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Contrasts of means are often of interest because they describe the effect size among multiple treatments. High-quality inference of population effect sizes can be achieved through narrow confidence intervals (CIs). Given the close relation between CI width and sample size, we propose two methods to plan the sample size for an ANCOVA or ANOVA study, so that a sufficiently narrow CI for the population (standardized or unstandardized) contrast of interest will be obtained. The standard method plans the sample size so that the expected CI width is sufficiently small. Since CI width is a random variable, the expected width being sufficiently small does not guarantee that the width obtained in a particular study will be sufficiently small. An extended procedure ensures with some specified, high degree of assurance (e.g., 90% of the time) that the CI observed in a particular study will be sufficiently narrow. We also discuss the rationale and usefulness of two different ways to standardize an ANCOVA contrast, and compare three types of standardized contrast in the ANCOVA/ANOVA context. All of the methods we propose have been implemented in the freely available MBESS package in R so that they can be easily applied by researchers.  相似文献   
Language for number is an important case study of the relationship between language and cognition because the mechanisms of non-verbal numerical cognition are well-understood. When the Pirahã (an Amazonian hunter-gatherer tribe who have no exact number words) are tested in non-verbal numerical tasks, they are able to perform one-to-one matching tasks but make errors in more difficult tasks. Their pattern of errors suggests that they are using analog magnitude estimation, an evolutionarily- and developmentally-conserved mechanism for estimating quantities. Here we show that English-speaking participants rely on the same mechanisms when verbal number representations are unavailable due to verbal interference. Followup experiments demonstrate that the effects of verbal interference are primarily manifest during encoding of quantity information, and—using a new procedure for matching difficulty of interference tasks for individual participants—that the effects are restricted to verbal interference. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that number words are used online to encode, store, and manipulate numerical information. This linguistic strategy complements, rather than altering or replacing, non-verbal representations.  相似文献   
This study examined the effects of visual-verbalload (as measured by a visually presented reading-memory task with three levels) on a visual/auditory stimulus-response task. The three levels of load were defined as follows: "No Load" meant no other stimuli were presented concurrently; "Free Load" meant that a letter (A, B, C, or D) appeared at the same time as the visual or auditory stimulus; and "Force Load" was the same as "Free Load," but the participants were also instructed to count how many times the letter A appeared. The stimulus-response task also had three levels: "irrelevant," "compatible," and "incompatible" spatial conditions. These required different key-pressing responses. The visual stimulus was a red ball presented either to the left or to the right of the display screen, and the auditory stimulus was a tone delivered from a position similar to that of the visual stimulus. Participants also processed an irrelevant stimulus. The results indicated that participants perceived auditory stimuli earlier than visual stimuli and reacted faster under stimulus-response compatible conditions. These results held even under a high visual-verbal load. These findings suggest the following guidelines for systems used in driving: an auditory source, appropriately compatible signal and manual-response positions, and a visually simplified background.  相似文献   
管仲与李觏均以自然人性论为基础.主张以“循公而不私”、“义利并行”为价值原则.倡导富国富民之社会功利;管仲开社会功利思想之先河·佐桓公九合诸侯而一匡天下,李觏则始倡有宋一代之功利主义思潮。推进社会变革,“匡国济民”,成为“北宋的一个大思想家”,两人思想影响深远。通过对管仲与李觏功利主义思想的比较研究,揭示出功利主义思想的历史联系及社会作用,于今天社会生活具有重要的启迪作用。  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to assess if athletes who perceived their trait anxiety to be debilitative to performance also experienced higher burnout over a competitive season. Volunteers were 53 NCAA Division I and II male (n = 14) and female (n = 39) athletes, ages 18 to 23 years. Participants completed a trait version of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2D once and the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire three times during the season. A 2 (anxiety direction group) x 3 (time of season) multivariate analysis of variance indicated no significant interaction and no main effect for time of season. A significant main effect for anxiety direction group did emerge, with the Facilitative group reporting significantly lower Burnout scores overall on the Reduced Sense of Accomplishment scale than the Debilitative group. There were no differences found on the other two subscales, Emotional/Physical Exhaustion and Devaluation.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of the Chinese Self-Report Family Inventory (C-SFI) were examined in three studies. In Study 1, data based on 361 adolescents showed that the C-SFI was temporally stable and internally consistent and there was support for its concurrent and construct validities. In Study 2, data analyzed from a clinical group and a nonclinical group (N = 281 and 451, respectively) showed that the C-SFI scores were able to discriminate these two groups. With data pertaining to 3649 secondary school students, Study 3 gives support for the internal consistency, concurrent validity, and construct validity of the C-SFI in different adolescent samples. These studies strongly suggest that the C-SFI possesses good psychometric properties in different Chinese adolescent samples.  相似文献   
The present study aimed to examine the child‐rearing practices in Chinese families in Beijing and Hong Kong. The sample consisted of 89 mothers in Beijing and 45 mothers in Hong Kong. The mothers were instructed to respond to the Child‐rearing Practice Report (CRPR) in Q‐sort format. Some of the item clusters were combined to produce the authoritarian and authoritative disciplinary styles. The results indicated that mothers in Hong Kong were more likely to adopt an authoritarian child‐rearing pattern than mothers in Beijing; however, the two groups did not differ in authoritative child‐rearing style. The results also showed that mothers in Hong Kong controlled their children more than their counterparts in Beijing, and they were less inclined to show affection towards their children; mothers in Beijing emphasized their children's achievement much more than their Hong Kong counterparts. The findings suggest that Chinese parental disciplinary styles may be quite different in various regions of Chinese societies. Such variance across different geopolitical locations within the same cultural background has been ignored in past cross‐cultural research.  相似文献   
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