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Prospective predictors of persistent nonsuicidal self‐injury (NSSI) were examined in adolescents admitted to an inpatient psychiatric unit for suicidal behaviors and followed naturalistically for 6 months. Seventy‐one (77%) participants reported NSSI at baseline, and 40 (56%) persisted at the 6 month follow‐up. Those who endorsed automatic positive reinforcement (APR) as the predominant reason for NSSI were more likely to persist in NSSI. Depression over follow‐up, but not at baseline, also predicted persistence. These results suggest that helping high‐risk adolescents to identify alternative ways of generating emotion(s) to counter the effects of APR that may accompany NSSI should be a high priority treatment target.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the dimensionality of the Adult Nowicki-Strickland Locus of Control Scale (ANS-IE), the responses of 120 undergraduate psychology majors were subjected to one principal components factor analysis using Kaiser's varimax criterion, Five meaningful factors emerged which accounted or 80.6% of the total variance. Results were discussed in terms of their similarity to other factor analyses using the children's version of this scale and to a factor analysis of the ANS-IE (chandler & Dugovics, 1977) which used a modified response format.  相似文献   
This study examined headache characteristics and psychological variables associated with pediatric headache in a specialty treatment clinic. Children were referred by pediatric neurologists to a hospital-based pediatric behavioral medicine clinic for behavioral treatment in conjunction with medical management of the pain. Headache typology of the children indicated that 1/3 of the sample reported at least daily headaches, and a large percentage of patients described experiencing headaches that lasted for more than a day (26%). Child and parent report of pain revealed a fairly high level of correspondence for headache activity. Regarding other psychological characteristics, children in this study endorsed higher than expected levels of somatization even after adjusting for headache symptoms. Compared with children's report, parents' report showed only slightly higher levels of secondary gain experienced by children because of pain. Gender differences were not found. The implications of these findings for improving our understanding of pediatric headache are discussed.  相似文献   
This study examined the overall rates of common risk-taking behaviors in a sample of 109 adolescents, aged 13 to 18 years, who made a suicide attempt, compared to a matched control sample of 218 adolescents in the community. No differences in either the total number of risk-taking behavior or the frequency of individual risk-taking behaviors were found. These findings suggest that suicide attempts in adolescents are not a function of risk-taking behavior.  相似文献   
Research suggests that adolescents’ engagement in nonsuicidal self-injurious (NSSI) behaviors may be increasing over time, yet little is known regarding distal longitudinal factors that may promote engagement in these behaviors. Data from two longitudinal studies are presented to examine whether NSSI may be associated with peer influence processes. Study 1 included 377 adolescents from a community-based sample; Study 2 included 140 clinically-referred adolescents recruited from a psychiatric inpatient facility. In Study 1, adolescents’ NSSI was examined at baseline and one year later. Adolescents’ nominated best friend reported their own levels of NSSI. In Study 2, adolescents’ NSSI was examined at baseline as well as 9 and 18-months post-baseline. Adolescents’ perceptions of their friends’ engagement in self-injurious behavior (including suicidality) and depressed mood also were examined at all three time points. Baseline depressive symptoms were measured in both studies; gender and age were examined as moderators of peer influence effects. Results from both studies supported longitudinal peer socialization effects of friends’ self-injurious behavior on adolescents’ own NSSI for girls, but not for boys, even after controlling for depressive symptoms as a predictor. Study 1 suggested socialization effects mostly for younger youth. Results from Study 2 also suggested longitudinal socialization effects, as well as peer selection effects; adolescents’ NSSI was associated with increasing perceptions of their friends’ engagement in depressive/self-injurious thoughts and behavior. Findings contribute to the nascent literature on longitudinal predictors of NSSI and to work on peer influence.  相似文献   
Depressed mood, frequency of alcohol use, and their combination were examined to see if they differentiated nonsuicidal adolescents from those with suicidal ideation and adolescents with suicidal ideation from those who have made a suicide attempt. Hierarchical logistic regressions indicated that frequency of alcohol use did not differentiate nonsuicidal adolescents from those with current suicidal ideation, but severity of depressed mood did so. In contrast, alcohol use was a significant differentiating factor between adolescents who had attempted suicide compared to those with suicidal ideation only, with severity of depressed mood not being significant. However, there was also a significant interaction effect such that for adolescents with suicidal ideation and low levels of depression, increased frequency of alcohol use was associated with increased odds of a suicide attempt. These findings suggest that alcohol use may hasten the transition from suicidal ideation to suicide attempt in adolescents with low levels of depressed mood.  相似文献   
The psychometric properties of the Hopelessness Scale for Children (HSC) were evaluated with a sample of 834 normal adolescents and 93 adolescent suicide attempters. Factor analyses studies revealed two factors with both groups. Internal consistency with item-total score correlations were acceptable, while moderate test-retest reliability was found over a 10-week period with the normal sample. Support for the validity of the HSC was provided via studies with the suicide attempter group in which positive correlations with depression and depressive attributional style were found. Predicted differences between the suicide attempters, an outpatient psychiatric sample, and normal controls were also found. However, some items did not appear to discriminate suicide attempters from controls. Results are discussed in terms of the utility of the HSC with adolescents and adolescent suicide attempters and with regard to differences between child and adult samples in hopelessness.  相似文献   
Although non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) and suicide attempts (SA) frequently co-occur among youth, there is increasing evidence that both the risk factors and the phenomenology of the behaviors are distinct. This study examined how individuals who engage in NSSI only, individuals who attempt suicide only, and those who have histories of both NSSI and at least one suicide attempt may differ in terms of cognitions and perceived social support. Participants were 185 adolescents (78.1 % female) between the ages of 13 and 18 recruited from a psychiatric inpatient facility in the northeastern United States. One hundred forty-eight teens were identified with a history of self-injurious behavior and divided into three groups: NSSI only (n?=?45), SA only (n?=?24) or both NSSI and SA (NSSI+SA; n?=?79). Analyses showed that the NSSI+SA group exhibited more cognitive errors, negative self-statements, and negative views of self, world, and future, as well as less perceived familial support than either the NSSI or SA only groups. There were no differences between groups on perceived support from teachers or peers. No significant demographic or diagnostic differences were found between the NSSI and SA groups. Limitations and clinical implications of the current research are discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship of diabetes knowledge to regimen compliance and metabolic control was examined in a sample of pregnant women with preexisting insulin-dependent and noninsulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (N = 27) and women who developed gestational diabetes during pregnancy (N = 45). Subjects completed self-report measures of diabetes knowledge and compliance with their diabetic regimen and blood glucose levels were monitored. Knowledge was positively, although modestly, related to dietary compliance, compliance with insulin administration and insulin reaction management recommendations, as well as fasting blood glucose levels. Findings suggest that among pregnant women, efforts to increase knowledge of diabetes specific to pregnancy may result in some improvement in selected aspects of the diabetic regimen.  相似文献   
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