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Dynamic tasks often require fast adaptations to new viewpoints. It has been shown that automatic spatial updating is triggered by proprioceptive motion cues. Here, we demonstrate that purely visual cues are sufficient to trigger automatic updating. In five experiments, we examined spatial updating in a dynamic attention task in which participants had to track three objects across scene rotations that occurred while the objects were temporarily invisible. The objects moved on a floor plane acting as a reference frame and unpredictably either were relocated when reference frame rotations occurred or remained in place. Although participants were aware of this dissociation they were unable to ignore continuous visual cues about scene rotations (Experiments 1a and 1b). This even held when common rotations of floor plane and objects were less likely than a dissociated rotation (Experiments 2a and 2b). However, identifying only the spatial reference direction was not sufficient to trigger updating (Experiment 3). Thus we conclude that automatic spatial target updating occurs with pure visual information.  相似文献   
Knowledge restructuring refers to changes in the strategy with which people solve a given problem. Two types of knowledge restructuring are supported by existing category learning models. The first is a relearning process, which involves incremental updating of knowledge as learning progresses. The second is a recoordination process, which involves novel changes in the way existing knowledge is applied to the task. Whereas relearning is supported by both single- and multiple-module models of category learning, only multiple-module models support recoordination. To date, only relearning has been directly supported empirically. We report two category learning experiments that provide direct evidence of recoordination. People can fluidly alternate between different categorization strategies, and moreover, can reinstate an old strategy even after prolonged use of an alternative. The knowledge restructuring data are not well fit by a single-module model (ALCOVE). By contrast, a multiple-module model (ATRIUM) quantitatively accounts for recoordination. Low-level changes in the distribution of dimensional attention are shown to subsequently affect how ATRIUM coordinates its modular knowledge. We argue that learning about complex tasks occurs at the level of the partial knowledge elements used to generate a response strategy.  相似文献   
After tuning their message to suit their audience's attitude, communicators' own memories for the original information (e.g., a target person's behaviors) often reflect the biased view expressed in their message--producing an audience-congruent memory bias. Exploring the motivational circumstances of message production, the authors investigated whether this bias depends on the goals driving audience tuning. In 4 experiments, the memory bias was found to a greater extent when audience tuning served the creation of a shared reality than when it served alternative, nonshared reality goals (being polite toward a stigmatized-group audience; obtaining incentives; being entertaining; complying with a blatant demand). In addition, the authors found that these effects were mediated by the epistemic trust in the audience-congruent view but not by the rehearsal or accurate retrieval of the original input information, the ability to discriminate between the original and the message information, or a contrast away from extremely tuned messages. The central role of epistemic trust, a measure of the communicators' experience of shared reality, was supported in meta-analyses across the experiments.  相似文献   
In two causal learning experiments with human participants, the authors compared various associative theories that assumed either elemental (unique cue, modified unique cue, replaced elements model, and Harris' model) or configural processing of stimuli (Pearce's theory and a modification of it). The authors used modified patterning problems initially suggested by Redhead and Pearce (1995). Predictions for all theories were generated by computer simulations. Both configural theories and the unique cue approach failed to account for the observations. The replaced elements model was able to account for part of the data, but only if the replacement parameters could vary across discrimination problems. The Harris model and the modified unique cue approach, assuming that the salience of stimuli decreases with an increasing number of stimuli in a compound, successfully accounted for all of our data. This success implies that attentional factors should be explicitly taken into account in associative learning theory.  相似文献   
Intra-individual reaction time variability (IIV) in neuropsychological task performance reflects short term fluctuations in performance. Increased IIV has been reported in patients with schizophrenia and could be related to a deficient neural timing mechanism, but the role of IIV in adult patients with other psychiatric disorders has not been established. Therefore, we compared IIV measures obtained in a Go/Nogo task from patients with schizophrenia, major depression and borderline personality disorder. IIV was increased for patients with schizophrenia. When correcting for differences in mean reaction time, depressive and borderline patients also showed increased IIV. Importantly, all groups showed a strong association between IIV and accuracy of task performance. This suggests that increased IIV might be a sensitive marker for the efficiency of top-down attentional control in all diagnostic groups. Aside from these similarities, the complete results including measures of IIV, mean reaction time and accuracy show differential patterns for patients with schizophrenia compared to those with borderline personality disorder or depression. These results are discussed with respect to common versus disorder-specific neural mechanisms underlying increased IIV.  相似文献   
