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This study examined the dynamic relationship of distress levels between spouses when one is unemployed (and looking for a job) while the other is engaged in full-time employment. Using the diary survey method, we sampled 100 couples in China for 10 days and tested a model comprising three stress crossover mechanisms: the direct crossover, the mediating crossover, and the common stressor mechanisms. Results supported the direct crossover and common stressor mechanisms. Other stressors (e.g., work–family conflict and negative job search experience) were also related to distress of the unemployed individuals and their employed spouses. Additionally, we found a three-way interaction involving gender, marital satisfaction, and distress levels of employed spouses. We discuss how the study contributes to the unemployment and stress crossover literatures.  相似文献   
Asymptotic expansions of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) and weighted likelihood estimator (WLE) of an examinee’s ability are derived while item parameter estimators are treated as covariates measured with error. The asymptotic formulae present the amount of bias of the ability estimators due to the uncertainty of item parameter estimators. A numerical example is presented to illustrate how to apply the formulae to evaluate the impact of uncertainty about item parameters on ability estimation and the appropriateness of estimating ability using the regular MLE or WLE method.  相似文献   
The perception of even the most elementary features of the visual environment depends strongly on their spatial context. In the study reported here, we asked at what level of abstraction such effects require conscious processing of the context. We compared two visual illusions that alter subjective judgments of brightness: the simultaneous brightness contrast illusion, in which two circles of identical physical brightness appear different because of different surround luminance, and the Kanizsa triangle illusion, which occurs when the visual system extrapolates a surface without actual physical stimulation. We used a novel interocular masking technique that allowed us to selectively render only the context invisible. Simultaneous brightness contrast persisted even when the surround was masked from awareness. In contrast, participants did not experience illusory contours when the inducing context was masked. Our findings show that invisible context is resolvable by low-level processes involved in surface-brightness perception, but not by high-level processes that assign surface borders through perceptual completion.  相似文献   
以往研究发现宗教信仰与亲社会行为之间存在显著的正相关, 据此研究者提出“信仰-亲社会假设”试图证实两者的因果关系。本文主要从研究方法、影响因素及心理机制三个方面对信仰影响亲社会行为的研究进展进行介绍和评述。在研究早期, 研究者主要考察宗教信仰的归属身份对个体亲社会行为的影响; 而近年来, 研究者则越来越关注信仰启动对亲社会行为的影响。信仰对亲社会行为的作用受到信仰程度、文化背景、信仰认知和信仰取向等多种因素的影响。未来研究需要有效控制宗教信仰身份对亲社会测量的影响, 明确宗教信仰的操作性定义并改进相关的测量指标, 关注精神性的作用机制、“信仰-亲社会假设”的跨文化效应以及信仰概念对非宗教信仰群体的影响。  相似文献   
考察失恋者和控制组在情绪启动后的风险选择特点,探究失恋心境和失恋情绪诱发对冒险行为影响的特征。方法:招募26名失恋被试和26名没有恋爱经历的被试,进行2组别(失恋组,控制组)×2情绪启动(启动,非启动)被试间设计,使用特定领域风险问卷评估冒险行为。结果:(1)情绪启动的主效应在经济、健康、社会、娱乐四个风险领域均显著,情绪启动组的冒险行为高于非情绪启动组;(2)失恋组的风险行为低于控制组,且只在社会和娱乐两个领域显著不同。结论:诱发失恋情绪引起更多冒险行为;而失恋心境状态下对冒险行为有所规避。  相似文献   
梁涛先生十年磨一剑,对郭店竹简与作为早期儒学核心问题的思孟学派进行了深入研究,取得了丰硕成果;并主张出土文献与传世文献不可偏废,考据与义理并重,对文献记载的"子曰"、"慎独"、"仁内义外"等问题提出新的看法,重新检讨了儒家道统论,主张回到子思去,以求儒学的多元发展.  相似文献   
按佛教教义及管理学原理,以饶益、随顺众生为特色的寺庙慈善行为,满足了社会中的个体及群体的部分需求。因此,慈善行为也就成为寺庙这一非营利组织存在乃至发展的前提。人类的需求,有的亘古不变,如衣食住行等基本生理需求;有的则具备时代特征,如商业社会中普遍存在的求职、职业发展需求等。当今寺庙的慈善行为以因袭传统为特质,所满足的大多是那些不随社会变化而变化的需求。满足需求的手段,也以传统的财布施为主。因袭传统的慈善,或许可以维持寺庙的生存现状。若要实现可持续发展,则需探究众生在现时代的特有需求,在此基础上开发技能满足之。  相似文献   
Using the Deese/Roediger‐McDermott (DRM) false memory method, Smith and Hunt ( 1998 ) first reported the modality effect on false memory and showed that false recall from DRM lists was lower following visual study than following auditory study, which led to numerous studies on the mechanism of modality effect on false memory and provided many competing explanations. In the present experiment, the authors tested the modality effect in false recognition by using a blocked presentation condition and a random presentation condition. The present experiment found a modality effect different from the results of the previous research; namely, false recognition was shown to be greater following visual study than following auditory study, especially in the blocked presentation condition rather than in the random presentation condition. The authors argued that this reversed modality effect may be due to different encoding and processing characteristics between Chinese characters and English words. Compared with English words, visual graphemes of critical lures in Chinese lists are likely to be activated and encoded in participants' minds, thus it is more difficult for participants to discriminate later inner graphemes from those items presented in visual modality. Hence visual presentation could lead to more false recognition than auditory presentation in Chinese lists. The results in the present experiment demonstrated that semantic activation occurring during the encoding and retrieve phases played an important role in modality effect in false recognition, and our findings might be explained by the activation‐monitoring account.  相似文献   
两千年来僧团因标举佛陀"六和"精神而和乐清静,虽历经劫难却发展不息.与之形成对比的是,我国企业建立的各种"团队"因缺乏符合国人特质的"团队精神"而往往以失败告终.本文回顾佛陀关于"六和"精神的教诲,认为在建设团队中,唯有以"六和"精神为导向,方可实现建立团队时的初衷.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the question of whether culture and language in Singapore affect the interpretation of sexual harassment; that is, whether speakers from a different language and ethnic background will interpret the discourse domain of sexual harassment differently. Three studies constitute this research. The first study investigates whether certain cues relating to sexual harassment are judged equivalently across the ethnic groups. The second study examines how verbal space is conceptualized and ruled by the use of different languages used by different ethnic groups. The third study explores whether English, as a medium of communication, is a low‐context language. Results show that different ethnic groups perceived the cues differently; that ethnicity affects the interpretation of a single English phrase; and that English as used by Singaporeans is a high‐context language, which complicates the understanding of victims’ coping responses.  相似文献   
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