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The purpose of this study was to explore changes in adolescent self-presentation on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI; Hathaway & McKinley, 1940) and MMPI-A (Butcher et al., 1992) over a 40-year period. The primary samples used for comparison in this study include 1,235 adolescents, age 14 through 16, derived from the MMPI-A normative sample (Butcher et al., 1992) collected in 1989 and 10,514 adolescents, age 14 through 16, collected in 1948 and 1954 from Hathaway and Monachesi's (1963) study of adolescent personality and behavior. MMPI basic scale and item-level data were also included for 817 adolescents, age 14 through 16, collected by Colligan and Offord (1992) in 1985 as a further comparison. Between-sample analyses at the profile level revealed that adolescents from the MMPI-A normative sample scored significantly higher across basic clinical scales and lower on validity scales L and K than adolescents from the Hathaway and Monachesi (1963) sample, with mean data from the Colligan and Offord (1992) sample typically falling at a midpoint value. Analyses of Harris-Lingoes (Harris & Lingoes, 1955) subscale and item-level data were conducted to provide refined definitions of the contents of scale-level changes. Results were interpreted as reflecting moderate to large changes in response frequencies between eras of data collection, and emphasis was placed on the relatively high frequency of item endorsements by contemporary adolescents in the clinical direction in the MMPI-A normative sample. A series of cautions and limitations are also offered in interpreting these patterns.  相似文献   
The authors investigated whether training can reduce bimanual directional interference by using a star-line drawing paradigm. Participants (N = 30) were required to perform rhythmical arm movements with identical temporal but differing directional demands. Moreover, the effectiveness of part-task training in which each movement was practiced in isolation was compared with that of whole-task training in which only combined movements were performed. Findings revealed that bimanual training substantially reduced spatial interference, but unimanual training did not. The authors therefore concluded that the spatial coupling of the limbs is not implemented in a rigid way; instead, the underlying neural correlate can undergo plastic changes induced by training. Moreover, the practical implication that emerged from the present study is that athletic, musical, or ergonomic skills that require a high degree of interlimb coordination are best served by whole-task practice.  相似文献   
Experiment 1 indicated that when the White supervisor's negative treatment of a Black subordinate was unconstrained, participant race had no impact on attributions. Conversely, when the treatment was constrained, Black participants reported greater racist attributions than did White participants. Experiment 2 indicated that when the supervisor reported no response or a minimal negative response (i.e., indicating that he did not support his actions) after his negative treatment of the Black subordinate, Black participants reported greater racist attributions than did White participants. Conversely, when the supervisor's negative treatment was followed by a more extreme negative response, participant race had no impact on attributions. Experiment 3 indicated that Black participants were less likely than White participants to perceive a minimal negative response as reflecting a White supervisor's lack of support for his negative actions. Conversely, participant race had no impact on attributions of a Black supervisor's negative actions.  相似文献   
Several empirical studies have found the Rorschach Depression Index (DEPI) to have questionable diagnostic utility. Studies using adolescent samples suggest that the DEPI has limited sensitivity and fails to differentiate effectively between adolescents with and without depression diagnoses. The present study was conducted to evaluate Viglione, Brager, and Haller's suggestion that the DEPI may have better discriminative ability for individuals with extratensive problem-solving styles, measured by the Rorschach EB (Erlebnistypus) variable, compared to those with introversive and ambitent styles. Comparisons were conducted between adolescents with depression-related diagnoses and adolescents with other diagnoses for each of the three EB groups. The results failed to support the hypothesized greater discriminative power of DEPI for depressed extratensives, and suggest caution in using the DEPI to evaluate adolescent depression.  相似文献   