Auditory saltation is a spatiotemporal illusion in which the judged positions of sound stimuli are shifted toward subsequent stimuli that follow closely in time and space. In this study, the "reduced-rabbit" paradigm and a direct-location method were employed to investigate the effect of spectral sound content on the saltation illusion. Eighteen listeners were presented with sound sequences consisting of three high-pass or low-pass filtered noise bursts. Noise bursts within a sequence were either the same or differed in frequency. Listeners judged the position of the second sound using a hand pointer. When the time interval between the second and third sound was short, the target was shifted toward the location of the subsequent stimulus. This displacement effect did not depend on the spectral content of the first sound, but decreased substantially when the second and third sounds were different. The results indicated an effect of spectral difference on saltation that is discussed with regard to a recently proposed stimulus integration approach in which saltation was attributed to an interaction between perceptual processing of temporally proximate stimuli.  相似文献   
The purpose of the present study was to determine whether the effect of impulsive and callous personality traits on delinquent behavior varied across neighborhood context in a population-based, statewide sample of 85,000 Iowa schoolchildren ages 10-19. Two previous studies examining the association between impulsivity and delinquency across disadvantaged and affluent neighborhoods have yielded contrasting findings. Results of the present study suggested a robust moderating effect of neighborhood context on personality risk for delinquency. The relation between impulsivity and delinquency was greater in neighborhoods low in collective efficacy compared to neighborhoods high in collective efficacy. A similar interaction was found for callous personality traits, indicating the consistency of the moderating effect of neighborhood context on personality risk for delinquency. Gender differences were also examined, and results were replicated in a holdout sample.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that irrelevant sounds can facilitate the perception of visual apparent motion. Here the effectiveness of a single sound to facilitate motion perception was investigated in three experiments. Observers were presented with two discrete lights temporally separated by stimulus onset asynchronies from 0 to 350 ms. After each trial, observers classified their impression of the stimuli using a categorisation system. A short sound presented temporally (and spatially) midway between the lights facilitated the impression of motion relative to baseline (lights without sound), whereas a sound presented either before the first or after the second light or simultaneously with the lights did not affect motion impression. The facilitation effect also occurred with sound presented far from the visual display, as well as with continuous-sound that was started with the first light and terminated with the second light. No facilitation of visual motion perception occurred if the sound was part of a tone sequence that allowed for intramodal perceptual grouping of the auditory stimuli prior to the critical audiovisual stimuli. Taken together, the findings are consistent with a low-level audiovisual integration approach in which the perceptual system merges temporally proximate sound and light stimuli, thereby provoking the impression of a single multimodal moving object.  相似文献   
The term “diabetes mellitus” describes a group of endocrinological diseases characterised by hyperglycemia. The treatment is demanding for patients in terms of self-management and self-responsibility, and some patients need not only medical but psychological support as well. This article reviews essential psychological aspects of diabetes, starting with factors affecting adherence to diabetes treatment. The main part describes epidemiology and interactions between anxiety disorders, eating disorders and depression in patients with diabetes. Treatment recommendations are derived from current knowledge in accordance with evidence-based treatment guidelines.  相似文献   
Three hypotheses of forgetting from immediate memory were tested: time-based decay, decreasing temporal distinctiveness, and interference. The hypotheses were represented by 3 models of serial recall: the primacy model, the SIMPLE (scale-independent memory, perception, and learning) model, and the SOB (serial order in a box) model, respectively. The models were fit to 2 experiments investigating the effect of filled delays between items at encoding or at recall. Short delays between items, filled with articulatory suppression, led to massive impairment of memory relative to a no-delay baseline. Extending the delays had little additional effect, suggesting that the passage of time alone does not cause forgetting. Adding a choice reaction task in the delay periods to block attention-based rehearsal did not change these results. The interference-based SOB fit the data best; the primacy model overpredicted the effect of lengthening delays, and SIMPLE was unable to explain the effect of delays at encoding. The authors conclude that purely temporal views of forgetting are inadequate.  相似文献   
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