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Previous studies on how framing differentially affects consumer perceptions of value from equivalent deals indicate that perceptions of deal value from price-saving versus extra-product promotions are moderated by the stock-up characteristic of the category. In this study, the authors explored the relationship between stock-up characteristic and frame preference and the influence of the consumable nature of goods on frame preference. An experiment involving 223 student participants showed that consumable nature, but not stock-up characteristic, affected frame preference. The authors discuss the implications of this finding for the study of information framing and how it impacts consumer judgment and decision making.  相似文献   
Schizophrenia is a devastating mental illness and is characterized by hallucinations and delusions as well as social skills deficits. Generally, social skills training designed to help patients develop social skills includes role-playing, but this form of training has typical shortcomings, which are largely due to a trainer's difficulties to project emotion. Virtual reality (VR)-based techniques have the potential to solve these difficulties, because they provide a computer-generated but realistic three-dimensional world and humanlike avatars that can provide emotional stimuli. In this paper, we report on a method of implementing virtual environments (VEs) in order to train people with schizophrenia to develop conversational skills in specific situations, which could overcome the shortcomings of or complement conventional role-playing techniques. The paper reports the efficacy of the proposed approach in a preliminary clinical trial with 10 patients with schizophrenia.  相似文献   
Impairment in social skills is one of the few criteria that all individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia must meet. Successful social skills require the coordination of many abilities, including social perception, which involves the decoding and interpretation of social cues from others. In this study, we examined the potential for virtual reality (VR) in social skill training. We attempted to determine if VR can be used to measure social skills and social perception, and to determine which VR parameters are related to schizophrenic symptoms. Some of these results have clear clinical relevance, while other observations need further study. The VR system appears to be useful in assessing the social perception of schizophrenics and normal people, and could be more widely used in the future for social training and in the assessment of social problem-solving abilities, assertiveness skills, and general social skills.  相似文献   
周思来的党内和谐思想是在处理党内矛盾、纠纷和斗争中形成和发展的.其形成和发展大约经历四个阶段:1927-1935是形成时期,已经提出了他的党内和谐思想,即思想和谐是党内和谐的关键,民主是党内和谐的前提和基础.1935-1945年成熟时期,他已经阐释他的党内和谐的内涵:思想一致、组织统一.并且认识到实现党内和谐,关键是要实现思想和谐.1945-1957年进一步发展时期,提出了"求同存异".隶同存异是包含差别性的统一.1958-1976年曲折发展时期,"大跃进"后大声疾呼要发扬民主,重塑党的团结与和谐.周恩来在"文革"中发挥了多层次、多方面的巨大的"中和"作用.  相似文献   
阴阳学说与五行学说是中国古典哲学中的一对特殊概念,后来应用到社会生活的众多领域。考察其形成、发展演变的历史,我们认为它们并非玄之又玄的东西,而是历代先民对自然现象中的规律的抽象与总结,闪烁着中华民族理性与智慧的光辉,指引着后人认识自然的道路。  相似文献   
该研究力图探讨教养及气质因素与失败恐惧的关系,以及失败恐惧对学业成绩的影响及其机制。对427名高一学生施测失败表现评估量表、父母教养方式评价量表、行为抑制/行为激活量表、防御性期望和反思量表、自我阻碍量表,并收集被试期末考试成绩。相关分析、回归分析、路径分析等表明,失败恐惧与教养、气质因素均有密切关系;其对学业成绩具有间接的消极影响。  相似文献   
社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
尽管学界对社会主义核心价值体系的内涵、理论框架等进行了富有成果的讨论,但对于社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性仍然存在模糊认识.社会主义核心价值体系的基本属性应体现在三个方面:普遍性与民族性、单元性与复合性、保护性与扩展性.即社会主义核心价值体系应具有普遍价值理念,民族精神的精华,道德单元构成,道德单元与道德意识、实践的复合,保护性"硬核",自我完善与不断创新等属性.  相似文献   
奥巴马在科学问题和理性态度方面的言行深受美国科学家欢迎。本文综述了奥巴马在科学问题的言论和具体的内阁任命时尊重科学家的行为,特别是对智能设计论的否定态度:介绍了美国科学界对奥巴马的评价和对奥巴马执政的期盼,值得中国读者关注。  相似文献   
本文是以记者鲍·阿·科萨列夫与作者对话的形式揭露伪科学家格拉博沃触目惊心的骗局以及俄罗斯高官和媒体对伪科学的支持和推波助澜。通灵术骗子,利用恐怖分子在别斯兰市制造几百名学生死亡的悲惨事件,格拉博沃之流,大行欺骗之能事,提出可以让死去的儿童复活,去骗取国家发给这些不幸父母的赔偿款。  相似文献   
Environmental enrichment (EE) has an important role in brain plasticity. Early research has shown that EE increases the response strength of neurons in the auditory cortex, but it remains unknown whether EE can influence the process of spatial localization in the auditory system. In this study, we raised rats in enriched and standard conditions from postnatal day 10 to day 56. By testing behavioral tasks via auditory cues, we have shown that EE improved the number of correct scores, but decreased the reaction time and azimuth deviation in behavioral performance of sound-azimuth discrimination. By in vivo extracellular recording, we have shown that EE enhanced the directional sensitivity of neurons in the primary auditory cortex. For example, EE rats had a smaller spatial receptive field, sharper frequency tuning curve and directional selective curve of auditory neurons compared with normal rats. Our findings indicate that early exposure to EE increases directional sensitivity. These results provide an insight into developmental plasticity in the auditory system.  相似文献   
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