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Past cross‐cultural research on well‐being has tended to base Eastern construction of well‐being on the interdependent self‐construal, mainly as an offshoot of Confucius relationalism. However, other influential philosophical traditions in East Asian societies (i.e., Taoism and Buddhism) that portray a different picture of well‐being have received scant scholarly attention. We aim to foreground the distinctiveness of three well‐being constructs salient to Chinese culture, namely, interpersonal harmony, dialectical coping, and nonattachment, by providing experimental evidence on their differential effects on perceived meaning in life. Participants were 173 Taiwanese college students. Using priming procedures, participants primed with interpersonal harmony and dialectical coping reported higher levels of meaning in life as compared to those in the nonattachment and neutral control conditions. In addition, comparisons among the three well‐being constructs revealed that although the effects of interpersonal harmony and dialectical coping on meaning in life were similar in strength, they were both significantly stronger than that of nonattachment. The findings attest to the importance of recognizing within‐culture differences when conducting research on well‐being. Results were considered in terms of their methodological and theoretical implications.  相似文献   
随着世界人口老龄化,在65岁以上的老年人群中高血压患者占60%左右,有研究表明,高血压对于老年人的危害更为严重,老年高血压患者发生器官损害以及相关死亡的危险性显著增高.老年高血压患者有其特有的临床特点,同时在老年人群中收缩期高血压占很大的比例,降压效果差,因此老年高血压的治疗应考虑其特点,本文从老年人高血压的流行病学、定义、临床特点及非药物治疗等方面详细阐述了老年高血压的防治策略.  相似文献   
To examine how readers of Chinese and English take advantage of orthographic and phonological features in reading, the authors investigated the effects of spelling errors on reading text in Chinese and English using the error disruption paradigm of M. Daneman and E. Reingold (1993). Skilled readers in China and the United States read passages in their native language that contained occasional spelling errors. Results showed that under some circumstances very early phonological activation can be identified in English, but no evidence for early phonology was found in Chinese. In both languages, homophone errors showed a benefit in measures of later processing, suggesting that phonology helps readers recover from the disruptive effects of errors. These results suggest that skilled readers take advantage of the special features of particular orthographies but that these orthographic effects may be most pronounced in the early stages of lexical access.  相似文献   
歼击机座舱的视界是人-机系统中组成人机界面的一个重要方面。对歼击机座舱外视界各国研究得比较多,而对座舱内部视界则研究得比较少。笔者用自行设计和研制的速识器和视标箱,在模拟我国现役歼击机座舱有关参数的条件下,实测100名空勤人员对分布在主仪表板上32个视标的反应时。把主仪表板分成八个区域(上、下各四个区),对测得的数据进行统计学处理,得出如下结论:上中两个区为最佳视区,右下区为一般视区,其余区域为较佳视区。把主仪表板分成四个区域(上、下各两个区),其视觉效果上比下好,左比右好,符合工程心理学的一般规律。  相似文献   
非词语性认知作业速度年老衰减规律的数学描述   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
应用两维年龄多作业回归分析方法,研究了四项非词语性认知作业速度年老衰减规律的数学描述形式。被试共734名,46─75岁。结果表明:五个年老组与46─50岁组作业时间之间呈线性函数关系,其线性方程的斜率值随年老组的增龄而增大。  相似文献   
周蕾  李爱梅  张磊  李纾  梁竹苑 《心理学报》2019,51(3):337-352
风险决策和跨期决策与人类生存发展密切相关, 且两类决策在理论发展、行为效应及神经基础等方面具有相似性。为检验二者是否具有共同过程机制, 本研究以风险决策中的确定效应和跨期决策中的即刻效应为例, 采用眼动追踪技术比较了它们的局部、整体过程及模型拟合。辅以贝叶斯因子分析实验数据表明:二者的主要过程特征均相似, 且更符合非折扣模型假设; 二者在加工复杂程度等少数特征上有所不同; 确定和即刻信息在加工方向等特征上存在特异性。这表明二者可能具有共同的核心决策规则:两类决策更可能遵循非折扣模型预期的简捷、启发式规则, 而不是折扣模型所假设的补偿性、基于选项规则。本研究为建立两类决策的共同解释框架做出了有益尝试, 并为决策比较研究方法提供新的方向。  相似文献   
心算加工年老化及其机制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
刘昌  李德明  李贵芸 《心理学报》1999,32(3):306-312
以172名20-79岁成人为被式对心算加工的年老化过程及其机制进行了研究。任务为连续减法心算,依难度分为5种:1000-1,1000-3,1000-13及1000-17。结果表明,年龄与心算难度存在明显的交互作用,且随着年龄增加,不同难度心算效率均以幂函数形式降低。  相似文献   
心算加工年老化及其机制研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以172名20-79岁成人为被试对心算加工的年老化过程及其机制进行了研究。任务为连续减法心算,依难度分为5种:1000-1、1000-3、1000-7、1000-13及1000-17。结果表明,年龄与心算难度存在明显的交互作用,且随着年龄增加,不同难度心算效率均以幂函数形式降低。结构方程建模分析发现心算加工年老化过程存在两个中介作用因子,即速度因子和非速度因子,且速度因子对非速度因子存在明显的正效应。  相似文献   
焦虑抑郁不仅是高血压的促发因素,也是影响高血压发生及预后的不良因素之一.抗焦虑抑郁治疗不仅可以有效消除高血压患者焦虑抑郁的情绪,还可以减少降压药的用药剂量,增强降压药的疗效,而且明显改善高血压患者的预后,降低心脑血管事件的发生率.现就有关焦虑抑郁和高血压的研究进展做一综述.  相似文献   
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