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今年农历三月三,我和妻来到海浮山。海浮山南邻冶源泉湖、北傍老龙湾,风景怡人、独特秀丽、闻名遐迩。每年三月三,是海浮山香火之日。这天,来游览观光的,拜佛烧香的、求子求学的、求平安的、做买卖的、算卦的、相面的……人山人海,漫无天际。各种叫卖声、喇叭声、歌声、笑声,欢声笑语连成一片,热闹非凡。我和妻手拉手挤在人流中,沿着上山的石阶缓缓蠕动者。走着走着,我发现了一个衣衫褴褛、蓬头垢面、瘦骨嶙峋的老头,我越看越眼熟,他的出现使我不由得停住了脚步。“怎么了?”妻问。我指了指那个人告诉妻:“他就是我常对你说的老家那个远近闻…  相似文献   
虽然印顺与拉纳拥有不同的宗教信仰和文化背景,但他们都是关注人间、人性和现实问题的宗教思想家。这一特征在印顺的菩萨论与拉纳的基督论上得到了最集中的体现,因为两者都有试图在自己最核心的宗教观念上摆脱"天神化"或"抽象化"的倾向,并且通过回归"人间"和"人性"来建立以人为本的理论体系。本文分别以这两种理论为例,对他们的人本主义思想加以比较研究,以期能够促进佛教与基督宗教之间的对话和交流。  相似文献   
老年人生命态度及其与抑郁和社会支持的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用死亡态度描绘量表(修订版)、流调中心用抑郁量表和个人资源量表2000对京津地区的516位老年人进行问卷调查,探讨老年人生命态度的结构及特点,并选取几个因素探讨其对老年人生命态度的影响。结果表明:(1)生命态度的结构包含死亡恐惧、死亡逃避、自然接受、趋近接受和逃离接受五个维度。(2)在生命态度的五个维度中,自然接受和趋近接受存在显著的性别差异,死亡恐惧、自然接受和逃离接受存在显著的教育程度差异;(3)抑郁与自然接受呈显著负相关,与生命态度其他四个维度呈显著正相关;社会支持与死亡恐惧呈显著负相关,与自然接受呈显著正相关。  相似文献   
幸福感结构的压力调节作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
幸福感结构是指外显幸福感和内隐幸福感在个体身上的结合形式.本研究考察了159名大学生,探讨了幸福感结构对压力的调节作用.研究发现,在压力作用下,在高外显/高内隐幸福感个体中,压力和抑郁之间呈显著负相关;在低外显/高内隐幸福感个体中,压力和抑郁之间相关不显著.在低外显/低内隐个体中,压力和抑郁之间相关显著;在高外显/低内隐个体中,压力和抑郁之间相关显著.研究结果表明,个体的内隐幸福感和外显幸福感不一致时,个体表现出对压力的不同调节作用.  相似文献   
Human vision supports social perception by efficiently detecting agents and extracting rich information about their actions, goals, and intentions. Here, we explore the cognitive architecture of perceived animacy by constructing Bayesian models that integrate domain‐specific hypotheses of social agency with domain‐general cognitive constraints on sensory, memory, and attentional processing. Our model posits that perceived animacy combines a bottom–up, feature‐based, parallel search for goal‐directed movements with a top–down selection process for intent inference. The interaction of these architecturally distinct processes makes perceived animacy fast, flexible, and yet cognitively efficient. In the context of chasing, in which a predator (the “wolf”) pursues a prey (the “sheep”), our model addresses the computational challenge of identifying target agents among varying numbers of distractor objects, despite a quadratic increase in the number of possible interactions as more objects appear in a scene. By comparing modeling results with human psychophysics in several studies, we show that the effectiveness and efficiency of human perceived animacy can be explained by a Bayesian ideal observer model with realistic cognitive constraints. These results provide an understanding of perceived animacy at the algorithmic level—how it is achieved by cognitive mechanisms such as attention and working memory, and how it can be integrated with higher‐level reasoning about social agency.  相似文献   
基于客体的注意对客体工作记忆的复述作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
客体工作记忆对选择性注意具有自动导向作用.本研究采用自然图片为材料考察了基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持信息表征的复述作用.根据实验中阻止基于注意的复述的方式不同,本研究共进行了两个实验:实验一通过不呈现记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述,实验二通过突显将注意转移至非记忆匹配项来阻止基于注意的复述.实验结果表明,基于客体的选择性注意对客体工作记忆积极保持物体表征起着重要的复述作用.  相似文献   
儒家通过人的神化和神的道德化两个方面的造神运动实现了对民间神格塑造的影响。在鬼神信仰上的宗教伦理理性的价值取向是儒学对民间信仰产生影响的思想渊源,国家机器的神道设教和知识分子推动是这一影响的现实途径。  相似文献   
《历世真仙体道通鉴》各卷所见《真诰》经与《正统道藏》本《真诰》对读,校正《正统道藏》本不少错讹,亦得窥见赵道一编撰之例。  相似文献   
许超杰 《孔子研究》2021,(1):107-117
《左传》以叙事理路确立了齐桓、晋文的"伯/霸"诠释。但《公羊》《穀梁》并不注重齐桓、晋文的叙事及其"伯/霸"属性,二传意在对"齐桓晋文之事"予以赋义。由于何休、杜预、范宁三传注皆将齐桓、晋文之诠释指向"伯/霸",使得"齐桓晋文之事"被固定在"伯/霸"之上,而《公》《穀》所赋之义反而难以彰显。从叙事回到赋义,以"同尊周"为核心、以"三临之言"为视域解读《穀梁》,以"天子—鲁—诸侯"之秩序为中心审视《公羊》,可以发现《公》《穀》赋义下的"齐桓晋文之事"体现了《春秋》义旨。虽然三传诠释理路各有不同,但都在《春秋》义下予以发传,而杜预、何休、范宁之注却在一定程度上偏离了三传之义。  相似文献   
To examine the hypothesis that there is a metaphoric link between geometric shapes (square vs. circle) and moral traits (integrity vs. deviousness), we conducted three experiments in China. In Study 1, integrity-related words were classified faster when embedded in a square than in a circle. Conversely, deviousness-related words were classified faster in a circle than in a square. Study 2 found that a person who preferred squares was perceived as more righteous and that a person who preferred circles was perceived as more devious. Study 3 revealed that the participants were more likely to pair a square with integrity-related words and a circle with deviousness-related words in a memory task. Given the negation of square-integrity and circle-deviousness emotional congruence, the findings of this research show that shape-related information is a meaningful part of the mental representations of moral traits.  相似文献   
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