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以189名大学生为被试,在开放式问卷预调查的基础上.编制包含4方面内容,78个项目的情绪社会分享公众观正式调查问卷.对210名大学生正式调查的结果表明:大学生认为情绪社会分享具有情绪改善、认知应对、人际融洽三类功能,具有传播负效、承载负效两类风险;分享对象的反应促进和反应阻断行为以及分享事件性质和分享限制行为影响分享过程.  相似文献   
国有企业新员工组织社会化内容的维度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在项目搜集、预试与正式调查的基础上,编制了一套具有良好信度和效度的新员工组织社会化问卷。对部分国有企业的员工进行调查,探索性因素分析的结果表明,国有企业员工的组织社会化内容由胜任工作社会化、组织文化社会化和领导政治社会化三个维度构成。文章最后对国有企业员工的组织社会化内容维度与已有研究成果的异同以及不同人口学变量的新员工组织社会化内容的差异进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   
20世纪末期兴起的内隐社会认知研究,从揭示社会认知无意识成分的角度。为探究社会心理的实质提供了新思路。该文就内隐社会认知的理论发展及其研究方法沿革进行综述,并对国内该领域研究的社会意义及应用价值做一述评。  相似文献   
由中国道教协会主办,陕西省道教协会、北京白云观、香港青松观、陕西重阳宫承办,陕西省社科院道学研究中心、香港全真道研究中心、西安市道教协会协办的以“道衍全真、和谐同德”为主题的重阳祖师灵柩安奉大典暨全真道济世思想学术研讨会,于2009年11月18日至19日在陕西重阳宫隆重举行。  相似文献   
土地职业伦理:内涵、现实缺失与建设途径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
土地职业伦理是现代职业伦理建设的一个重要方面.是土地法治的伦理基础.但是目前在我国的职业伦理建设中却出现土地职业伦理的缺失,这既不利于人地关系的和谐发展,又对现代伦理建设职业化趋势造成阻碍.加强土地职业伦理研究和教育,完善土地职业伦理考评体系和监督机制,建立土地职业行为准则,繁荣传统土地伦理文化是目前填补土地职业伦理缺失的重要途径.  相似文献   
This study involved interviews with 13 adolescents with high levels of suicidal ideation. It aimed to understand how these adolescents perceived their family, school and peer relationships, and how they perceived these systems as their support. Comparison between adolescents with severe and mild suicidal ideation showed that the family, school and peers could act as effective support systems in times of stress. A close interpersonal relationship was the key factor in unlocking these support systems. The school as a support system was highlighted. Implications for school guidance and counselling to strengthen the social support of adolescents and adolescents' resiliency were discussed.  相似文献   
本文对基督教传统的人性观进行了概括,简要梳理了现代基督教人观的发展。本文中名为"奥古斯丁—阿奎那传统"的传统人观强调人内在与外在的区别,认为"上帝的形象"体现在无性别的单一灵魂或者理性中,这种实在的理性将人与万物区别开来。与这种实体性的人观相反,现代基督教人观更强调人存在于与某种超越的终极实在的关系之中,以及人作为男性或女性与其他人形成的关系之中。人格的人是每个人发展这两个方面位格关系所有的结果。成为人首先意味着成为一个男人或者女人,以此差别为基础反映了三位一体上帝的形象。现代基督教人观打破了自启蒙以来把人理解为"理性人"的抽象观念。  相似文献   
土观.洛桑却吉尼玛在其著作《一切宗派源流与教义善说晶镜史》①一书中对藏传佛教各宗派的法系脉流、树宗立论、见地思想等方面作了深入细致的考察、研究,其材料取舍得当,其概括钩玄,其旨趣精确恰当,其见地广泛深刻,成为研究藏传佛教的案头之作。本文在土观大师关于宁玛派传承见地的评介基础上,对藏传佛教宁玛派传承见地做了进一步的探究,从而认为土观大师对宁玛派教法的论述,虽有门户之分,却未持门户之见,对前期宁玛派见地的论述是站在客观立场上的,评价也比较公允。  相似文献   
葛仙观原名叫“青元观”,始建于宋皇佑二年,由葛玄、葛洪的故宅改建而成,主要供奉葛玄、葛洪二位真人,原观内建有紫微、北极、三官、东岳四房道院,并有葛玄炼丹用井一口即“青元丹井”现井栏收  相似文献   
Extinction of conditioned fear is an important model both of inhibitory learning and of behavior therapy for human anxiety disorders. Like other forms of learning, extinction learning is long-lasting and depends on regulated gene expression. Epigenetic mechanisms make an important contribution to persistent changes in gene expression; therefore, in these studies, we have investigated whether epigenetic regulation of gene expression contributes to fear extinction. Since brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is crucial for synaptic plasticity and for the maintenance of long-term memory, we examined histone modifications around two BDNF gene promoters after extinction of cued fear, as potential targets of learning-induced epigenetic regulation of gene expression. Valproic acid (VPA), used for some time as an anticonvulsant and a mood stabilizer, modulates the expression of BDNF, and is a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. Here, we report that extinction of conditioned fear is accompanied by a significant increase in histone H4 acetylation around the BDNF P4 gene promoter and increases in BDNF exon I and IV mRNA expression in prefrontal cortex, that VPA enhances long-term memory for extinction because of its HDAC inhibitor effects, and that VPA potentiates the effect of weak extinction training on histone H4 acetylation around both the BDNF P1 and P4 gene promoters and on BDNF exon IV mRNA expression. These results suggest a relationship between histone H4 modification, epigenetic regulation of BDNF gene expression, and long-term memory for extinction of conditioned fear. In addition, they suggest that HDAC inhibitors may become a useful pharmacological adjunct to psychotherapy for human anxiety disorders.  相似文献   
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