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论法家“法治”学说的定性问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋洪兵 《哲学研究》2012,(11):41-48,129
<正>近代以来,法家"以法治国"(《韩非子·有度》,下引该书只注篇名。类似说法亦见于《管子·明法》)、"不别亲疏,不殊贵贱,一断于法"(《史记·太史公自序》)的"法治"思想引起了学界的普遍关注。"西学源于诸子说"的盛行,使得薛福成、黄遵宪皆认为先秦法家之"法治"与西方法治殊途同归。不料这种观点引起了沈家本、严复等人的强烈批评,他们明确主张法家"法治"乃"专  相似文献   
A series of studies investigating cultural differences in apology usage in unsolicited email advertising messages (i.e., SPAM) are reported. Study 1 documented that in comparison to American SPAM, a greater percentage of Korean SPAM included apologies. The next five studies (Ns= 516, 3132, 662, 524, 536) tested various explanations for cross‐cultural differences in uses of, and responses to, apologies. Findings indicated that advertising messages containing apologies were not necessarily more effective than advertising messages without apologies. Koreans, however, considered advertising messages with apologies as more credible and normal and exhibited a greater tendency to model other people's apology use than did Americans. Thus, the frequent presence of apologies in Korean unsolicited email advertising is likely to be based on Koreans' modeling behavior (i.e., a greater tendency to follow social norms).  相似文献   
《儒行》同见于《礼记》和《孔子家语》,应出于孔门弟子所记,并经整理而成,其成书年代当在春秋战国之际。不过,《孔子家语.儒行解》与《礼记.儒行》相较,则更为原始。《儒行》对于理解孔子思想和原始儒学,是最为系统而完整的论述,理应得到学者的重视。  相似文献   
Exposure to suicide in social relationships may be associated with suicidal ideation among survivors. In South Korea, which is known for having the highest suicide rate among OECD countries, exposure to suicide in social relationships can have serious consequences as social relationships are greatly emphasized in the society. The purpose of this study was to examine the association between survivors' suicidal ideation and their exposure to suicide in close relationships. Data collected through a telephone survey of a total of 1,000 men and women selected from across the nation using a stratified sampling method were analyzed. The results show that individuals who lost a family member, friend, or acquaintance in their lifetime are 4.5 times, 3.7 times, 2.2 times, respectively, more likely to have suicidal ideation in the past year compared to those without such experience. These findings suggest that special intervention for suicide survivors should be considered for those who experience suicide in close relationships.  相似文献   

Sequential modulations in symbolic cueing tasks have been attributed to complete versus partial repetition/alternation of stimulus features between consecutive trials. This feature-integration hypothesis is questioned by recent findings and further investigated in the present study. In the first two experiments, when the cueing axes switched between trials, only complete alternation of cue directions and target locations existed. Nevertheless, significant sequence effects were still found in this condition, which did not support the feature-integration hypothesis. Furthermore, although sequence effects were still significant when stimulus identities were manipulated in Experiment 3, it was abolished when different cue categories (gaze and arrow) were presented as cues in Experiment 4. The findings suggest that the integration of stimulus features is not the only source of the sequential effect and some higher level cognitive mechanisms, possibly as described in the task-file or task organization hypotheses, are involved in the sequential modulations of symbolic cueing.  相似文献   
宋玉波 《现代哲学》2011,(1):104-109
边际意识是研究中国传统思想文化的一种恰当且切中肯綮的视角。从哲学上看,它反映出中国古代哲人对于有限与无限关系问题的思考。边际意识的相关理解可从四个层面入手:首先,有边无际突出了儒学本体论思维的特质与困境,即有限不能分有无限;其次,边际游走重在突出道家思想对于人类自由的认识,即有限需依据无限而获取意义。第三,不着边际突出了运气介入的问题,强调有限与无限在某种程度上的悲剧性不相关,从而对前两个层面的完美理想提出了质疑;第四,边际相即提出有限与无限的互具遍应,以佛教的不但中思想对但中式的边际意识做出补充,从而对运气问题给予了积极的回应。借助边际意识的相关思考,中国传统思想文化或许能获得某种融贯性的解释。  相似文献   
This study tests the effect of long‐term artificial development of a robot on users' feelings of social presence and social responses toward the robot. The study is a 2 (developmental capability: developmental versus fully matured) × 2 (number of participants: individual versus group) between‐subjects experiment (N= 40) in which participants interact with Sony's robot dog, AIBO, for a month. The results showed that the developmental capability factor had significant positive impacts on (a) perceptions of AIBO as a lifelike creature, (b) feelings of social presence, and (c) social responses toward AIBO. The number of participants factor, however, affected only the parasocial relationship and the buying intention variables. No interaction between the two factors was found. The results of a series of path analyses showed that feelings of social presence mediated participants' social responses toward AIBO. We discuss implications of the current study on human–robot interaction, the computers are social actors (CASA) paradigm, and the study of (tele)presence.  相似文献   
家庭女佣是西方工业化时期劳动妇女人数最多的群体,也是最缺少社会关注的群体.她们从事着无休无止的长时间劳作,却忍受着中世纪的人身束缚,没有起码的人身自由.19世纪社会改革者未尝将目光投向她们,西方各国的工厂立法也将她们排除在外.因此,家庭女佣与工厂女工一样,承担了早期工业化的苦难,却更晚才享受到社会改革所带来的福祉.  相似文献   
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