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目前在有些科学工作者和哲学工作者中间,流 传着这样一种看法:似乎科学也是离不开超经验信 仰的。据说科学的每一个环节里都可以分析出大量 的非实证因素,没有对这些因素的信仰,科学就寸 步难行。显然,这是一种误解。科学是对客观世界 规律性的探索,它的任何认识成果都要经受实践的 检验,这就注定它与非实证的、超经验的因素有本 质的区别。它弘扬的是科学的理念而非超自然的信 仰。上述误解很容易被利用来模糊科学与有神论、 科学与伪科学的界限,其危害性是不难看出的。因 此,有必要来澄清相关的一些含糊的、似是而非的 说法。  相似文献   
采用中庸思想作为研究的理论基础,建构中庸工作重塑概念,并应用于工作要求-资源模型检验其构思效度。在288名医务人员中探索中庸工作重塑的结构,在178名医务人员中验证结构,并探讨中庸工作重塑在工作要求或工作资源与工作投入及工作倦怠之间的中介效应。研究结果发现,中庸工作重塑是由个体取向和群体取向构成的两维结构的工作重塑。其中,在工作要求-资源模型的压力机制中,人们通过工作重塑来降低工作要求引致的工作倦怠,促进工作投入;而在其激励机制中,人们通过工作重塑会增强工作资源的激励作用,促进工作投入。  相似文献   
隋唐时期,中国道教正式开始对得道成仙之依据等问题进行了深入探讨,从而提出了具有非常重要理论意义的“道性”论。“道性”论的提出,极大地推进了道教的学理化进程。它不仅对众生悟道成仙的理论根据进行了严密的论证,而且还大大简化了道教的修炼程序,把修道的重点安置在修己一  相似文献   
释心澄 《法音》2021,(1):39-42
前言克俭是中华美德,中华民族自古就提倡珍惜粮食、勤俭节省。《尚书·大禹谟》曰:"克勤于邦,克俭于家。"《道德经》说:"吾有三宝,持而宝之。一曰慈,二曰俭,三曰不敢为天下先。"孔子提倡"温良恭俭让",并提倡"谨身节用,以养父母"之孝;墨子撰《节用》以纠奢。由此可见,先秦之际,克俭之德已深入人心,成为中华民族的普遍价值。  相似文献   
人道主义·形而上学·社会存在   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在红色政权区域,中国共产党开展了以土地革命为基础的经济改革和民主政治建设,通过教育等途径培育了人们新的世界观、人生观,对传统习俗和道德进行了更为深入的荡涤,推进了区域内以全心全意为人民服务为宗旨,以集体主义为核心的新道德的建立,两性伦理方面的自由在理论和操作层面更为广泛。  相似文献   
Emotional inferences from speech require the integration of verbal and vocal emotional expressions. We asked whether this integration is comparable when listeners are exposed to their native language and when they listen to a language learned later in life. To this end, we presented native and non-native listeners with positive, neutral and negative words that were spoken with a happy, neutral or sad tone of voice. In two separate tasks, participants judged word valence and ignored tone of voice or judged emotional tone of voice and ignored word valence. While native listeners outperformed non-native listeners in the word valence task, performance was comparable in the voice task. More importantly, both native and non-native listeners responded faster and more accurately when verbal and vocal emotional expressions were congruent as compared to when they were incongruent. Given that the size of the latter effect did not differ as a function of language proficiency, one can conclude that the integration of verbal and vocal emotional expressions occurs as readily in one's second language as it does in one's native language.  相似文献   
Six-month-old English-learning infants have been shown to prefer English lexical over English grammatical words. The preference is striking because there are few grammatical words in total number but each occurs far more frequently in input speech than any individual lexical word. This could be because lexical words are universally more salient and interesting acoustic and phonological forms than are grammatical words. Alternatively, familiarity may play a role since infants may know some specific lexical words. Here we explore the first possibility by testing Chinese-learning infants’ response to English lexical and grammatical words. These infants, who had virtually no prior exposure to English and thus were unfamiliar with any English words, nevertheless preferred to listen to English lexical words, as in the case of English-learning infants. This finding increases the plausibility that it is the acoustic and phonological salience of lexical words that determines the preference for lexical words in infants.  相似文献   
Occupational Stress in Workers and Managers in Steelworks in China   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Occupational stressors and strains of 121 Chinese steelwork employees and 122 managers were measured using the Chinese version of the Occupational Stress Indicator (OSI). It was found that factors intrinsic to the job, Type A behavior, logic, and organizational structure and climate were the main predictors of mental ill-health and physical ill-health in managers. Organizational structure and climate and relationships with other people were important predictors for workers. Management processes and organizational forces were the strongest predicting factors of job satisfaction in both samples. On certain OSI scales and subscales, managers scored statistically higher than workers. It is proposed that these results reflect the enormous economic and social changes currently taking place in China, together with certain features inherent in Chinese organizational and managerial processes.  相似文献   
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