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The purpose of the present study was to investigate whether inconsistency in reaction time (RT) is predictive of older adults' ability to solve everyday problems. A sample of 304 community dwelling non-demented older adults, ranging in age from 62 to 92, completed a measure of everyday problem solving, the Everyday Problems Test (EPT). Inconsistency in latencies across trials was assessed on four RT tasks. Performance on the EPT was found to vary according to age and cognitive status. Both mean latencies and inconsistency were significantly associated with EPT performance, such that slower and more inconsistent RTs were associated with poorer everyday problem solving abilities. Even after accounting for age, education, and mean level of performance, inconsistency in reaction time continued to account for a significant proportion of the variance in EPT scores. These findings suggest that indicators of inconsistency in RT may be of functional relevance.  相似文献   
毕生控制理论能较好地解释毕生发展,认为适应能力的中心特质是动机调节,可促进个体发展并使其达到最优化.生命历程被视为由一列有序的目标定向行动周期组织而成,该周期包括目标选择、目标结合及目标解除.基于该角度,在回顾控制理论的基本概念、初级控制的首要性和毕生发展轨迹基础上,对毕生发展的调节模型和控制策略的适应功能进行了综合阐述.未来研究应从跨文化情境下的适用性、满足适应目标选择三个因素的进一步验证和成功老龄化相关研究等方面开展更深入的探讨.  相似文献   
吕小康  汪新建 《心理学报》2012,44(2):276-284
意象思维是中国人的传统思维模式, 它通过观物取象和取象比类的方式认知世界、推演联系。这种思维模式塑造了中国人特有的身心不分而非两分的身体观、疾病观和治疗观。在中国人的观念中, 身体不仅仅是一具生理躯体, 还具有气、阴阳、五行等本土概念所体现的弥合物质与精神、联结生理与心理的模糊性与开放性。人们在表达疾病感觉时通常不分生理与心理, 任何一方面出现不适感觉即可认为自己生病, 在面对心理医生时也倾向于同时报告躯体状况与心理感觉, 从而使得临床报告出现较高的躯体化报告率。这正是文化心理影响疾病表达的体现。这也使得疾病不仅是一种医学现象, 也是一种文化现象; 医学不仅需要生理知识, 也需要人文知识。  相似文献   
针对我国特需医疗服务实施现状中存在的弊端,在重新界定特需医疗服务内涵的基础上,提出将医疗服务从所提供服务的普遍性角度划分为特需医疗服务与普通医疗服务,改变所有公立医院均可提供特需医疗服务的现状,只允许私立医院和一部分自负盈亏的企业型公立医院提供特需医疗服务的发展思路。  相似文献   
What is a Line?     
Since the discovery of incommensurability in ancient Greece, arithmeticism and geometricism constantly switched roles. After ninetieth century arithmeticism Frege eventually returned to the view that mathematics is really entirely geometry. Yet Poincaré, Brouwer, Weyl and Bernays are mathematicians opposed to the explication of the continuum purely in terms of the discrete. At the beginning of the twenty-first century ‘continuum theorists’ in France (Longo, Thom and others) believe that the continuum precedes the discrete. In addition the last 50 years witnessed the revival of infinitesimals (Laugwitz and Robinson—non-standard analysis) and—based upon category theory—the rise of smooth infinitesimal analysis and differential geometry. The spatial whole-parts relation is irreducible (Russell) and correlated with the spatial order of simultaneity. The human imaginative capacities are connected to the characterization of points and lines (Euclid) and to the views of Aristotle (the irreducibility of the