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三苏论管仲的异同及形成原因   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
学术界对管仲的研究越来越深入细致,对三苏的研究更是全面精微,遗憾的是几乎没有人研究管仲和三苏之间的联系,事实上三苏对管仲都非常关注,甚至各自都有同题文章《管仲论》,本文正是拟从前人的这些缺憾入手,深入系统地分析研究三苏对管仲的评价与论述,从而深层次地分析管仲的历史影响以及三苏对同一历史人物的相同与不同的看法,更全面地了解三苏其人其事和管仲其人其书。  相似文献   
《资本论》及其手稿的哲学地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<资本论>及其手稿的哲学地位,长期以来被理论界低估了,这主要表现在以下几个方面:(1)人们长期以来把<资本论>看做经济学著作,而不是哲学著作,这必然妨碍了对<资本论>哲学意义的开掘;(2)改革开放以后开始了对<资本论>哲学意义的探讨,但大都停留在逻辑学和方法论层面,而没有深入到历史观层面;(3)对<资本论>手稿哲学意义和哲学地位探讨的论著更少.  相似文献   
刘一明是清代有学有证的高道,也是内丹理论之集大成者.他提出了内丹修炼的三个原则,即在知行关系上"先穷性命之理,后了性命之功";在修行旨归及方向上"从后天入手,后天返先天";在修行内容及次第上"性命双修,先命后性".这三个原则是道教内丹学进一步体系化、成熟化的标志之一.  相似文献   
Rodent ultrasonic vocalizations (USVs) are ethologically critical social signals. Rats emit 22 kHz USVs and 50 kHz USVs, respectively, in conjunction with negative and positive affective states. Little is known about what controls emotional reactivity to these social signals. Using male Sprague–Dawley rats, we examined unconditional and conditional freezing behavior in response to the following auditory stimuli: three 22 kHz USVs, a discontinuous tone whose frequency and on–off pattern matched one of the USVs, a continuous tone with the same or lower frequencies, a 4 kHz discontinuous tone with an on–off pattern matched to one of the USVs, and a 50 kHz USV. There were no differences among these stimuli in terms of the unconditional elicitation of freezing behavior. Thus, the stimuli were equally neutral before conditioning. During differential fear conditioning, one of these stimuli (the CS+) always co-terminated with a footshock unconditional stimulus (US) and another stimulus (the CS) was explicitly unpaired with the US. There were no significant differences among these cues in CS+-elicited freezing behavior. Thus, the stimuli were equally salient or effective as cues in supporting fear conditioning. When the CS+ was a 22 kHz USV or a similar stimulus, rats discriminated based on the principal frequency and/or the temporal pattern of the stimulus. However, when these same stimuli served as the CS, discrimination failed due to generalization from the CS+. Thus, the stimuli differed markedly in the specificity of conditioning. This strikingly asymmetrical stimulus generalization is a novel bias in discrimination.  相似文献   
学习判断准确性的研究方法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
学习判断是元认知判断的一种重要形式,是指被试对其后测成绩的预测.准确性是学习判断研究的重要问题.学习判断准确性分为绝对准确性和相对准确性.本文重点介绍相对准确性的传统研究方法和修正方法,即预测前回忆和监测法.在比较两种相对准确性的研究方法在数据的收集和分析上的差别,提出传统方法在数据收集过程中只能通过假设推断学习判断判断前的提取过程,修正方法在数据收集时,在学习判断前插入一个回忆阶段,可以监测学习判断判断前的提取过程.应用修正方法使研究者既可分解总的准确性,又可通过加权平均数的算法合成总的准确性.因此该方法有助于研究者更加深入、精确地研究学习判断以及其他元认知判断问题.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper explores how the lay theory approach provides a framework beyond previous stereotype/prejudice research to understand dynamic personality processes in interracial/ethnic contexts. The authors conceptualize theory of race within the Cognitive–Affective Personality System (CAPS), in which lay people's beliefs regarding the essential nature of race sets up a mind-set through which individuals construe and interpret their social experiences. The research findings illustrate that endorsement of the essentialist theory (i.e., that race reflects deep-seated, inalterable essence and is indicative of traits and ability) versus the social constructionist theory (i.e., that race is socially constructed, malleable, and arbitrary) are associated with different encoding and representation of social information, which in turn affect feelings, motivation, and competence in navigating between racial and cultural boundaries. These findings shed light on dynamic interracial/intercultural processes. Relations of this approach to CAPS are discussed.  相似文献   
Defendants who are accused of serious crimes sometimes feign amnesia to evade criminal responsibility. Previous research has suggested that feigning amnesia might impair subsequent recall. In two experiments, participants read and heard a story about a central character, described as “you,” who was responsible for the death of either a puppy (Experiment 1) or a friend (Experiment 2). On free and cued recall tests immediately after the story, participants who had feigned amnesia recalled less than did participants who had recalled accurately. One week later, when all participants recalled accurately, participants who had previously feigned amnesia still performed worse than did participants who had recalled accurately both times. However, the participants who had formerly feigned amnesia did not perform worse than did a control group who had received only the delayed recall tests. Our results suggest that a “feigned amnesia effect” may reflect nothing more than differential practice at recall. Feigning amnesia for a crime need not impair memory for that crime when a person later seeks to remember accurately.  相似文献   
谢宁  王程  吴艳红 《心理学报》2009,41(5):424-432
通过比较注意线索对老年人和年轻人共线性和相似性知觉组织的影响,探讨了知觉组织老年化的原因。研究发现,注意线索对年轻人的助益更大,对老年人的助益较小,符合抑制控制理论的研究假设,同时本文还对加工速度、基本感觉能力等可能引起认知老年化的因素进行了分析。此外,还发现了知觉组织中与阅读习惯一致的方向偏好,无论在有无注意线索的条件下,135°方向上的知觉组织都快于45°方向上的知觉组织。  相似文献   
孙晶 《世界哲学》2009,(5):72-91
本论文主要将印度吠檀多派哲学家乔荼波陀的哲学思想与佛教的思想进行比较研究。持“无我论”观点的佛教认为世间一切事物皆无自性实体可言;万物都为因缘和合聚散而生灭。持“有我论”观点的吠檀多派则认为存在着一个精神绝对体(梵我),它是事物生灭的本源;现象世界随生随灭,而它恒常不灭。本论文认为,乔茶波陀作为印度正统派哲学家,在他的著作《圣教论》中却处处表现出对佛教思想的偏爱,接受了佛教大量的影响,运用唯识宗和空宗的理论来为自己的吠檀多哲学作论证。  相似文献   
分别以直接标识物和间接标识物为线索考察2.5岁、3岁、4岁儿童的视频空间定位能力发展.结果表明:在直接标识物任务中.各年龄组儿童空间定位的正确率无明显差异.而在间接标识物任务中,2.5岁儿童空间定位的正确率明显低于年长儿童;参照物的复杂程度影响2-4岁儿童视频空间定位的正确率,2.5岁和3岁儿童更易受影响;间接标识物所处位置对儿童视频空间定位产生影响.另外,在定位策略的使用上,两维视频空间中儿童表现出与三维空间不同的策略使用偏好,儿童更倾向于使用特征线索进行定位.而非几何线索.  相似文献   
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