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创造性行为存在于这样的过程之中,即敏感地察觉或意识到问题、缺陷、知识的空白、缺失的要素、不协调等等;在新的关系中综合有效的信息;找出难点或缺失的主要成分;寻找解决问题和弥补缺陷的方法、作出假设、检验与验证;加以完善;最后交流结果。这一定义适用于正常、健康的成人,也适用于大部分儿童。不过,在这一过程的每一阶段,人们强烈的动机都起着作用。  相似文献   
如果非洲哲学不是一种由非洲思想家根据他们自己的经验,并以此种经验为手段,在此种经验的范围内表述的哲学,那么所谓非洲哲学又是什么呢?但是,进一步的考察表明,这种显然有理的说法,仍值得细加推敲。我们当代的一些哲学家——非洲人或不是非洲人,致力于以西方的语言或者西方化的非洲语言表述思想的要义;在读这些哲学家的著作时,我们确会产  相似文献   
在知识增长速度高于理解并以适当方法处理它们的速度的科技进步时代,编写教科书和学习参考书已成为一件极其复杂和担风险的事情。一本教材还没等出版,其内容和观点表达方式对大学生来说就往往已经陈旧,这种事情绝非偶然。把教科书看成是作者回顾以往的科学,又环顾反映当今科学研究情况的事实和观点,把其中站得住脚的真理加以概述而成的东西,要克服这种传统观点远不是简单事。  相似文献   
<正> 在什么意义上我们说中国哲学是尘世的在对中国哲学所作的许许多多的概括中,有这样一种说法:中国哲学更注重此生此世而不像印度哲学那样富于思辨。假如我们问,中国哲学在什么意义上可以说是尘世的,人们可能告诉我们,它首先是人道的、以人为中心,它研究人的道德生活以及社会关系。当听到或读到这类概括时,具有批判性思想方式的人,就立即会提出反驳,或至少作出一些澄清。例如,就上述的概括来看,人们可以反驳说,印度哲学同样也是以人为中心的,  相似文献   
一九七七年十月在匈牙利济汉城,举行了题为“社会主义社会发展的辩证法”的理论会议;这次会议是根据匈牙利社会主义工人党中央高级政治学校的倡议召开的。保加利亚、匈牙利、德意志民主共和国。波兰、苏联、罗马尼亚和捷克斯洛伐克的高级党校哲学教研室的教员,参加了这次会议。来自兄弟的社会主义国家的科学家们,把主要注意力放在分析社会发展辩证法的普遍规律和范畴的内容问题上。他们专门考察了关于在社会主义条件下,客观因素与主观因素、自发性与自觉性之间相互作用的特征问题,以及社会主义意识的形成和个  相似文献   
正我出身于公教家庭。往上说,曾祖父一家人在山西平遥从外籍神父手中领洗入教;之后,为躲避清末义和团,而逃难到陕北,安家落户,开荒造林,积累资产;因做事有开创性和远见,到了祖父这一代,已跃升为当地的名门望族。是时也,伯祖父与杨虎城将军拜为结义兄弟,曾任代理县长。重要的是,前辈们始终坚守信仰,且对子女们的公教教育抓得很紧。其家训是:"头可断,血可流,信仰不可丢。"及至父母这一代,每个人将《要理问答》背得滚瓜烂熟,公诵早晚课雷打不动,对圣教经文耳熟能详,瞻  相似文献   
2005年,联合国教科文组织有史以来首次采取了一项跨部门哲学战略,这一战略旨在为支持人文和社会科学部的重点学科哲学的计划确定制度框架。联合国教科文组织与会员国和广大机构合作伙伴密切合作,特别是2002年联合国教科文组织举办哲学日以来,哲学领域的活动不断开展,因而这一战略势在必行。  相似文献   
Neonatal stress alters the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis in rodents, such that, when these animals are exposed to stress as adults they hypersecrete corticosterone. Given that glucocorticoids are immunosuppressive, we examined the impact of maternal separation on HPA axis reactivity, natural killer (NK) cytotoxicity, and tumor growth in Fischer 344 rats following chronic restraint stress in adulthood. Pups underwent a chronic stress protocol whereby they were separated from their dams for 3 h on postnatal days 1-21. In adulthood, corticosterone responses were assessed following exposure to chronic (6 days for 10 h) restraint stress. Rats allocated to the chronic stress condition were inoculated with MADB106 tumor cells on day 4 of the restraint protocol. Blood was assessed for NK cytotoxicity on the final day of the chronic restraint protocol, and tumor colonization was assessed 3 weeks thereafter. Maternal separation impaired developmental weight gain (P < 0.05), depressed NK cytotoxicity (P < 0.05), and increased tumor colonization in the presence of chronic restraint stress in adulthood (P < 0.00 l). These findings occurred independently of circulating plasma corticosterone as only adult stress exposure potentiated corticosterone responses (P < 0.05). Our findings indicate that maternal separation and chronic stress can impair NK cytotoxicity and hence tumor immunity, but these effects are not directly mediated by perturbations in HPA axis function.  相似文献   
This study was designed to assess physiological and behavioral correlates of academic stress during a college course in organic chemistry in the USA. Participants (45 females, 46 males, mean age 19.88 years) were screened for their basal hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical activity using saliva samples collected at the beginning of the course and after each major test. Displacement activities (DAs) were observed during each test by videotaping students' behavior when they were taking the tests. These variables were then used as predictors of the students' achievement as measured by their grade point average (GPA) scores, American College Testing (ACT) scores, and their final grade in the class. Ninety-one students, enrolled in Organic Chemistry I at Marshall University during the summer of 2009, were recruited for this study. It was found that individual differences in the physiological stress responses are a factor in predicting the students' ability to pass a challenging class. A logistic model built on GPA, DAs during stress, and salivary hormone (cortisol and dehydroepiandrosterone) concentrations was able to correctly classify almost 90% of the students passing the class. The same model was not nearly as successful in determining the possible factors behind failing the class, because the classification success was just 52%, a figure close to chance. We conclude that a clear set of characteristics related to the students' ability and resilience to psychological stress are necessary to succeed in a challenging class. The reason behind dropping or failing a class could be less defined. These data indicated that investigating the physiological and behavioral propensities associated with psychological stress can help us better understand an individual's coping responses to a long-term challenging situation.  相似文献   
This review summarizes some of the milestones of the research on the biological functions(s) of midbrain urocortin 1 (Ucn1) since its discovery 15 years ago. Detailed characterization of Ucn1 in the midbrain revealed its overall significance in food intake and regulation of homeostatic equilibrium and mood under stress. In addition, we have recently found a conspicuous alteration in midbrain Ucn1 levels in brains of depressed suicide victims. Furthermore, from the results from the genetically modified animals, a picture is emerging where corticotrophin-releasing factor promotes the initial reactions to stress, whereas Ucn1 seems to be crucial for management of the later adaptive phase. In the case of imbalance in action of these principle stress mediators, vulnerability to stress-related brain diseases is enhanced.  相似文献   
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