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张楠  罗峥 《心理学探新》2009,29(4):88-92
心理治疗中长期存在两种倾向:力图减少消极情绪、认为这样可以自动增加积极情绪。该文分析并总结了有关积极与消极情绪的关系及作用的实证研究和综述,主要得出三个结论:1)积极与消极情绪有三种关系:负相关、相互独立、部分重合,具体表现出哪种关系要视实际情况而定。2)过多的积极情绪对认知、行为、健康有消极作用。3)适当的消极情绪对认知、行为、健康有积极作用。因此,在进行心理治疗或研究时,应根据实际情况.明确对象并选择正确方法。  相似文献   
Weber & Hsee (1998) proposed the “cushion effect” as an explanation of the higher risk taking observed in some East Asian samples, relative to Western samples. Yates, Lee, & Shinotsuka (1992 ) proposed that the overconfidence observed in most Asian countries, relative to Western countries, reflects differences in the number of arguments typically recruited in those countries. This study examined the 2 seemingly separated domains of research: risk taking and overconfidence. It compared individual and collective (both family and group) decisions among Chinese in Singapore. This permitted tests of both the cushion and the argument recruitment hypotheses. The overall results obtained no support for the cushion effect and partial support for the argument recruitment hypotheses.  相似文献   
This fMRI study examined the neural correlates of the observed improvement in advantageous risk-taking behavior, as measured by the number of adjusted pumps in the Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART), following a 60-day course of a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) recipe, specifically designed to regulate impulsiveness in order to modulate risk-taking behavior. The 14 participants recruited for this study were randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups and the TCM recipe (Panax, 520 mg; Astragalus membranaceous Bunge, 520 mg; Masnetitum, 840 mg; Ostrea gigas Thumb, 470 mg; Thinleaf Milkwort Root Radix Polygalae, 450 mg; and Os Draconis, 470 mg) was administered, as a diet supplement, to the seven participants in the experimental group. The neural activity of the two groups was monitored by a 3T MRI scanner, before and after the 60-day treatment. Associated with the improved advantageous risk-taking behavior seen in the experimental group, significantly stronger blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) responses were observed in the bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), left putamen, left thalamus, right insula, and right anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), regions which have previously been reported as being involved in risk-taking decision making. The effect of the TCM in improving advantageous risk-taking decision making appears to have been related to the enhanced efficiency of the cognitive affective system, the PFC–ACC–insula–striatum network, which functions to inhibit impulsiveness, to sensitize reward-related information, and to allow the opportunity, during risk estimation, to evaluate potential gains and losses. The findings of this study suggest that interventions acting on factors modulating risk-taking decision making could have a beneficial effect in terms of optimizing risk-taking behavior.  相似文献   
饶俪琳  梁竹苑  李纾 《心理学报》2009,41(8):726-736
为寻求检验规范性和描述性风险决策理论的通用标准, 本研究以期望价值理论和齐当别抉择模型为例, 探讨了“迫选规则体验法”的适用性。被试为120名大学生, 实验任务为要求被试分别完成自主决策(采用未知规则: 真规则)和规则迫选决策(遵循给定规则: 假规则)任务, 并对决策后的情感和认可程度进行评定。研究发现: (1) 被试在自主决策条件下比在规则迫选条件下体验到的正性情感程度更强, 负性情感的程度更弱; (2) 被试在自主决策与规则迫选决策两种条件下做出的相同决策越多, 该被试对迫选规则更加认可并体验到的正性情感程度越强, 负性情感的程度越弱; (3) 与期望价值理论相比, 齐当别抉择模型可能符合更多决策者的实际决策规则。这些结果表明, 作为检验规范性和描述性风险决策理论的新尝试, 迫选规则体验法可能更有助于回答“决策者实际采用的决策规则是什么”的问题。  相似文献   