Efforts to develop a viable short form of the MMPI (Hathaway & McKinley, 1943) span more than 50 years, with more recent attempts to significantly shorten the item pool focused on the use of adaptive computerized test administration. In this article, we report some psychometric properties of an MMPI-Adolescent version (MMPI-A; Butcher et al., 1992) short form based on administration of the first 150 items of this test instrument. We report results for both the MMPI-A normative sample of 1,620 adolescents and a clinical sample of 565 adolescents in a variety of treatment settings. We summarize results for the MMPI-A basic scales in terms of Pearson product-moment correlations generated between full administration and short-form administration formats and mean Tscore elevations for the basic scales generated by each approach. In this investigation, we also examined single-scale and 2-point congruences found for the MMPI-A basic clinical scales as derived from standard and short-form administrations. We present the relative strengths and weaknesses of the MMPI-A short form and discuss the findings in terms of implications for attempts to shorten the item pool through the use of computerized adaptive assessment approaches.  相似文献   
We undertook this study to provide empirically derived interpretative recommendations for the MMPI-A Structural Summary through an evaluation of factor elevation patterns. We examined the frequency of single-factor, two-factor, and multifactor elevations in a clinical sample of 363 adolescents receiving inpatient, outpatient, or residential treatment. Two methods of determining factor elevation (a simple majority of scales and subscales within a specific factor with T-score elevations at critical level, versus the mean T score generated by all the scales and subscales for each factor) yielded comparable findings concerning the frequency of factor elevation, permitting reliance on the former, easier-to-use method to define elevation. The most salient two-factor co-elevations were the 3-7 (Disinhibition-Familial Alienation), 2-8 (Immaturity-Psychoticism), 1-5 (General Maladjustment-Health Concerns), and 2-7 (Immaturity-Familial Alienation) patterns. This study also examined whether factor pattern elevations varied as a function of age, gender, or diagnosis. Data analyses revealed no differences between younger (ages 13-14) and older (ages 15-18) adolescents on factor elevation as defined by the first criterion. However, significant differences were found between boys and girls on Factors 3 (Disinhibition) and 5 (Health Concerns). Results also indicated that a larger proportion of depressed adolescents obtained factor elevations on Factors 4 (Social Discomfort) and 5 (Health Concerns) compared to adolescents with conduct disorder diagnoses and other diagnoses. The findings of this study are discussed with reference to recommended procedures for using the Structural Summary in clinical assessment practice.  相似文献   
Although substantial research literature on the effects of random responding on the MMPI-2 exists, there is very limited data available on this issue with the MMPI-A. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the utility of selected MMPI-A validity scales in detecting differences in response patterns between protocols produced by 354 adolescents assessed in clinical settings and a group of 354 randomly produced MMPI-A protocols. Results indicate that MMPI-A validity and basic clinical scales differ significantly between random and clinical groups and that MMPI-A validity Scales F, F1, F2, and VRIN appear to be most useful in correctly identifying protocols from actual clinical participants versus randomly generated response patterns. Findings are discussed in terms of the dramatic effects of the sample base rate for random responding on overall classification accuracy results. Furthermore, it was noted that the optimal cutting scores for MMPI-A Scales F, F1, F2, and VRIN were largely consistent with interpretive recommendations found in the test manual (Butcher et al., 1992) when the relative frequency of random response protocols to clinical protocols was evaluated at a ratio of 1:10. Finally, future recommendations for evaluation of the F1-F2 difference score and the TRIN scale are offered in terms of the most relevant research designs to evaluate these measures.  相似文献   
As the religious diversity of English towns and cities has grown over the past thirty years due to the establishment in some places of sizeable communities of Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs, as well as other faiths, there have been important changes to local public religion. Traditional civic ceremonies, such as Remembrance Sunday, as well as new forms of civic celebration and commemoration, are now increasingly taking account of the diversity of faiths represented in Britain. This paper examines the consequences of religious diversity for English civic religion by looking at some of the traditions of civic ceremonies in England and at the way in which they have been transformed by the changing religious landscape of towns and cities. The paper also explores some of the dilemmas and questions that have emerged both for the Church of England as well as for the other faith communities when it comes to the design and delivery of civic ceremonies.  相似文献   
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