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Auditory, visual, and cross-modal negative priming was investigated using a task in which participants judged whether stimuli were animals or musical instruments. Negative priming was observed, but only if the attended and the ignored primes evoked different responses. This pattern—negative priming after conflict, but not after nonconflict, primes—was demonstrated with visual stimuli and replicated with auditory stimuli, as well as across modalities, both auditory to visual and visual to auditory. Implications for theories of negative priming are discussed.  相似文献   
In a 2 × 2 × 2 crossed factorial design, trained or untrained subjects viewed a videotape and evaluated performance on either a familiar (college lecturer) or unfamiliar (salesperson) job. Prior to viewing the videotape, some subjects reviewed positive information about the ratee's prior performance, whereas other subjects did not review any prior performance information. To determine whether assimilation or contrast effects occurred, we compared ratings provided by subjects who reviewed positive information about prior performance with ratings provided by subjects who did not review any prior performance information. A three-way interaction was obtained. Ratings of performance on the familiar job by untrained or trained subjects revealed only a small assimilation effect. However, when rating performance on the unfamiliar job, a large assimilation effect was observed among untrained subjects, whereas a large contrast effect was observed among trained subjects. The results indicate that rater error training may reverse, rather than reduce or eliminate, rating errors that arise from knowledge of a ratee's prior performance. Implications for further understanding and reducing assimilation and contrast effects are discussed.  相似文献   
In the first study subjects were given information about an applicant to graduate school and asked to rate his qualifications. The information experimentally varied (a) whether the school had an affirmative action policy, (b) the ethnicity of the applicant, and (c) whether the applicant was accepted or rejected. Based on Kelley's discussion of the discounting and augmentation principles, it was predicted that the minority applicant would be rated as less qualified when the university was committed to an affirmative action program. The reverse pattern was predicted for the non-minority applicant. The results supported the first prediction but not the second. Experiment 2 was designed to eliminate alternative interpretations of the data and the same results were found. Possible interpretations for the failure of affirmative action in affecting the ratings of nonminority applicants are discussed.  相似文献   
The current study compared the social problem-solving skills of a clinic-based sample of 30 boys diagnosed with conduct disorder (CD) and 25 boys diagnosed with oppositional defiant disorder (ODD). Past research has indicated that contextual factors influence children's social problem-solving; thus, three hypothetical conflict situations (i.e., child-child, teacher-child, and parent-child) and situations which differed by degree of negative intent of the provocateur (i.e., hostile vs. Ambiguous intent) were examined. Problem-solving strategies were aggregated into three broad dimensions: 1) aggressive/antisocial solutions; 2) nonverbal-nonaggressive solutions; and 3) verbal-nonaggressive solutions. Compared to ODD boys, CD boys proposed more aggressive/antisocial solutions in parent-child conflicts when parental intent was ambiguous and in teacher-child conflicts regardless of intent. Compared to ODD boys, CD boys proposed fewer verbal-nonaggressive solutions in child-child conflicts. The implications of these findings for treatment intervention with CD and ODD boys were discussed. Aggr. Behav. 23:457–469, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   
Employees of merging organizations often show resistance to the merger. The employees' support depends on the companies' premerger status and on the merger pattern. Based on an intergroup perspective, three studies were conducted to investigate the influence of premerger status (high, low) and merger pattern (assimilation, integration-equality, integration-proportionality, transformation) on participants' support for a pending organizational merger. Students (Study 1) and employees (Study 2) had to take the perspective of employees of a fictitious merging organization. Study 3 investigated students' perceptions of a potentially pending university merger using a 2 (status) x 3 (merger pattern: assimilation, integration-equality, integration-proportionality) design. Across all studies, the low-status group favored integration-equality and transformation whereas the high-status group preferred integration-proportionality and assimilation. Perceived threat mediated the effects. Legitimacy was a stronger mediator for effects of the low-status group.  相似文献   
Besides motor, vegetative, and cognitive signs, patients suffering from Parkinson's disease (PD) may show distinct perceptual deficits such as underestimation of time intervals extending across several seconds. Assuming this impairment also to affect the domain of tens of milliseconds, disrupted encoding of the acoustic speech signal with respect to segment durations conveying linguistic information must be expected. To test this hypothesis, 10 PD patients and matched controls performed an identification task using a series of 10 stimuli derived from the utterance "Boten" (/bo:tn/, 'messengers'; produced with nasal plosion) by exclusive manipulation of occlusion length (110-20 ms in steps of 10 ms). Under these conditions, word-medial silence cues the voicing category of the respective stop consonant. Seven PD subjects showed normal identification curves, i.e., categorized the shortest and longest stimuli with high probability each as the minimal pair cognates "Boden" and "Boten," respectively. In contrast, the remaining three patients labeled all items across the complete range of occlusion lengths as "Boden." A subsequent experiment found a horizontal shift of the identification curves toward larger signal durations (> 120 ms) in these three subjects. Bilateral cerebellar degeneration has been found to yield a different response pattern, i.e., near-chance level of performance. Considering recent information-processing models of scalar interval timing, striatal disorders seem to slow down an oscillatory pacemaker, whereas cerebellar dysfunctions may impair comparison of measured durations with stored reference memory traces.  相似文献   
The objective of the present study was to provide a further validation of the Crisis Support Scale, which is a short scale for measuring social support after a crisis has occurred. The data from eleven trauma studies of 4213 subjects were used to investigate the psychometric properties of the scale and the differences that emerge due to age, gender, and type of trauma. The scale appears to be very robust. Some aspects of crisis support seem to decrease as time goes by while others increase. Women survivors report less support than men both right after the trauma and later on. The younger survivors tend to report the least support in the acute phase although this picture is reversed later on. The various types of trauma have different item profiles, which supports the concurrent validity of the scale.  相似文献   
Psychosocial factors are known to impact on the prognosis of patients with coronary artery disease independently of disease severity. However, few studies have looked at whether these patients are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, and the potential implications for morbidity and mortality. Through a review of the empirical literature, the objectives were to investigate whether patients with coronary artery disease are at risk of developing this disorder, to look at relations between post-traumatic stress disorder and heart disease, and to stimulate further research. The review indicated that some patients with coronary artery disease are at risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder, although the prevalence varied considerably. Methodological issues together with recommendations for future research are discussed. Although only some cardiac patients may develop post-traumatic stress, this disorder should not be overlooked due to its potential role in reinfarctions and mortality.  相似文献   
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