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The present research explores a new mechanism for ease of retrieval effects in social judgment. It is suggested that in the most common ease of retrieval paradigm, when it is difficult for people to generate or retrieve the specific type of cognition requested (e.g., positive thoughts about an issue or memories of assertive behavior), they are more likely to spontaneously generate or retrieve unrequested cognitions (e.g., negative thoughts about the issue or memories of unassertive behavior), and the presence of these unrequested cognitions can affect social judgment. In 4 experiments, participants were asked to generate a high (difficult) or low (easy) number of cognitions in a given direction. Across experiments, when participants were asked to generate a high number of cognitions, they also had more unrequested cognitions, and these unrequested cognitions played a mediating role in the ease of retrieval effect on judgment. In the 3rd and 4th experiments, this mechanism was found to be independent of previously identified mediators.  相似文献   

Using small-angle X-ray diffraction, we demonstrate in this Letter that alternate-layer Langmuir-Blodgett films of tricosanoic acid/1-docosylamine and docosanoic acid/1-docosylamine retain their ‘as-deposited’ structure. Both of these non-centrosymmetrical bilayer structures exhibit a smaller tilting of their hydrocarbon tails than that observed for the corresponding centrosymmetric monocomponent systems. The electron-density profiles obtained for the alternate-layer systems reveal that the points of contact for the ends of the hydrocarbon chains are shifted from the centre of the unit cell and that the density maxima, corresponding to the positions of the polar head groups, possess an asymmetrical shape.  相似文献   
The present research tests a new metacognitive perspective on resistance in minority influence situations. It is proposed that when people initially resist persuasive messages from sources in the numerical minority, they can lose attitude certainty if they perceive that they have based their attitudes on the source's minority status and also believe this is an illegitimate basis for resistance. In three studies, participants were presented with a message from a minority source. In Study 1, participants became less certain of their attitudes after resisting this message. In Study 2, this effect only emerged when participants were led to believe they had based their attitudes on the source's minority status and this was an illegitimate thing to do. In Study 3, this effect was shown to have implications for persuasion in response to a second message. The implications of these findings for classic minority influence effects are discussed.  相似文献   
Recent research has demonstrated the malleability of self-views to subtle situational influence but has not uncovered features of the self-concept representation that make it susceptible to such change. Using research on attitude ambivalence as a foundation, the current article predicted that the self would be most likely to respond to a subtle change induction when the targeted self-beliefs were objectively ambivalent (e.g., possessed both positive and negative features). Using self-esteem conditioning (Experiment 1) and outgroup stereotype priming (Experiment 2), it was found that people were more susceptible to subtle change inductions as objective self-ambivalence increased. Notably, the consistency between dominant self-views (positive or negative) and the change induction did not influence these results. These effects held for objective ambivalence, but not subjective ambivalence, and only when the objective ambivalence measure was relevant to the change induction. Mechanisms of the observed moderation and the implications of self-ambivalence for understanding self-change are discussed.  相似文献   
A case study of a 55-year-old nonfamilial left-handed monolingual Thai patient with clinical and pathoanatomic evidence of major infarction in the left temporoparietal region is presented. He was studied at 9 years poststroke with a Thai adaptation of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Exam and supplementary tests. His language characteristics included fluent spontaneous speech, near-normal auditory language comprehension, and poor repetition, leading to a diagnosis of conduction aphasia. In regard to this aphasic syndrome, issues concerning classification, neuroanatomic correlates, and underlying neuropsychological mechanisms are addressed. The nature of his grammatical disturbance is examined critically in light of the notion of “information load.”  相似文献   
Four experiments examined the conditions under which responses to handicapped persons are characterized by sympathy or response amplification. The first two experiments tested the hypothesis that contact with a handicapped person would lead to amplified positive and negative responses in comparison to contact with a nonhandicapped person. The results indicated that mere contact was not sufficient to elicit response amplification. Instead, contact led to more positive evaluations of the handicapped than of the nonhandicapped other, regardless of whether she behaved in a positive or negative manner—a “sympathy” effect. The third and fourth experiments indicated that amplified positive and negative responses to the handicapped will occur when the behavior of a handicapped person is highly relevant to the evaluator. A two-stage model of responses to stigmatized others is proposed to account for these results.  相似文献   
The present study shows that for a personally relevant counterattitudinal issue, a highly credible source can alter persuasibility by increasing a subject's message-relevant thinking. Previous failures to show this effect were probably due to the highly thoughtful nature of typical research subjects, when confronted with involving issues. In the present study, field-dependent and field-independent subjects heard convincing or refutable counterattitudinal speeches given by sources of high or low credibility. Results indicated that subjects who are typically low in differentiation of stimuli (field-dependent subjects) showed differential persuasion to strong and weak arguments only when they were presented by a highly credible source. For subjects who are typically high in propensity to differentiate stimuli (field-independent subjects), the arguments were differentially persuasive for both high and low credible sources. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that increasing source credibility can enhance message-relevant thought for subjects who typically do not scrutinize message content.  相似文献   
A Thai conduction aphasic's performance on a written confrontation naming task is reported. Analysis of his spelling errors indicated that errors rarely violated Thai phonotactic constraints; consonant substitutions were phonologically similar to the target stimuli; longer stimuli were more likely to be in error; distribution of errors was the same across consonants, vowels, and tones; and distribution of error types varied between segmentals (consonants, vowels) and suprasegmentals (tones). Error patterns were similar to those observed in oral reading and repetition. The pattern of impaired writing performance is discussed in relation to a functional model of the spelling process, and it is hypothesized to reflect primarily a functional lesion to the phonological buffer.  相似文献   
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