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从医疗卫生资源微观配置视角分析,处方权是一种资源配置权力,属于公权力。主要分析了医生处方权的权力来源、医生处方权的职权性质和医生处方权的源权力属性。鉴于此,建立处方权独立行使的保障制度与处方权规范行使的程序控制制度可以有效规范医生处方权的行使。  相似文献   
关于知情同意的伦理与法律意义之辨析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
尊重和自主是知情同意的伦理底线,行善是知情同意的伦理基础。知情同意并不是评判医疗行为是否符合伦理的金标准。伦理上的知情同意与法律上的知情同意,既有区别又相互联系,德法并济是有效履行知情同意的前提。  相似文献   
倒班与正常班医护人员记忆特点的比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
20—35岁倒班和正常班医护人员400名经问卷调查睡眠情况之后,对其中88名受试者给予记忆测验。测验材料为“临床记忆量表”,包括指向记忆、联想学习、图象自由回忆、无意义图形再认和人像特点联系回忆五项分测验。研究结果表明:倒班医护人员在值夜班期间睡眠质量受到明显影响,在上正常白班期间睡眠质量虽有所改善,但仍不及正常班医护人员;倒班组和正常班组各项记忆测验成绩均无显著性差异,但两组记忆特点有些不同。  相似文献   
South African scholar and peace activist John de Gruchy sees a close relationship between sacraments and peacemaking processes. Even though a Protestant, he calls the Church a sacramental community and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) a ‘civic sacrament’. This raises the question of the relationship between processes and rituals of peacemaking and sacramentality. Moreover, how does reconciliation, as a core doctrine of Christian theology, relate to sacramentality and peacemaking efforts in society? Is reconciliation sacramental? Hans Boersma’s sacramental ontology provides a theological basis for an affirmative answer. Furthermore, the notion of Christ (and the Church) as primal sacrament(s) (Semmelroth, Schillebeeckx) gives a further basis to see processes of peacemaking as sacramental. The article argues for a sacramental spirituality of reconciliation (Schreiter). However, applying the arguments to two concrete cases, the TRC and the twinning of Coventry and Dresden, shows some difficulties in claiming sacramental status for reconciliation efforts.  相似文献   

Background: The literature on trans youth has been dominated by etiological studies interested in trans experience as a medical phenomenon. An emerging body of literature has begun to document that trans youth are a diverse, vulnerable, yet resilient population, and to investigate the role of various sites of support such as the family, peer groups, institutions, and community spaces in contributing to or impeding trans youth's well-being.

Method: This article presents the results of Stage One of interviews (n = 24) conducted for a Community-Based Participatory Action Research (CBPAR) qualitative research project based in Quebec. It studies the factors that enhance trans youth's well-being as well as the factors of oppression that negatively affect it. This paper offers a brief overview of the anti-oppressive methodology used for this project, emphasizing how CBPAR was combined with Grounded Theory (GT) methods to encourage the direct involvement of communities and the translation of knowledge into action.

Results: We present preliminary categories emerging through the ongoing axial coding process. These categories address trans youth's experiences in and perceptions of various “sites”: 1) healthcare services both for gender-related and general care, 2) other institutional spaces, 3) the family and other social circles, and 4) community spaces.

Conclusion: While much of this study's results support existing evidence on trans youth's experiences, they also provide a more nuanced portrayal of the complex ways in which recognition, as well as non-, mis-, or mal-recognition, influence trans youth's well-being at different sites. We also argue that recognition itself must be considered through the lens of intersectionality.  相似文献   
In two studies, subjects filled out a questionnaire requiring them to choose between internal and external explanations of desirable or undesirable events. They were also asked to fill out the same questionnaire from another person's point of view, either a member of the ingroup or a member of the outgroup. The first study used students as subjects and the events were about student life. The second study used employees for subjects and the events were about the working world. As predicted on the basis of internality norm theory, internal explanations were generally found to be chosen more often when the respondent or imagined respondent was said to be a worthy person. The internality scores were the highest for oneself and for the ingroup member, regardless of the desirability of the events; they were the lowest for the outgroup member. These internality attribution effects do not seem to stem from the well-known ingroup-favouring attributions (ultimate attribution error). Hence, the internality norm construct, irrespective of event desirability, provides a new pathway for exploring the evaluative effects of intergroup relations. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
有人已用伴发负变异测听(CNV-A)来测试听感受阈。本文对17例进行了CNV测试。测试音采用2000、4000H之纯音。结果表明,CNV反应阈与主观阈值之间的差值大约为-10~10dB。用2000Hz测试音,CNV-A与主观听阈的绝对值平均差及平均差分别为5.9±3.9dB和3.3±6.3dB。而用4000Hz测试音时,其CNV-A与主观听阈的绝对值平均差及平均差则分别是5.0±2.9dB和3.5±4.7dB。上述结果与Prevec(1981)报道的基本一致。表明,改进的 CNV-A是临床听力测试的有用方法。  相似文献   
现代医学发展中人文精神归化必然性的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代医学发展过程中,存在着与人文精神融合的思潮,本文从医学研究特殊性,如何由人文精神去克服“人-医疗科技”之间的异化,风代科学价值观转变等角度,思考、分析了医学向人文复归的必然性。  相似文献   
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