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记忆训练对改善少年、青年和老年人认知功能的作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本工作采用“位置法”(method of loci)对24例少年、24例青年和22例老年被试进行了记忆训练研究。以毕生发展的观点比较认知训练对改善不同年龄人记忆的作用,进而探讨发展的认知功能储备能量的年龄差异和训练的迁移效应。结果表明认知干预措施可在一定程度上改善老年人的记忆,同时也显示了在发展的储能和对图形的迁移效应方面,老年人明显不如青、少年,而青年与少年则彼此相近。  相似文献   
团体心理咨询对提高大学生自信心的效果研究   总被引:75,自引:2,他引:75  
本研究探讨了团体心理咨询在提高大学生自信心方面的作用。我们精心设计了团体心理咨询活动的过程,并在活动前后用五种量表对团体成员进行了测量。通过分析量表测量结果及其他定性研究方法,我们发现:(1)团体心理咨询可以有效地提高大学生的自信心。(2)团体心理咨询在发展性目标上也是有效的。本研究结果对今后的团体心理咨询研究及其应用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
对1077名大学生进行调查,探讨现实、网络社会排斥和自我控制与大学生抑郁的关系。结果显示:(1)现实社会排斥与网络社会排斥在发生频率上没有显著差异;网络社会排斥、现实社会排斥、自我控制以及抑郁两两之间均呈显著正相关关系;(2)现实社会排斥不仅能够对抑郁产生直接的预测作用,而且能够通过自我控制的中介作用对抑郁产生影响;(3)网络社会排斥对抑郁的直接预测作用不显著,只能够通过自我控制的中介作用对抑郁产生影响。  相似文献   
This study revisited Reid’s (1987) perceptual learning style preference questionnaire (PLSPQ) in an attempt to answer whether the PLSPQ fits in the Chinese-as-a-second-language (CSL) context. If not, what are CSL learners’ learning styles drawing on the PLSPQ? The PLSPQ was first re-examined through reliability analysis and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with 224 CSL learners. The results showed that Reid’s six-factor PLSPQ could not satisfactorily explain the CSL learners’ learning styles. Exploratory factor analyses were, therefore, performed to explore the dimensionality of the PLSPQ in the CSL context. A four-factor PLSPQ was successfully constructed including auditory/visual, kinaesthetic/tactile, group, and individual styles. Such a measurement model was cross-validated through CFAs with 118 CSL learners. The study not only lends evidence to the literature that Reid’s PLSPQ lacks construct validity, but also provides CSL teachers and learners with insightful and practical guidance concerning learning styles. Implications and limitations of the present study are discussed.  相似文献   
Recent evidence has shown that learning to associate the value of behavioral outcomes with specific stimuli (i.e., value learning/association) can induce attentional capture in a subsequent visual search task. Here we investigated the component of attentional bias toward value-associated stimuli in the dot-probe paradigm. In the training phase, participants learned to associate nonsense shape outlines with monetary wins or losses. The shapes were then used as cues in an explicit no feedback dot-probe task. Probe appeared at either the salient (congruent trial) or nonsalient location (incongruent trial). Results indicate attentional bias toward value-associated stimuli, futher more this attentional bias is driven by an engagement bias.  相似文献   
“道情”考释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
一、“道情”的源起与体制“道情”作为一种道教声腔说唱艺术,起源于何时,有不同的说法。有人认为“道情”原为“道歌”,相传为东汉张道陵所创,用来宣传因果报应,劝善惩恶等宗教思想,南宋时,开始用渔鼓和简板伴奏,亦称渔鼓;有人认为道家的《步虚词》是“道情的先声”,《步虚词》由道家之徒所吟唱,未几便产生出了正式的“道情”;陈汝衡先生在其《说书史话》中引用《新唐书·礼乐志》“高宗调露二年命乐工作道调”的记载,欲从中寻绎出道情的起源①;郑振铎先生在其《中国俗文学史》中说:“道情之唱,由来甚久。元曲有仙佛科;元人散曲里复多闲适…  相似文献   
正确运用医院服务效益的评价指标,才能引导医院健康发展。在服务产品理论基础上,探讨医院服务的经济效益与社会效益范畴及其评价指标。通过分析两个效益的辩证关系认为,医院坚持社会效益首位原则与重视经济效益并行不悖。  相似文献   
世界逻辑元研究的进展--评《逻辑学思想史》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张家龙主编的<逻辑学思想史>(张家龙、刘培育、郑伟宏、邵强进合著)已由湖南教育出版社出版.我是该书审稿人和热心读者,多次阅读,反复体味,深感其多有堪向广大读者推介的特色和优点.  相似文献   
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