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Attentional control is thought to play a critical role in determining the amount of information that can be stored and retrieved from visual working memory (VWM). We tested whether and how task-irrelevant feature-based salience, known to affect the control of visual attention, affects VWM performance. Our results show that features of a task-irrelevant color singleton are more likely to be recalled from VWM than non-singleton items and that this increased memorability comes at a cost to the other items in the display. Furthermore, the singleton effect in VWM was negatively correlated with an individual’s baseline VWM capacity. Taken together, these results suggest that individual differences in VWM storage capacity may be partially attributable to the ability to ignore differences in task-irrelevant physical salience.  相似文献   
Personalized recommendation has important implications in raising online shopping efficiency and increasing product sales. There has been wide interest in finding ways to provide more efficient personalized recommendations. Most existing studies focus on how to improve the accuracy and efficiency of the recommendation algorithms or are more concerned on ways to reduce perceived risks and thus increase consumer satisfaction. Unlike these studies, our study begins from the decision‐making process of consumers, using consumers' two‐stage decision‐making system and preference inconsistency theory as a basis, to reveal the mechanisms involved in consumers' acceptance of recommendations. This paper analyzes the effect of personalized recommendations from two angles, recommendation timing and product portfolio, tries to point out differences in consumer preferences between similar products and related products, and verifies that consumers demand diversity in the recommended content. The study analyzes differences in the acceptance of personalized recommendations between practical products and hedonic products and discovers that recommendations of hedonic products are more effective than that of practical products. Based on the research earlier, the study provides suggestions on how to better plan and operate a personalized recommendation system. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Statistical analysis of white-light interferometry (WLI) experiments performed on Ni-based single-crystal superalloys (SX) have revealed a different height distribution between the dendritic cores (DCs) and the interdendritic regions (IRs) of the polished samples. The micromechanical property difference is largely ascribed to the uneven distribution of the alloying elements. In this context, possible reasons for this difference are discussed by comparing with different experiment results obtained by previous researchers, and a proposal forecasting the hardness ratio of IRs/DCs is put forward.  相似文献   
This paper elaborates a recent conceptualization of feature-based attention in terms of attention filters (Drew et al., Journal of Vision, 10(10:20), 1–16, 2010) into a general purpose centroid-estimation paradigm for studying feature-based attention. An attention filter is a brain process, initiated by a participant in the context of a task requiring feature-based attention, which operates broadly across space to modulate the relative effectiveness with which different features in the retinal input influence performance. This paper describes an empirical method for quantitatively measuring attention filters. The method uses a “statistical summary representation” (SSR) task in which the participant strives to mouse-click the centroid of a briefly flashed cloud composed of items of different types (e.g., dots of different luminances or sizes), weighting some types of items more strongly than others. In different attention conditions, the target weights for different item types in the centroid task are varied. The actual weights exerted on the participant’s responses by different item types in any given attention condition are derived by simple linear regression. Because, on each trial, the centroid paradigm obtains information about the relative effectiveness of all the features in the display, both target and distractor features, and because the participant’s response is a continuous variable in each of two dimensions (versus a simple binary choice as in most previous paradigms), it is remarkably powerful. The number of trials required to estimate an attention filter is an order of magnitude fewer than the number required to investigate much simpler concepts in typical psychophysical attention paradigms.  相似文献   
该文就先天性红-绿色觉异常者对非彩色系表色色差的辨别展开了研究。结果表明,先天性红-绿色觉异常者色差识别的量值△E随目视评价的等级不同而异;先天性红-绿色觉异常者与色党正常者在非彩色表色辨别上存在一定的差异;同一明度等级上、下限的变化对先天性红-绿色觉异常者的非彩色表色辨别存在影响,这种影响与明度的级别有关。  相似文献   
中小学生的情绪表达方式认知及其与同伴接纳的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙俊才  卢家楣  郑信军 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1052-1056
本研究采用D.Matsumoto等编制的情绪表达规则评估问卷,探讨了237名中小学生情绪表达方式的认知发展,并通过同伴提名法选择了192名同伴关系良好和同伴关系不良的中学生为被试,探讨了情绪表达方式认知与同伴接纳的关系。结果表明:情绪类型与情境类型对中小学生多种情绪表达方式的认知具有主效应;中小学生的情绪表达向更具有社会效益方向发展,对自我和他人情绪表达存在认识分化,并随年龄而增加;同伴关系不良的中学生在情绪表达的认知上存在发展滞后。  相似文献   
应澳门道教协会邀请,中国道教协会组成以任法融会长为团长、丁常云副会长、袁炳栋秘书长等7人的参访团于2007年3月16日至20日赴澳,参加了“2007道教文化周”活动。  相似文献   
心灵返朴与生命归真——《道德经》养生思想管窥   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
道教的养生术滥觞于《道德经》,其养生思想和方法博大精深,对后世产生了深远影响。自古及今注疏《道德经》者对其养生思想仁者见仁,智者见智,众说纷  相似文献   
任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前瞻记忆中的TAP效应是指,当进行中任务和前瞻任务加工类型一致时,前瞻记忆成绩要好于两者工类型不一致时.该研究采用双重任务范式,以大学生为被试,探讨了进行中任务难度对前瞻记忆TAP效应的影响,以揭示注意资源在TAP效应产生中的关键作用.结果表明:当进行中任务难度较低时,没有出现TAP效应,即进行中任务和前瞻任务的加工类型是否一致不会对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响;当进行中任务难度较高时,TAP效应部分出现.进一步说,当进行中任务加工类型为语义型时,语义型的前瞻任务成绩要显著好于结构型的前瞻任务成绩;而当进行中任务加工类型为结构型时,前瞻任务的加工类型没有对前瞻记忆成绩产生显著影响.  相似文献   
人格特征是导致社会偏见产生的影响因素之一.文章介绍了与此相关的两种理论模型--"独裁主义人格理论"和"双过程动机模型"的主要观点和实证依据,并对其中的争议及未来的发展方向进行梳理和展望.  相似文献   
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