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This study examined the association between intimate partner violence, maladaptive cognitive schemas, coping, and depression in a sample of 298 battered women. The results indicated that maladaptive cognitive schemas were associated with less use of primary and secondary engagement coping, and higher use of disengagement coping. In particular, cognitive schemas reflecting disconnection and rejection accounted for the association between psychological abuse and percentage of disengagement coping. In addition, disengagement coping partially mediated between cognitive schemas and depressive symptoms. Finally, the role of cognitive schemas as personal constraints that affect the choice of coping and the implications for interventions with victims are discussed.  相似文献   
This paper describes our search for the possible relationship between workers' health and quality of life and several psychosocial risks: Cognitive demands, Control, Rewards and Organizational support. These psychosocial risks were assessed by means of the DECORE Multidimensional Questionnaire, which provides five scores, one for each factor, plus a global score. Workers' health was assessed with the following variables: job satisfaction, stress perception, fatigue perception, medical leave, occupational accidents, and disease. 614 workers from various business sectors were examined. Results show that workers who feel more fatigued, stressed, and less satisfied perceive their work environment more adversely. Similar results were obtained for workers who went on medical leave, had an occupational accident, or suffered from disease.  相似文献   
The Alternating Brightness Star (ABS) is an illusion that provides insight into the relationship between brightness perception and corner angle. Recent psychophysical studies of this illusion have shown that corner salience varies parametrically with corner angle, with sharp angles leading to strong illusory percepts and shallow angles leading to weak percepts. It is hypothesized that the illusory effects arise because of an interaction between surface corners and the shape of visual receptive fields: sharp surface corners may create hotspots of high local contrast due to processing by center-surround and other early receptive fields. If this hypothesis is correct, early visual neurons should respond powerfully to sharp corners and curved portions of surface edges. Indeed, the primary role of early visual neurons may be to localize the discontinuities along the edges of surfaces. If so, all early visual areas should show greater BOLD responses to sharp corners than to shallow corners. On the other hand, if corner processing is exclusively constrained to certain areas of the brain, only those specific areas will show greater responses to sharp vs shallow corners. To address this we explored the BOLD correlates of the ABS illusion in the human visual cortex using fMRI. We found that BOLD signal varies parametrically with corner angle throughout the visual cortex, offering the first neurophysiological correlates of the ABS illusion. This finding provides a neurophysiological basis for the previously reported psychophysical data that showed that corner salience varied parametrically with corner angle. We propose that all early visual areas localize discontinuities along the edges of surfaces, and that specific cortical corner-processing circuits further establish the specific nature of those discontinuities, such as their orientation.  相似文献   
Studies of visual space perception have been assuming that people have an internal representation of the physical space that surrounds them. A variety of psychophysical procedures has been used in an attempt to measure the properties of visual space. The goal of the present study was to evaluate the accuracy of the mental representation and the strategies adopted to acquire and retain visuo-spatial information of a configuration as a function of two types of instructions. Thirty-eight undergraduate and graduate students participated in the study and were distributed in perceptive and mnemonic experimental conditions. The effect of the instructions (intentional and incidental) on the representation of the distances among the objects of the scene was estimated using exponents of power function, based on the reproduction of the distances among the stimuli of the scene. The results revealed that judgments made under intentional instructions were more frequently based on strategies related to the location of the stimuli, whereas judgments originating from incidental instructions were based on strategies related to the name of the stimuli. It was observed that the intentional instruction facilitated a more accurate mental representation of the observed experimental configuration, enhancing participants' performance.  相似文献   
The current study consisted of four experiments that utilised a novel approach to investigating false memories. Each of the experiments in the current study investigated individuals with varying experience with different languages. Experiment 1 tested participants in both their native and secondary languages as well as monolingual English speakers, while Experiment 2 assessed native Spanish speakers using both English and Spanish associative lists. Experiment 3 examined the illusory memories in monolingual Spanish speakers in both English and Spanish, while Experiment 4 investigated false memories in monolingual English speakers in both English and Spanish. Results indicated that memory for list items and critical lures was greatest when the lists were presented in the participants' primary language. Results can be explained by either activation-based or fuzzy-trace theories.  相似文献   
Vasarely's 'nested-squares' illusion shows that 90 degrees corners can be more salient perceptually than straight edges. On the basis of this illusion we have developed a novel visual illusion, the 'Alternating Brightness Star', which shows that sharp corners are more salient than shallow corners (an effect we call 'corner angle salience variation') and that the same corner can be perceived as either bright or dark depending on the polarity of the angle (ie whether concave or convex: 'corner angle brightness reversal'). Here we quantify the perception of corner angle salience variation and corner angle brightness reversal effects in twelve naive human subjects, in a two-alternative forced-choice brightness discrimination task. The results show that sharp corners generate stronger percepts than shallow corners, and that corner gradients appear bright or dark depending on whether the corner is concave or convex. Basic computational models of center surround receptive fields predict the results to some degree, but not fully.  相似文献   

