  相似文献   
叔本华认为,所有纯粹的爱归根结底都是同情.美德的真正精髓是产生了善行的爱,若没有这种爱,善行就只能是僵死的功德.  相似文献   
H.波塞尔  李理 《世界哲学》2005,(4):92-96,105
莱布尼兹不仅是哲学家、数学家,而且还在科学技术上拥有许多重要发明.特别是他所发明的二进制,是所有计算机技术的基础.因此,把莱布尼兹看作信息时代之父并不是没有道理的.本文阐述了莱布尼兹在他的科学技术发明中所体现的系统论思想、科学工具化思想和他关于机器的比喻.作者进一步提出,在科技高度发展的今天,人作为具有自由本质的存在者,必须对自己的行动和技术后果负有责任.我们必须追问技术带来的弊端,并给予技术哲学以应有的地位.  相似文献   
俄罗斯民族是一个不关心政治的民族,她没有对自治的渴求,没有对政治权利的渴望.俄国要实现她的使命,必须遵循自己的理念和要求,而不是那些与她格格不入的理论.俄国有两个方面:国家和百姓.她们之间的理想状态是:人民不干预政府的或行政的事务,给政府无限的统治自由,让政府有行动的权利和相应的法律的权力;而国家并不干预人民的生活方式.给人民以政府保护下的充分的社会和精神生活自由,让人民有发表意见的权利和相应的言论自由.沙皇和百姓之间的正确关系一旦被恢复了,俄罗斯从苦难中就会被解救出来.  相似文献   
洛维特认为,在黑格尔、费尔巴哈和马克思之间存在一种概念的历史谱系,那就是他们在各自的思想中都探讨了人,对人做出了定义,所不同的是,人在他们思想中的地位和对人的探讨的科学性是不一致的.人在黑格尔的绝对精神的体系中没有独立的地位和客观性;费尔巴哈将人定义为抽象的"我-你"关系,从而使人失去了他的社会历史基础;马克思则通过对人存在于其中的社会生产方式的分析,实现了对人的真实的阐释.同时,马克思试图克服资本主义条件下所产生的人的自我异化现象,并以共产主义社会中"真正的人道主义"来标识人的解放,来打破在资本主义社会中人的目的和手段、对象和人、使用价值和交换价值、主体和客体间相互关系的颠倒.  相似文献   
This study aimed to identify the religious practices and beliefs of surgeons and the relationship between surgeons locus of control and religiosity. Thirty-five surgeons completed a survey that included items from the Duke University Religion Index, the Salesian Center Intrinsic Religiosity Scale for Clinicians, and Rotters Locus of Control Scale. Over 68% of sampled surgeons affirmed that their religious beliefs play a part in their practice, 47% attend religious services at least weekly, and 44% pray daily. There was no correlation between locus of control and religiosity. These results challenge the myth of the egocentric, agnostic surgeon.  相似文献   
以维吾尔族大学生为研究对象,采用跨语言启动条件下的真假词汇判断任务,变换启动词与目标词的关系类型和语言种类,考察了L2—L1、L3—L1、L3—L2等三种语言词汇之间的语义通达模式。结果发现,维-汉-英三语者的三种语言词汇之间的联结模式为熟练的第二语言词汇是直接通达语义;而非熟练的第三语言词汇既借助母语词汇又借助汉语词汇来通达语义。除此之外,被试的外语熟练水平和语言间的相似性是影响外语词汇通达语义的主要原因。  相似文献   
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