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A hypothesis was examined, that gelotophobia (the fear of being laughed at) was negatively related to Type I thinking styles and positively related to Type II thinking styles as defined in Sternberg's theory of mental self-government. 431 university students (250 women, 181 men; M age = 20.4 yr., SD = 1.2) completed self-report measures of gelotophobia (GELOPH <15>) and thinking styles (Thinking Styles Inventory-Revised). Correlation and regression analyses were conducted. The results indicated that gelotophobia was negatively and significantly related to four Type I thinking styles (legislative, judicial, liberal, and hierarchical thinking styles) and a Type III thinking style (external), while it was positively and significantly related to a Type II thinking style (conservative). Thinking styles uniquely explained 18% of the total variance in gelotophobia scores. Possible interventions from the perspective of thinking styles in the treatment of gelotophobia were discussed.  相似文献   
该研究采用自然实验和问卷调查法,对268名小学五年级学生进行画图表征策略训练,在此基础上根据策略学习情况筛选出掌握了该策略的218名学生,以这些学生为被试,探讨元认知在画图表征策略和小学生数学问题解决能力中的作用。结果表明:(1)策略学习后,小学生的画图表征策略水平和数学问题解决成绩均显著高于策略学习前。(2)画图表征策略通过元认知这一中介变量对小学生数学问题解决能力有显著的促进作用。  相似文献   
通过文献综述、理论分析、个别访谈和开放式问卷调查,编制了农民工感恩问卷初卷,对671名江苏苏南地区农民工进行施测,进行项目分析、探索性因素分析、验证性因素分析及信效度检验,并使用该问卷进行初步调查。结果发现:(1)最终形成16个题目的农民工感恩问卷,问卷包含频度方面、密度方面、广度方面三个因子,方差累积贡献率为52.06%;验证性因素分析表明模型拟合得较好;问卷内部一致性系数为0.84;该问卷具有良好的信、效度,可以作为农民工感恩水平的有效测量工具。(2)农民工的整体感恩状况良好,农民工的感恩水平存在性别  相似文献   
该研究采用问卷法,对湖北省一所初级中学二年级青少年进行了一个学年的纵向追踪研究,使用Bjorkquist等人编制的直接和间接攻击量表(DIA)以及Parker和Asher编制的友谊质量问卷(FQQ)测查青少年的身体攻击和友谊质量。然后采用二元交叉滞后回归分析法考察了初中二、三年级学生在一个学年中的攻击行为与友谊质量(总问卷及分问卷得分)的关系。结果表明,在控制了前测"肯定与关心"得分后,身体攻击显著地负向预测了"肯定与关心"得分。在控制了前测的"冲突解决策略"得分后,攻击行为边缘显著地预测了后测的"冲突解决策略"得分。同时发现,后测"身体攻击"和"冲突与背叛"不存在显著的相关。  相似文献   
刘叶涛  张家龙 《哲学研究》2012,(2):73-79,129
<正>现代分析哲学家致力于意义的分析,力图通过对语言的分析使哲学科学化。以罗素和逻辑实证主义为代表的前期分析哲学家拒斥一切形而上学,所有导致本质主义的学说均被他们宣布为虚妄。但到  相似文献   
刘莘 《哲学研究》2012,(5):113-117,129
<正>一、精神问题精神的本质是自由。自由者有能力认知规范世界运行的普遍法则,有能力知道自己既是被规范的对象又是认知的主体。作为对象,自由者承认自由意味着对必然性的认识;作为主体,自由者不仅强调对必然性的认识已经蕴含着主体为世界立法,而且强调世界只有在精神里才能显现自己。精神知道  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate the hypothesis that a self-organized criticality (SOC) practice condition would have a higher improvement rate in performance outcome than a typical progressive difficulty of practice regimen. The roller ball task was used where participants undergo a phase transition from failure to successful performance after sufficient practice. The findings from two experiments showed that the SOC condition had the fastest rate of improvement and the highest performance success level. The success probability in the SOC practice regime was close to the theoretically predicted value of 50%. It appears that the SOC practice condition - by scaling task difficulty to skill level in a self-controlled adaptive strategy - facilitates the learning of new movement coordination pattern by keeping the participant close to the parameter region of the transition of the movement dynamics.  相似文献   
With p and q each standing for a familiar event, a disjunctive statement, “either p or q”, seems quite different from its material conditional, “if not p then q”. The notions of sufficiency and necessity seem specific to conditional statements. It is surprising, however, to find that perceived sufficiency and necessity affect disjunctive reasoning in the way they affect conditional reasoning. With B and C each standing for a category name, a universal statement, “all B are C”, seems stronger than its logically equivalent conditional statement, “if B then C”. However, the effects of perceived sufficiency or necessity were found to be as pronounced in conditional reasoning as in syllogistic reasoning. Furthermore, two experiments also showed that (a) MP (modus ponens)-comparable disjunctive reasoning was as difficult as MT (modus tollens)-comparable disjunctive reasoning, and that (b) MT-comparable syllogisms were easier to solve than MT problems in conditional reasoning.  相似文献   
Most research on couple communication patterns comes from North America and Europe and suggests cross-cultural universality in effects, but emerging studies suggest that couple communication takes different forms depending on the cultural context in which it occurs. The current study addressed this discrepancy by comparing the observed social support behaviors of 50 newlywed American couples and 41 newlywed Mainland Chinese couples, first on mean levels of positivity and negativity and second on behavior-satisfaction associations. Consistent with predictions derived from observational work by Tsai and Levenson (1997), Chinese couples were observed displaying significantly more negative behavior than American couples, even after controlling for relationship satisfaction; the 2 groups did not differ in observed positive behaviors. Tests of the moderating role of culture on behavior-satisfaction associations showed that positivity was significantly related to relationship satisfaction only for American husbands, whereas negativity was significantly associated with relationship satisfaction only for Chinese husbands. We speculate that cultural contexts may influence the display and evaluation of behavior in intimate relationships, suggesting the need for caution when generalizing models and associated interventions to non-Western couples.  相似文献   
丁静  刘湍丽  刘希平 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1126-1130
测试效应是指复习时对所学习材料进行提取比重学能更好地促进记忆。本研究利用低关联度名词词对作为实验材料来探讨测试效应的作用机制是过程依赖还是内容依赖。实验1的目的是考察记忆时程对测试效应的影响。实验采用2(复习条件:测试、重学)×3(测验间隔:5分钟、2天、1周)混合设计探究测试效应产生的时程。实验结果:间隔5分钟和2天时,没有出现测试效应;间隔1周时出现了测试效应。可见1周是本实验条件下测试效应比较敏感的时程条件。实验2的目的是考察测试效应是过程依赖还是内容依赖。根据实验1的结果,选择1周时程,采用2(复习条件:测试、重学)×2(测验方式:A→B、A←B)被试间设计,探索测试效应的产生依赖于测试的过程还是内容。研究的基本假设:如果测试效应依赖于测试的内容,那么在测试方式为A→B与A←B两种条件下,其测试效应大小应有所不同;如果测试效应依赖于测试过程,那么测试方式为A→B与A←B条件下,测试效应的大小应该没有差异。结果发现:无论测试时是A→B还是A←B,其测试效应的大小没有区别。说明测试效应是有赖于复习时测试的过程。  相似文献   
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