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Studies were conducted to assess driver acceptance of and trust in distraction mitigation strategies. Previous studies have shown that in-vehicle tasks undermine driver safety, and that there is a need for strategies to reduce the effects of in-vehicle distractions. Trust and acceptance of such strategies strongly influence their effectiveness. Different strategies intended to reduce distraction were categorized in a taxonomy. Focus groups were conducted to help refine this taxonomy and explore driver acceptance issues related to these strategies. A driving simulator experiment was then conducted using two of the strategies: an advising strategy that warns drivers of potential dangers and a locking strategy that prevents the driver from continuing a distracting task. These strategies were presented to 16 middle-aged and 12 older drivers in two modes (auditory, visual) with two levels of adaptation (true, false). Older drivers accepted and trusted the strategies more than middle-aged drivers. Regardless of age, all drivers preferred strategies that provided alerts in a visual mode rather than an auditory mode. When the system falsely adapted to the road situation, trust in the strategies declined. The findings show that display modality has a strong effect on driver acceptance and trust, and that older drivers are more trusting and accepting of distraction mitigation technology even when it operates imperfectly.  相似文献   
In the present study, we manipulated different types of information available in the parafovea during the reading of Chinese sentences and examined how native Korean readers who learned Chinese as a second language make use of the parafoveal information. Results clearly indicate that, only identical and orthographically similar previews facilitated processing of the target words when they were subsequently fixated. More critically, more parafoveal information was obtained by subjects with higher reading proficiency. These results suggest that, mainly low-level features of the parafoveal words are obtained by the non-native Chinese readers and less attentional resources are available for the readers with lower reading proficiency, thereby causing a reduction of the perceptual span.  相似文献   

Substantial research has shown that positive psychological interventions (PPIs) have beneficial effects on well-being. This article evaluates whether PPIs would be effective for everyone, across different cultures. It starts by reviewing the effectiveness of PPIs among the general population, as well as their effectiveness in ameliorating depressive symptoms and increasing well-being among clinical samples. Though generally beneficial, PPIs however, may not be equally effective across cultures. We present evidence showing that certain types of PPIs may be less effective for Asians than those from Western cultures. Next, the article examines whether prosocial behavior may be a PPI that is universally beneficial and the possible explanations for its widespread benefits. Finally, we proceed to propose how the current repertoire of PPIs may be expanded to include new types that may be more suited for those in collectivistic cultures. Synthesizing across these areas, this article concludes with suggestions on how PPIs can be adapted for use across cultures, as well as future directions for the field of PPIs.

1丁文江其人丁文江(1887-1936),字在君,江苏泰兴人。1902年,16岁东渡日本,过“谈革命,写文章”的生活。1904年转赴英国,先在东部一个斯堡尔丁镇的中学就读二年。1906年考入剑桥大学,由于财力不济,上了半年便赴欧洲大陆游历。1907年夏去英国格拉斯哥,在一所工科学院(Technical College)选课一年。翌年报考伦敦大学医科,应试未能遂愿,于是改入格拉斯哥大学,主修动物学,副科为地质学,最后一年又将地质学列入主科,地理学为副科。1911年从该校“动物学和地质学双科毕业”,4月回国[1]。1913年,丁文江就任民国政府工商部矿政司地质科科长。次年,北…  相似文献   
李纾  谢晓非 《应用心理学》2007,13(2):99-107
著名心理学家W ard Edwards对行为决策的学科形成与理论发展作出了巨大贡献。文章简要介绍了Edwards的生平,以主观期望效用模型和贝叶斯决策为核心回顾了Edwards的决策理论、主要成就及其对行为决策研究的学术贡献。文章并从行为决策领域的研究、科普、应用及人才培养等方面总结了中国行为决策研究的发展历程,以及Edwards的学术思想对中国行为决策研究的主要影响。文章展望了行为决策研究的前景,并呼吁更多的中国心理学工作者投身于行为决策研究。  相似文献   
一批多年从事家庭教育研究的专家集体撰写的《给孩子的心灵甘露--社会主义荣辱观教育家长读本》是一本对少年儿童进行荣辱观教育的很有价值的书.该书不仅对少年儿童的健康成长犹如"心灵甘露",而且也为家长和教育工作者提供了教子育人的义方.这本书不仅着眼于荣辱观教育,而且着眼于人的科学文化素养和思想道德素质的提高,让孩子"有一个志向,报效祖国;有一颗爱心,能行善举;有一双慧眼,分辨美丑;有一种能力,收获成功".就其涉及的教育理念、教育内容、教育形式和方法等广博的知识来看,堪称"家教小百科".正因为如此,它出版后立即受到人们的欢迎,成为孩子喜读、父母必读、教育工作者青睐的佳作.  相似文献   
记者在本刊2005年第一期上发过一篇《记中国无神论者与美国基督教徒的一次对话》,其中提到,在大多数中国人的心目中,美国是一个标榜民主和  相似文献   
Previous studies on how framing differentially affects consumer perceptions of value from equivalent deals indicate that perceptions of deal value from price-saving versus extra-product promotions are moderated by the stock-up characteristic of the category. In this study, the authors explored the relationship between stock-up characteristic and frame preference and the influence of the consumable nature of goods on frame preference. An experiment involving 223 student participants showed that consumable nature, but not stock-up characteristic, affected frame preference. The authors discuss the implications of this finding for the study of information framing and how it impacts consumer judgment and decision making.  相似文献   
以41名五六年级的阅读障碍儿童和41名正常儿童为研究对象,系统考察了语言认知能力和一般认知能力与阅读成绩之问的关系.结果发现,障碍儿童在所有的语言认知测验中显著落后于正常儿童,较高比率的儿童存在能力缺陷.而在非语言特异性的一般认知能力测验中,未发现两组存在显著差异的证据,这意味着阅读障碍儿童的认知能力缺陷主要集中在语言认知领域.  相似文献   
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