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Walker and Tarte (1963) postulate that at short retention intervals high arousal paired-associates are reproduced more poorly than low arousal items. Walker and colleagues believe that this hypothesis is confirmed by their paired-associate learning studies. However, results of these paired-associate learning studies are position confounded artifacts. Better recall of low arousal items at short-term retention is caused by the coincidence of the recency effect and low arousal at the end of the trial. When these position effects are controlled there is no action decrement for the high arousal paired-associates. To test this assumption, the Kleinsmith and Kaplan study (1963) was replicated and two other variations were conducted. In these three studies with 76 subjects, which were tested at two minutes or 1 week, the action decrement occurs only when the two position effects coincide.  相似文献   
Depression in some patients with spinal cord injuries may be clinically significant and, when present, should be treated to decrease morbidity including decreased physical functioning. Depression associated with spinal cord injury (SCI) may be misevaluated, due to (1) nonspecific multifactorial production of depression symptoms and (2) SCI-specific decrease in somatic sensory central nervous system input. The Somatic Suppression Hypothesis suggests that SCI patients have difficulty experiencing any intense emotion because of suppression of physiological arousal. In addition, cognitive processes that may reduce depression in SCI patients include: (1) attribution of somatic symptoms of depression to medical (biological) causes, (2) realistic, positive expectations for physical improvement, and (3) the perception that the disability of the SCI is only minimally related to the patient’s self-care after complete evaluation. Health personnel should accept lack of depression in SCI, and should encourage positive realistic expectations of recovery.  相似文献   
We find three factors to be associated with use of cost-benefit rules in everyday decisions. These are effectiveness in achieving desirable life outcomes, intelligence, and training in economics. We argue that these empirical findings support the claim that cost-benefit reasoning is normative.  相似文献   
人类颜色视觉的计算理论   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
该文有机地结合了计算视觉理论和生态学视觉理论,指出颜色信息处理的根本任务是检测环境中的光不变量。在此基础上,作者提出了颜色视觉的计算理论以及计算理论本身的生物学标准。初级视觉计算是典型的不适定问题,动物的视觉系统则利用视环境中存在的条件将该不适定问题转化为定解问题。本文引入颜色视觉计算的免要条件,客观性约束,以及颜色认知的神经表象,证明了上述约束下颜色算法的存在性。本文给出了构造颜色知觉的基本假设。同时,该文还讨论了与上述问题密切相关的几个基本问题:神经表象的完备性,主观色觉的客观性,明度知觉和颜色知觉的统一,人类主观色觉的实现方式。  相似文献   
Consultants enter into legal contracts each time they agree to a consultation arrangement outside of their regular work setting. They need to understand the legal context of contracts within which they perform their services and recognize the benefits a written agreement provides. Counselors often provide consultation services as a regular part of their job responsibilities. In such situations, a separate legal contract is not formed when a consultation relationship is created. A written understanding of the consultation arrangement, however, can be beneficial to the consultant and consultee even though a legal contract does not exist.  相似文献   
The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) causes a chronic, progressive, immune deficiency disease, the most severe phase of which is Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). HIV is a newly characterized human retrovirus transmitted only by direct exposure to blood or blood derivatives, certain acts of sexual intercourse, or transfer from infected mother to fetus or infant. In this article the author reviews the most important current epidemiologic, clinical, and virologic information about HIV and HIV disease and provides a factual framework for understanding the issues created by the epidemic.  相似文献   
Increased interest in attachment theory among counseling researchers and practitioners has led to the development of several measures of attachment-related constructs. Following a brief overview of the theoretical foundations of attachment theory as conceptualized by Ainsworth (1989) and Bowlby (1988), the authors of this article review four self-report measures of adolescent and adult attachment. Many considerations for the selection and use of these instruments in future counseling research and assessment are discussed.  相似文献   
Briefly stated my point is that the well-being of each person in a community conceived abstractly may be all too easily sacrificed for the sake of the abstraction. Physicians may offer critically ill patients places in programs of experimental treatment, but there is commonly a catch to the offer. To take part in a program of clinical experiment a patient must not only risk a possible failure of a fresh drug and the chance of destructive side effects from the drug, but the patients must risk only getting the traditional treatment along with a placebo rather than the experimental drug. Placebo control, double blind critical protocols for testing effects of fresh drugs on critically ill patients are a commonplace. I question the scientific objectivity of the protocols and the underlying ethic, and suggest use of alternate protocols. Experimental tests in the treatment gram-negative bacteria blood infections, muscular dystrophy, and AIDS and AIDS-related diseases are examples.  相似文献   
The present study compared the ability of novice divers to apply decompression tables having learnt how to use them in either the same or a different environment. Those subjects who had learnt how to use the tables in a different environment (i. e. had learnt on dry land and were tested underwater or vice-versa) performed on average 64 percent worse than those who had the same environment for both learning and test. This effect could not be ascribed to the disruption brought about by changing environments. The results show that contextual effects on memory extend beyond the recall of word lists (Godden and Baddeley, 1975) to the ability to implement potentially important instructions.  相似文献   
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