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唐辉  周坤  赵翠霞  李纾 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1549-1563
主流决策理论认为人们当遵从个人利益最大化原则, 基于“价” (value)做选择—— 挑选能直接给自己带来最大获益的选项。但决策者实际上经常会基于“值” (worth)做选择—— 挑选令自己当下吃亏或损失的选项, 并认为“值得”。为探索选择吃亏的选项究竟“值”在何处, 研究1利用情境实验操纵“基于‘值’选择”, 发现选择表面吃亏的“值”选项反而能给个体带来更大的延迟获益。研究2a采用归纳法, 确定了吃亏选项会在“惠、善、义、法” 4个潜在维度上被决策者赋予更大的“值”; 研究2b利用测量4个潜在维度的情境测验, 以销售群体的销售绩效和主观幸福感为真实获益的衡量指标, 验证了“基于‘值’选择”与现实生活中的物质和精神获益间存在正向的线性预测关系。研究首次为中国文化中的“吃亏是福”提供了实证证据的支持, 揭示诱使人们选择吃亏选项的是“后福”—— 赋在潜在维度上的延迟获益。  相似文献   
大量实证研究支持了多元文化经历促进创造力这一假设。深度参与两种不一致的文化活动是多元文化经历提升创造力的前提条件; 在融合过程中, 双重认同者获得的交替、整合和包含等认知技能, 促进了个体的创造性表现。未来可以采用更具多样性的样本以扩展研究的外部效度, 考察认知评价、趋近动机、积极情绪的中介作用, 并加强国内对此领域的研究。  相似文献   
王爱平  舒华 《心理科学》2008,31(2):438-441
本研究采用传统印刷文本、普通电子文本和超文本导航模式考察阅读材料的呈现方式对儿童阅读活动的影响.研究结果表明:(1)在三种呈现方式条件下,高阅读水平者的阅读成绩显著优于低水平者;女生成绩显著优于男生;(2)阅读材料的不同呈现方式对儿童阅读理解无显著影响;(3)在三种呈现方式中,儿童对超文本的正向评价要优于传统印刷文本和普通电子文本.这表明大部分儿童可以在短时间内接受,并熟悉非线性文本方式.  相似文献   
Phonological awareness in young Chinese children   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two studies explored the nature of phonological awareness (PA) in Chinese. In Study 1, involving 146 children, awareness of phoneme onset did not differ from chance levels at ages 3-5 years in preschool but increased to 70% correct in first grade, when children first received phonological coding (Pinyin) instruction. Similarly, tone awareness was at better than chance levels from second year kindergarten (age 4), but increased strongly and significantly in first grade to 74% accuracy. In contrast, syllable and rime awareness increased gradually and steadily across ages 3-6 years. Patterns suggest different influences of age and literacy instruction for different PA levels. In Study 2, involving 202 preschoolers, variance in Chinese character recognition was best explained by tasks of syllable awareness, tone awareness, and speeded naming. Findings underscore the unique importance of both tone and syllable for early character acquisition in Chinese children.  相似文献   
医疗价格过度增长的管制原因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
医疗服务的准公共产品特征说明医疗价格问题不能完全由市场来解决,政府必须对医疗价格进行管制。造成医疗价格高昂的原因是多样的和复杂的,基于对医疗价格的政府管制现状分析,认为对医疗价格的管制不善,是导致中国高昂医疗价格的原因之一,并且提出了对医疗价格进行管制的制度框架。  相似文献   
In the present study, we manipulated different types of information available in the parafovea during the reading of Chinese sentences and examined how native Korean readers who learned Chinese as a second language make use of the parafoveal information. Results clearly indicate that, only identical and orthographically similar previews facilitated processing of the target words when they were subsequently fixated. More critically, more parafoveal information was obtained by subjects with higher reading proficiency. These results suggest that, mainly low-level features of the parafoveal words are obtained by the non-native Chinese readers and less attentional resources are available for the readers with lower reading proficiency, thereby causing a reduction of the perceptual span.  相似文献   
1丁文江其人丁文江(1887-1936),字在君,江苏泰兴人。1902年,16岁东渡日本,过“谈革命,写文章”的生活。1904年转赴英国,先在东部一个斯堡尔丁镇的中学就读二年。1906年考入剑桥大学,由于财力不济,上了半年便赴欧洲大陆游历。1907年夏去英国格拉斯哥,在一所工科学院(Technical College)选课一年。翌年报考伦敦大学医科,应试未能遂愿,于是改入格拉斯哥大学,主修动物学,副科为地质学,最后一年又将地质学列入主科,地理学为副科。1911年从该校“动物学和地质学双科毕业”,4月回国[1]。1913年,丁文江就任民国政府工商部矿政司地质科科长。次年,北…  相似文献   
李纾  谢晓非 《应用心理学》2007,13(2):99-107
著名心理学家W ard Edwards对行为决策的学科形成与理论发展作出了巨大贡献。文章简要介绍了Edwards的生平,以主观期望效用模型和贝叶斯决策为核心回顾了Edwards的决策理论、主要成就及其对行为决策研究的学术贡献。文章并从行为决策领域的研究、科普、应用及人才培养等方面总结了中国行为决策研究的发展历程,以及Edwards的学术思想对中国行为决策研究的主要影响。文章展望了行为决策研究的前景,并呼吁更多的中国心理学工作者投身于行为决策研究。  相似文献   
Previous studies on how framing differentially affects consumer perceptions of value from equivalent deals indicate that perceptions of deal value from price-saving versus extra-product promotions are moderated by the stock-up characteristic of the category. In this study, the authors explored the relationship between stock-up characteristic and frame preference and the influence of the consumable nature of goods on frame preference. An experiment involving 223 student participants showed that consumable nature, but not stock-up characteristic, affected frame preference. The authors discuss the implications of this finding for the study of information framing and how it impacts consumer judgment and decision making.  相似文献   
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