continuity of a line to its points), which remained in force until the ninetieth century. Although Bolzano once more launched an attempt to arithmetize continuity, it appears as if Weierstrass, Cantor and Dedekind finally succeeded in bringing this ideal to its completion. Their views are assessed by analyzing the contradiction present in Grünbaum’s attempt to explain the continuum as an aggregate of unextended elements (degenerate intervals). Alternatively a line-stretch is characterized as a one-dimensional spatial subject, given at once in its totality (as a whole) and delimited by two points—but it is neither a breadthless length nor the (shortest) distance between two points. The overall aim of this analysis is to account for the uniqueness of discreteness and continuity by highlighting their mutual interconnections exemplified in the nature of a line as a one-dimensional spatial subject, while acknowledging that points are merely spatial objects which are always dependent upon an extended spatial subject. Instead of attempting to reduce continuity to discreteness or discreteness to continuity, a third alternative is explored: accept the irreducibility of number and space and then proceed by analyzing their unbreakable coherence. The argument may be seen as exploring some implications of the view of John Bell, namely that the “continuous is an autonomous notion, not explicable in terms of the discrete.” Bell points out that initially Brouwer, in his dissertation of 1907, “regards continuity and discreteness as complementary notions, neither of which is reducible to each other.”  相似文献   
中国医学的成长有赖于医学知识的不断传承.晚周秦汉初医学知识的传承以医家群体、医学文本为主要载体,医学器具的作用也不容忽视.医学知识的传承以师资为主导,经历着由秘密授业到名师择众徒的转变.这种知识传承围绕着医学典籍循序展开,形成一套择徒、(授)受书、研读、理解、验证、再丰富的综合模式.这套传承模式为中国医学大厦奠定着基础,提供着范式.医学知识的传承助力着中国医学的前进步伐,而以文本为中心的中国医学又时刻呼唤着对经典医籍的研习与实践.  相似文献   
采用时间估计法考察动作自主性水平、动作结果性质(利己、利他、中性)以及结果是否可预测对施动感的影响。结果发现, 高自主性的自由选择条件比低自主性的服从条件增强了个体的施动感, 且不受动作结果性质与结果是否可预测的影响; 在低自主性的服从条件下, 当结果可预测时利己结果比利他结果的施动感更强, 而在结果不可预测时利己和利他结果的施动感没有区别, 但均弱于中性结果。这揭示出动作的主观意愿在施动感产生过程中的重要作用, 同时在自主性较低的服从条件下, 对利己或利他道德属性的动作结果能否被预测, 对个体的施动感产生了不同的影响。研究结果说明具有利己或利他道德属性的动作对施动感会产生自上而下的调节作用, 且这种调节作用在低自主条件下较为突显。  相似文献   
大动脉炎(Takayasu arteritis,TA)是一种累及主动脉及其主要分支的慢性进行性非特异血管炎性疾病,多发于年轻女性。高血压是大动脉炎的常见临床表现之一,对于大动脉炎引起的继发性高血压,应给予积极的综合治疗,降压治疗的同时,活动期患者应用糖皮质激素和/或免疫抑制剂控制病情,酌情给予抗栓、抗动脉硬化等综合性治...  相似文献   
近十年来,关于骨髓瘤细胞的分子生物学研究取得了很大的进展.骨髓瘤细胞通过激活多种信号途径以及与蛋白折叠反应相关的信号通路,抑制正常浆细胞的生长.一些基因和分子改变与临床表现相关并成为治疗的潜在靶点.认识骨髓瘤细胞的分子生物学特性对于采取合理的治疗措施、改善患者的预后至关重要.  相似文献   
幽门螺杆菌(Hp)是一种古老细菌,但是人们直到近年才发现并确定其与多种胃肠道疾病相关,如胃炎、消化性溃疡、胃癌等;在对Hp的科研创新中经历了许多的成功与挫折,如Hp的发现过程中的科研创新、思维变化;通过从临床流行病学到基础研究揭示胃癌与幽门螺杆菌的关系;Hp的治疗中所涉及的伦理,治疗策略问题;Hp在人类迁移的研究过程的意义,以及疫苗的研究过程中所面临的挑战与机遇等.本文通过回顾Hp的研究过程,简单揭示幽门螺杆菌科研过程中的科研思维变化.  相似文献   
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