En este artículo se revisan los principales estudios acerca del papel que pueden desempeñar las variables de tipo morfológico en la organización del léxico interno y en el acceso a la información contenida en el mismo. Más en concreto, se trata de ver hasta qué punto las relaciones derivativas entre palabras contribuyen a una simplificación del inventario mental de entradas léxicas. Para ello, se examinan las dos hipótesis alternativas fundamentales que han sido propuestas a este respecto: la hipótesis de independencia, según la cual a cada palabra le correspondería una entrada léxica distinta y la hipótesis derivacional, según la cual habría una misma entrada léxica para cada familia de palabras relacionadas morfológicamente. Los datos procedentes de las distintas áreas de la investigación psicolinguistica (comprensión, producción, adquisición y trastornos del lenguaje) parecen apoyar esta segunda hipótesis, aunque se hace notar la falta de resultados cruciales que permitan descartar la hipótesis de independencia o alguna versión modificada de la misma. Sin embargo, aun en el caso de qùe hubiera entradas léxicas distintas, sería preciso postular algún mecanismo adicional que diera cuenta de la información morfológica que utiliza el sujeto en el procesamiento de palabras.  相似文献   
A dysfunction in the regulation of negative mood states is one of the core symptoms of depression. Research has found that levels of depression are associated with the intensity of the mood-regulation deficit. The present study aimed to explore the role the body plays in mood-regulation processes. More specifically, we studied whether head movements can influence mood persistence in dysphoric states. Subsequent to a sad-mood induction, participants were presented with a set of positive pictures immediately after performing either vertical (i.e., nodding) or lateral (i.e., shaking) head movements. We considered changes in mood from before to after the experimental task as an index of the effectiveness of mood regulation. As expected, the results showed that higher initial levels of depressive symptoms were associated with greater persistence of sad mood. More importantly, this association was present in participants who shook their heads, but not in those who nodded. These results show that body movements can contribute to mood-regulation processes, thus expanding our knowledge of the psychopathology of mood disorders.  相似文献   

This discussion explores Wrye's deconstructive methods of feminist theory-building. Wrye contends that sociocultural factors establish Freud's construct “Anatomy is destiny” as a deforming norm and lead to an unconscious saboteur in women. Shechter applies Wrye's unconscious saboteur to clinical work with men, showing the universal pan-gender nature of Wrye's concept. Shechter proposes that Wrye's clinical ideas tap the essence of developmental theory and thus bridge schools of psychoanalytic thought; whether a psychoanalyst interprets drive, self object, or relational images, gender integration occurs when libido is satisfied in a milieu of accepting subjectivity. Gender meanings become malleable and better describe both feminine and masculine self as personal narratives transform.

Roberta Ann Shechter. Die universelle Natur der Subjektivität der Geschlechter und der unbewussten Saboteure: Diskussion der Arbeit von ….

Diese Diskussion erforscht Wryes Auflösung von feministischer Theoriebildung. Wrye vertritt, dass soziokulturelle Faktoren Freuds Aussage “Anatomie ist Schicksal” zur Geltung bringen und zwar als eine deformierende Norm, die zu einem unbewussten Saboteur in der Psyche der Frau wird. Shechter wendet Wyres Konzept des unbewussten Saboteurs auf die klinische Arbeit mit Männern an und weist nach, dass es sich bei Wyres Konzept um ein universelles über die Geschlechtszugehörigkeit hinausgehendes Phänomen handelt.

Roberta Ann Shechter. La naturaleza universal de la subjetividad de género y los saboteadores inconscientes: Un discusión del trabajo de Harriet Kimble Wyre, “Deconstruyendo el saboteador inconsciente: Componiendo una vida con ambición y deseo”.

La discusión explora el método deconstructivo de la construcción teórica feminista de Wrye. Wrye argumenta que los factores socio-culturales establecen el constructo de Freud “anatomía es destino” como una norma deformativa que conduce a un saboteador inconsciente en las mujeres. Shechter aplica el saboteador inconsciente a su trabajo clínico con hombres, mostrando la naturaleza universal del concepto de Wrye. Shechter propone que las ideas clínicas de Wrye golpean la esencia de la teoría del desarrollo y tienden un puente en las escuelas de pensamiento psicoanalítico; Sea que el analista interprete la pulsión, el objeto del self o las imágenes relationales, la integración del género ocurre cuando la libido es satisfecha en u ambiente de aceptación de la subjetividad. Los significados de género, ambos self masculino y femenino, se vuelven maleables y mejor descritos mientra la narrativas personales se transforman. (143)  相似文献   
This article attempts to bring philosophy to clinical psychological practice by applying philosophical concepts to autobiographical experience. Through reflective engagement with personal narratives, the author tells three personal stories to illustrate ways in which the concept of Dasein in the philosophy of Martin Heidegger and Emmanuel Levinas’s development of an ethical responsibility to the Other, in tandem with thanatology, helped the author come to terms with existential dilemmas evoked by the deaths of others.  相似文献   
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