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Two studies examined the impacts of experimentally induced anger and personality on appraisals of hypothetical stressors. Consistent with predictions Study 1 (N = 62) revealed that anger (compared to a neutral state) led to more optimistic appraisals of the stressors, and that those impacts were limited to appraisal dimensions known to evoke anger. Study 2 (N = 116) partially replicated these findings, and also revealed that personality moderated these effects such that the most optimistic appraisals emerged among the most extraverted and emotionally stable participants. These findings add to the extant work on the cognitive consequences of discrete emotions, integrate the affect, judgement, and personality literatures with appraisal theories of emotion, and suggest future research & directions.  相似文献   
作为全真高道,姬志真的思想却没有得到足够的重视,对其思想进行梳理和研究的作品并不多.本文从美学角度入手,较为系统而详尽地从以下五个方面分析了其丰富而具有独特内涵的美学思想:一、与修道相关的独特审美体验;二、自由无拘的审美想象力;三、"无乐即是至乐"的审美感受;四、"因物发声"的创作态度;五、桃花源式的审美理想.  相似文献   
The author explored the relationship between internalized stereotyping, parental pressure, and parental support on major choices among 315 Asian American undergraduate and graduate students. Results indicated that parental support, but not parental pressure, toward certain majors was associated with more stereotypical major choices. In addition, internalization of academic and career stereotypes was associated with more stereotypical major choices. El autor exploró la relación entre los estereotipos internalizados, la presión de los padres y el apoyo de los padres en la elección de estudios universitarios de 315 estudiantes de grado y posgrado asiático‐americanos. Los resultados indicaron que el apoyo de los padres, pero no la presión de los padres, hacia ciertas carreras está asociado con elecciones de estudios más estereotípicos. También, la internalización de estereotipos académicos y de carrera laboral está asociada con elecciones de estudios más estereotípicos.  相似文献   

Three experiments investigated listeners’ ability to use speech rhythm to attend selectively to a single target talker presented in multi-talker babble (Experiments 1 and 2) and in speech-shaped noise (Experiment 3). Participants listened to spoken sentences of the form “Ready [Call sign] go to [Color] [Number] now” and reported the Color and Number spoken by a target talker (cued by the Call sign “Baron”). Experiment 1 altered the natural rhythm of the target talker and background talkers for two-talker and six-talker backgrounds. Experiment 2 considered parametric rhythm alterations over a wider range, altering the rhythm of either the target or the background talkers. Experiments 1 and 2 revealed that altering the rhythm of the target talker, while keeping the rhythm of the background intact, reduced listeners’ ability to report the Color and Number spoken by the target talker. Conversely, altering the rhythm of the background talkers, while keeping the target rhythm intact, improved listeners ability to report the Color and Number spoken by the target talker. Experiment 3, which embedded the target talker in speech-shaped noise rather than multi-talker babble, similarly reduced recognition of the target sentence with increased alteration of the target rhythm. This pattern of results favors a dynamic-attending theory-based selective-entrainment hypothesis over a disparity-based segregation hypothesis and an increased salience hypothesis.

学业不良学生的心理弹性研究初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理弹性是一种处于逆境中能够克服危险因素,迅速恢复情绪,避免心理健康、能力等方面受损的稳定的人格特质或能力.文章从心理弹性问题出发,就学业不良角度探讨了心理弹性的危险性与保护性因素,以及有关研究的若干问题,对更深入地探讨学业不良形成的原因与改善机制,为补救与提高我国学业不良学生的学业与心理健康水平的研究提供了新的视角.  相似文献   
近代爱国名僧黄宗仰本着佛法应时救世的精神,亦为推动近代佛教文化复兴事业的发展,顺应近代佛经刊刻事业发展的需要,在哈同夫妇的大力资助下主持校刊<频伽大藏经>,以其独特的选本、取材的广泛、校勘的严谨,以及僧俗联手合作等特点,对近代佛教文化的复兴有着重要影响.  相似文献   
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