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排序方式: 共有70条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
We examined two theories of visual search: resource depletion, grounded in a static, built-in brain architecture, with attention seen as a limited depletable resource, and system reconfiguration, in which the visual system is dynamically reconfigured from moment to moment so as to optimize performance on the task at hand. In a dual-task paradigm, a search display was preceded by a visual discrimination task and was followed, after a stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA) governed by a staircase procedure, by a pattern mask. Search efficiency, as indexed by the slope of the function relating critical SOA to number of distractors, was impaired under dual-task conditions for tasks that were performed efficiently (shallow search slope) when done singly, but not for tasks performed inefficiently (steep slope) when done singly. These results are consistent with system reconfiguration, but not with resource depletion, models and point to a dynamic, rather than a static, architecture of the visual system.  相似文献   
We studied the oscillatory properties and the olfactory responses of the procerebral (PC) lobe of the cerebral ganglion in the terrestrial mollusc Limax marginatus. The PC lobe, a central olfactory organ in Limax, is a highly interconnected network of local interneurons that receives olfactory inputs from the inferior and superior tentacular noses. We used an optical recording technique with a voltage-sensitive dye to record the activity of the PC lobe from either the posterior or the dorsal surface. The recordings revealed that almost all PC interneurons showed spontaneous oscillatory activities that had been entrained with each other. Upon presentation to the nose of odors to which the slugs had been aversively conditioned, the basal level of the oscillation changed biphasically. In the early phase of the response, depolarization in the basal level of the oscillation occurred in one or more belt-shaped regions parallel to the dorsoventral axis. In the late phase of the response, hyperpolarization of basal potential level of the PC lobe oscillations occurred in a wider area. Such spatial and temporal modulation was not observed when the unpaired control odors were presented to the preparation, whereas the same preparations responded to the aversively conditioned stimuli. Thus, it was considered that the spatial and temporal response in the basal level of oscillation was specific to the aversively conditioned odors. Furthermore, the spatial pattern of the depolarization modulation in the early phase was repeatable in multiple trials performed using the same odor, although different odors produced different spatial patterns of the modulation. From these results, we conclude that in the PC lobe learned odors are represented as spatial and temporal activity patterns of oscillators that constitute a coherent network.  相似文献   
Neural activity associated with self-referential processing of emotional stimuli was investigated using whole brain functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Fifteen healthy subjects underwent fMRI scanning while making judgments about positive and negative trait words in four conditions (self-reference, other-reference, semantic processing, and letter processing). Significant activity was observed in the right ventral anterior cingulate gyrus and the right amygdala in the negative-word/self-reference condition, and in the left amygdala in the positive-word/self-reference condition. Compared with the semantic-processing condition, the self-reference conditions showed significantly more activity in the medial prefrontal and temporal gyri, posterior cingulate gyrus, and precuneus. These results suggest that the medial prefrontal gyrus, posterior cingulate gyrus, and precuneus are associated with a self-referential processing, and the ventral anterior cingulate gyrus is involved in self-referential processing of negative emotional stimuli. The results also suggest that the amygdala is associated with self-referential processing of both positive and negative emotional stimuli.  相似文献   
The perception of time spent looking at a stimulus is lengthened or shortened when its physical attributes, such as area, differ from those of a comparison stimulus. We measured the perceived presentation duration of a visual object whose apparent area was altered by the Ebbinghaus illusion while its physical size remained invariant, so that a central circle surrounded by larger inducers appeared smaller than a same-size central circle surrounded by smaller inducers. The results showed that the perceived duration of presentation for apparently larger circles was longer than that of apparently smaller circles, although the actual area remained invariant across all circles. We concluded that the time perception process receives input from later visual processing.  相似文献   
When some distractors (old items) appear before others (new items) in an inefficient visual search task, the old items are excluded from the search (visual marking). Previous studies have shown that shape changes of static old items are sufficient to eliminate this effect when global luminance is maintained, suggesting that shape identity must be maintained for successful visual marking. It was unclear whether the change in meaning or shape was critical, because these changes were confounded in previous studies. The present study examined whether consistency in the semantic or the graphical identity of old items is critical for visual marking by introducing shape change in the absence of meaning change. The results indicated that visual marking survived graphical changes in old items as long as their meaning was maintained, suggesting that the memory template underlying visual marking represents the semantic identity of old items.  相似文献   
The identification of a central visual target is impaired by the onset of a peripheral distractor. This impairment is said to occur because attentional focus is diverted to the peripheral distractor. We examined whether distractor offset would enhance or reduce attentional capture by manipulating the duration of the distractor. Observers identified a color singleton among a rapid stream of homogeneous nontargets. Peripheral distractors disappeared 43 or 172 msec after onset (the short- and long-duration conditions, respectively). Identification accuracy was greater in the long-duration condition than in the short-duration condition. The same pattern of results was obtained when participants identified a target of a designated color among heterogeneous nontargets when the color of the distractor was the same as that of the target. These findings suggest that attentional capture consists of stimulus onset and offset, both of which are susceptible to top-down attentional set.  相似文献   
Studies in cognitive psychology have shown that the deployment of visual attention operates under spatial limitations, rendering its assignment to multiple locations difficult or costly. This study explored whether this conventional understanding applies to human metaattention as well. I measured the spatial distribution of metaattention during viewing of natural scenes and found that participants believed they could attend to multiple locations simultaneously. Study 2 tested whether this tendency could be modified by information about the tendency to overestimation. After participants were informed of this tendency toward overestimation with both verbal instruction and demonstrations of attentional blindness and blindness to these phenomena, the selectivity of metaattention increased. Study 3 demonstrated that participants overestimated their attentional abilities by comparing the metaattentional drawings and the actual behavioral performances of the same participants. These results were consistent with recent findings of metaattentional overestimation in change detection and suggested human insensitivity in monitoring attentional limitations.  相似文献   
This study examined the effect of false memory on temporal perception. The Deese-Roediger-McDermott (DRM) paradigm, which elicits false recognition of a nonpresented word, was used to determine whether the perceived duration of falsely remembered words was longer than that for control words. The study results revealed that the perceived duration for falsely recognized words was longer than that for correctly rejected words. This is the first study to show the effect of false memory on temporal perception and suggests that temporal perception can be affected by conceptual fluency without any perceptual repetition.  相似文献   
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