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中小学四种典型类型学生人格特征的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究考察了中小学普遍存在的四种典型类型学生:A型学生、B型学生、C型学生和D型学生。这四种类型的学生在智力和非智力因素上存在差异;慎密性、克制性和显示性是影响中小学生学习质量和品德行为表现的重要人格特征。  相似文献   
本研究探讨了汉字阅读材料的不同组合对字词认知速度及准确性的影响。实验材料是一篇320个字的短文阅读材料,分成三种不同组合形式让被试从左往右发声念读.一种是顺意排列材料形式(即文章句子符合句法及词意),一种是逆意排列材料形式(即将文章的字词逆反排列);一种是随机排列材料形式(即将全文字词打乱随机排列)。实验结果表明:对顺意排列材料的念读效果最好,念读速度及准确性明显高于另外两种材料组合形式;中青年组被试的结果明显优于老年组及儿童组的结果.结果提示,对字词念读的认知加工过程明显受相邻字词关系的影响及字词句子化的影响.  相似文献   
The choice-making behavior of 5 young children with developmental disabilities who engaged in aberrant behavior was studied within a concurrent operants framework. Experimental analyses were conducted to identify reinforcers that maintained aberrant behavior, and functional communication training packages were implemented to teach the participants to gain reinforcement using mands. Next, a choice-making analysis, in which the participants chose one of two responses (either a mand or an alternative neutral response) to obtain different durations and qualities of reinforcement, was conducted. Finally, treatment packages involving choice making via manding were implemented to decrease inappropriate behavior and to increase mands. The results extended previous applications of choice making to severe behavior disorders and across behaviors maintained by positive and negative reinforcement.  相似文献   

To what extent do differences in biologicalsexand psychological gender identity influence affectivereactions to different genres of film? In order toaddress this question, this investigation examined the impact of sex and gender roleself-perceptions on viewers' responses to neutral,melodramatic, and violent film segments. Working with apredominantly Caucasian population (93% Caucasian) at asoutheastern university, the results emphasize theimportance of sex and gender role self-perceptions onviewers' affective responses to media entertainment. Theimplications of these findings are discussed.

Children's responses to interadult arguments were examined as a function of three forms of disputes: covert, verbal, and physical. Four- to seven-year-olds' overt-behavioral responses to liveenactments of arguments between a male and a female were videotaped and coded for behavioral distress and anger/aggression, and children were then interviewed. Although children exhibited overt-behavioral distress in response to all forms of disputes, physical arguments evoked the highest levels of distress. Some gender differences in responding were observed. In comparison to boys, girls exhibited more overt distress during the arguments, and wanted to stop physical arguments more frequently. The results extend findings based on the videotape methodology of the presentation of interadult arguments indicating that form of anger expression impacts children's emotional responding to interadult conflict. We wish to thank the families for contributing their time and effort to this study.  相似文献   
3—6岁白、哈尼族与汉族儿童的颜色命名能力的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了云南地区白族与哈尼族3—6岁儿童的颜色命名能力发展,并与北京地区汉族同龄儿童作了比较。实验结果表明,不同民族的儿童的颜色命名能力都伴随年龄增长而逐步提高;但汉族儿童的颜色命名能力发展略高于哈尼族与白族同龄儿童。总的来看,儿童对不同颜色正确命名能力的发展有着共同的规律性,即黑、白、红三色较易正确命名,其次是黄、绿、蓝三色较难正确命名,命名正确率最低的颜色是橙与紫。  相似文献   
智力落后儿童人格特性的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
智力落后儿童由于大脑功能发育障碍,在个性的成熟和发展方面受到一定限制,表现出与正常儿童不同的个性特征。在不同智残程度的儿童中也存在着个性差异。智力与个性发展有密切关系,脑功能受损越严重,对个性发展的影响也就越明显。  相似文献   
张伯源 《心理学报》1985,18(3):90-97
关于冠心病人的性格或行为类型特征的研究,在我国已开始引起重视。本研究从全国18个省市测查了了14名冠心病人,425名常人(非冠心病人)和220名病人家属的评定。发现冠心病人中A型行为类型问卷的得分明显地高于常人,差异显著(P<0.01);冠心病人中A型人分布所占比例大大高于常人,相差2.2倍。无论是常人组还是病人组在不同性别和不同年龄组之间都没有明显差异(P>0.05)。在病人中脑力劳动者得分比体力劳动者高(P<0.05)。病人的自我评定和亲属评定之间的等级相关以及常人和病人先后两次重复测试之间的等级相关均为正相关(r值均超过0.50),表明我们所编制的A型行为类型问卷是可用的。  相似文献   
问 题 机体如果连续处于高唤醒水平,就会出现中枢神经系统兴奋-抑制关系紊乱的现象。一般的后果是抑制机制受损害而产生中枢性调节障碍(Malmo 1959)。在行为上,唤醒水平表现为机体作出反应、准备行动的能量动员水平。对精神病人唤醒水平的研究  相似文献   
A study of the appearance-reality distinction in American 3- to 5-year-olds was replicated with Chinese 3- to 5-year-olds. The error patterns, age changes, and absolute levels of performance were similar in the two samples. It was speculated that the acquisition of this distinction may be a universal, possibly age-linked development that is probably fueled by experiences with appearance-reality discrepancies that are available in all cultures.  相似文献   
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