唐朝玄宗年间,天下承平日久,百姓安居乐业.开元六年立春这天,江南道鄂州,一年一度的春设大会又开始了.春设,是民间迎春的祭祀活动,唐朝时候尤其讲究.这一天,当地刺史要修斋设醮,举办各种祭拜仪式,各种讲经变文、百货交易也会在这一天云集.  相似文献   
Songbirds respond to initial playback of a recorded conspecific song in numerous ways, from changes in gene expression in the brain to changes in overt physical activity. When the same song is presented repeatedly, responses have been observed to habituate at multiple levels: molecular, cellular and organismal. Core criteria of habituation have been established at each level, although in no case have all the formal parameters been rigorously measured. At the level of overt behavior, classical field studies showed that territorial birds respond to the song of a potential challenger with a variety of behaviors, and many (but not all) of these behaviors decline with repeated stimulus presentation. More recent laboratory studies have defined analogous responses to song presentation in the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), the dominant species in current molecular and neurobiological research and one that does not use song for territorial defense. Studies in the zebra finch have also demonstrated activation followed by habituation of responses measured at both electrophysiological and molecular (gene expression and signal transduction) levels. In all cases, habituation is specific for a very particular stimulus – an individual song presented in a particular context. There are strong correlations between habituation measurements made at these different levels, but some dissociations have also been observed, implying that molecular, electrophysiological and behavioral habituations are not equivalent manifestations of a single core process.  相似文献   
分离效应(the disjunction effect)是指:当决策者知道事件E会发生,他会采取行动A;当知道事件E不会发生,他仍会采取行动A;而当不知道事件E是否会发生的情况下,他会拒绝行动A。这一现象违背了理性决策理论的确定事件原则(sure-thing principle)。对分离效应的解释主要有基于理由的假设、思维惰性假设和齐当别模型。分离效应是否真的存在以及应该采用何种实验设计来进行研究都还有待进一步探讨。2005年诺贝尔经济学奖获得者Aumann对事件分离情境和事件非分离情境的区分,为进一步研究分离效应指明了新的方向。理解分离效应及其成因有利于人们做出“理性”的决策  相似文献   
发展中的行为决策研究   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:15  
李纾 《心理科学进展》2006,14(4):490-496
行为决策研究人们如何进行判断与选择。该学科希望能在描述决策的过程中帮助人们更好地进行决策,其研究的使命是促进和改善我们对人类决策行为的理解。在过去的1年里,中国科学院心理研究所行为决策课题组在社会与经济决策领域中已开展的研究包括:行为决策与脑、社会互动与决策、决策的文化差异、消费与投资的行为决策、效用最大化与幸福感。该文着重报告并讨论了我们在行为决策及其跨文化比较研究中的一些最新的主要发现  相似文献   
关于条件推理的ERP研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以抽象的条件命题作为实验材料,测定13名大学生在完成MP、AC、DA、MT推理(推测判断任务)和基线任务(记忆判断任务)时的事件相关电位(ERP),初步探讨不同推理类型的脑内时程动态变化。这是使用ERP技术来研究条件推理脑机制的初步尝试。结果发现,五种任务所诱发的ERP早成分均不存在显著差异,在头皮前部的左外侧额区和左颞区,MP与DA推理与基线任务相比,均诱发一个更明显的晚期正成分(450-1100ms),在右外侧额区则诱发一个更明显的晚期负成分(450~1100ms);与之相反,MT与AC推理与基线任务相比,在左侧诱发一个更明显的晚期负成分(450~1100ms),在右侧诱发一个更明显的晚期正成分(450~1100ms),这一结果可能是由于左右脑在推理中的认知功能以及四种推理类型之间存在的差异所致,同时也表明推测过程主要激活了左右侧的前额部、颞叶等区域,基本支持Goel等人的双加工理论  相似文献   
陈国鹏  姜月  骆大森 《心理科学》2007,30(3):564-568
选取轻度弱智、一般智力以及智力优秀三组共288名小学生作为被试,每个被试接受三种测验,即工作记忆测验、加工速度测验、韦氏儿童智力测验中国修订版,以考察轻度弱智儿童群体在与工作记忆和加工速度相关的认知任务上的反应特征,以及轻度弱智儿童与一般儿童在这些任务上的差异。通过方差分析、聚类分析等统计方法得到以下结果:1.轻度弱智儿童和智力一般儿童在工作记忆和加工速度上有显著差异。2.轻度弱智儿童群体在各基本认知能力中可能存在的缺陷并不平衡,工作记忆较稳定地反映了该群体在智力上的缺陷,但存在一部分在加工速度上体现为正常水平的亚类群体。  相似文献   
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