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Research in developmental psychopathology has long been preoccupied with rather broad categories of behavior, but we know little about the specific behaviors that comprise these categories. The objective of this study was to: (a) estimate the prevalence of problem and social competence behaviors in the general population of children at 17 months of age, and (b) describe the continuity and discontinuity in the degree to which children exhibit these behaviors between 17 and 29 months of age. The results show that frequent problem behaviors are not typical of children under two years of age. Further, the results suggest that it is possible to distinguish between different types of problem behaviors before two years of age. In addition, the results show that gender differences in some problem behaviors are already present before two years of age, and increase in magnitude during toddlerhood. Finally, the results show that interindividual differences in problem behaviors observed before two years of age are stable. The predictive accuracy of frequent problem behaviors in children at 17 months of age was limited, however, with often a majority of toddlers not behaving this way a year later. Overall, our results suggest that toddlerhood represents a critical period when behavioral and emotional problems of potentially clinical significance emerge. Pediatricians should routinely ask parents to report the frequency of their young children's problem behaviors during child health supervision visits so that children whose frequent problem behaviors persist over time can be identified and possibly referred for treatment.  相似文献   
The present study was designed to examine whether age, gender, and depression level may moderate the effect of exposure to suicide news on the suicidality of college students in Taiwan. A representative sample of 3,222 college students were recruited from Southern Taiwan with a total of 2,602 useable surveys returned. Results showed that only depression level reached a significant moderating effect and further examination showed that the exposure to suicide news significantly predicted suicidality solely in the severely depressed group.  相似文献   
将定向遗忘和FOK判断的范式相结合,探讨高强迫症状被试(HOC)和低强迫症状的控制组(LOC)在不同词语类型的条件下,线索回忆和元记忆判断的定向遗忘效应的差异。实验结果表明,HOC组在中性词语条件下比LOC组表现出更低的定向遗忘效应。FOK的结果表明HOC被试对于不同条件的元记忆的分辨能力比LOC组要差,他们在威胁性词语方面,对未来记忆任务的成绩也没有预测性。研究结果从一定程度上支持强迫症的一般记忆损伤模型  相似文献   
采用学习探测模式和回指解决相结合的研究范式,探讨情境模型中空间距离的心理表征问题。实验1分离几何距离和类别距离,探讨类别距离对回指解决的影响。结果表明,在控制几何距离的条件下,读者采用由房间数目体现的类别距离信息建构情境模型;实验2进一步探讨几何距离的作用,结果发现,类别距离信息相同的条件下,读者在情境模型中表征几何距离信息。研究表明,类别距离和几何距离分别对空间情境模型的回指解决产生独立影响  相似文献   
吾淳 《现代哲学》2007,(6):110-116
春秋战国时期至隋唐时期的中国社会生活主要有以下特点:(1)整个这段时间,以小家庭为主,其不但贯穿始终,甚至常常独步天下。(2)家族或宗族的形式十分有限,其不仅时隐时现,若有若无,更重要的是普遍不具有宋代以后家族或宗族那种制度性的形式。由此,建立在这一社会生活之上的伦理观念主要包括这样一些特征:(1)核心观念应当是能够普遍在基本家庭单位立足的"孝"观念;(2)普遍的小家庭形式,同时也会在财产、赡养等方面对"孝"观念形成侵蚀和背离;(3)就社会整体而言,缺乏更大的集合或更大的平台,由此也缺乏在更大的集合状况下或更大的平台基础上所制定的种种伦理规范,具体而言,即是宋以后社会那种家法族规;(4)偶尔浮现的一些家训是这一时期个别家族或宗族在伦理观念上的结晶,但它仅仅具有偶然性和或然性,而不具有必然性和盖然性,也就是说它不具有普遍的作为社会风尚的意义;(5)与此相关,以小家庭为平台的"利"观念或许在整个社会占据更为中心的位置,少数思想家对于"义"的美好愿望和善意引导由于没有切实的制度性平台作为依托而多半付诸东流。  相似文献   
吴沁芳 《哲学动态》2007,(10):36-41
利益分配的差异性是普遍存在的社会事实。在当今中国社会里,利益分配差异正以前所未有的态势扩大着人们之间的贫富差距,并由此引发了全社会共同关注的公正问题。“和而不同”作为一个既具深厚传统意蕴、又具强烈现代意义的价值理念,与当今中国多元差异而又寻求和谐统一的社会诉求有着内在的契合性。面对中国目前由于利益分配差距而呈现的种种社会不公状况,在努力建构一种适合当代社会和谐发展的公正观时,“和而不同”的价值理念可以提供一种正确的思想理路。一正视多样差异的利益分配现状人类社会的多样性和差异性无处不在。而在多样差异的…  相似文献   
"情"与"智"概念的相关研究及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了国内外关于“情”与“智”的研究成果,指出,“情”与“智”是相互依赖,相互整合的关系。“智”对“情”有一定的决定作用,合理控制利用“情”也有利于“智”的发挥。处理两者之间的关系应该用整体论的思想进行考察,把二者有效地结合起来,合而为一,这样才能达到整体大于部分之和的功效,才能实现布鲁姆所提倡的教学目标。  相似文献   
There has been much controversy over the past decades on the origins of gender differences in children's aggressive behavior. A widely held view is that gender differences emerge sometime after 2 years of age and increase in magnitude thereafter because of gender-differentiated socialization practices. The objective of this study was to test for (a) gender differences in the prevalence of physical aggression in the general population of 17-month-old children and (b) change in the magnitude of these differences between 17 and 29 months of age. Contrary to the differential socialization hypothesis, the results showed substantial gender differences in the prevalence of physical aggression at 17 months of age, with 5% of boys but only 1% of girls manifesting physically aggressive behaviors on a frequent basis. The results suggest that there is no change in the magnitude of these differences between 17 and 29 months of age.  相似文献   
Most ground surfaces contain various types of texture gradient information that serve as depth cues for space perception. We investigated how linear perspective, a type of texture gradient information on the ground, affects judged absolute distance and eye level. Phosphorescent elements were used to display linear perspective information on the floor in an otherwise dark room. We found that observers were remarkably receptive to such information. Changing the configuration of the linear perspective information from parallel to converging resulted in relatively larger judged distances and lower judged eye levels. These findings support the proposals that (1) the visual system has a bias for representing an image of converging lines as one of parallel lines on a downward-slanting surface and (2) the convergence point of a converging-lines image represents the eye level. Finally, we found that the visual system may be less sensitive to the manipulation of compression gradient information than of linear perspective information.  相似文献   
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